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Let's start from the very very beginning...when Lena first became Mystery Knight/The Death Seeker, or any other name anybody else might call her. 19 year old Lena walking down the street, excited as she will be 20 in a month and will try to become a police officer.

As Lena walked down the street, a man in his early 40's I suppose stops in front of her "Hey little one, how goes it" She smiles "Hi sir, it's fine. How are you" He smiles a very creepy smile, then signals his men to take her. Lena was then taken to a mysterious place, and tied to a chair. She looked up and this man was staring at her "You will get to my puppet, training will start soon" He grabbed her cellphone and a necklace that was very special to Lena. It was her mom's necklace, and her mom passed away, so Lena couldn't afford to lose that. He locked the door, and left Lena alone. She had very small hands, she was also very good at untying knots because she didn't exactly know how to tie her shoes, so she would knot them, then unknot them when she got home.

After about 30 minutes, Lena couldn't handle it, she wasn't known for getting angry or mad, but here she was starting to fill with anger. She unknotted the knots that tied her hands together, and was able to get one arm out the rope, letting the other side free. Once she was free, she got the bobby-pin that she was wearing and picked the lock. She learned that as a hobby, it was something she loved doing. Learning things, and after learning languages after language, she learned magic, then how to pick locks, then how to hack, then how to shoot. It was all hobbies, but it was what was coming in handy now. One she picked the lock, she opened it slowly, saw 2 guards down the hall. She closed the door and looked around the room for anything she can use, she couldn't find much, so she had to find another plan. She quietly left the room and found a table which if she cramped far enough against the wall, she can't be seen. So she grabbed she took her shoes off, only leaving her socks, she threw them the opposite way. When the guards ran pass her, they stopped. Lena didn't expect that, but took her chance. She carefully grabbed the knife out of his back pocket, and ran for her life. She ran and finally made it to a random room, she hid. She didn't have her phone, and this room she was in didn't have a phone either. But she didn't want to leave without her necklace, she was determined to get it back. When she looked around some more, she found that this room she was in was the main room for cameras and alarms. This is what she could work with.

She shut off all the cameras, just in case she went somewhere, they couldn't find her. She put a virus inside, in case they turned it on again, they would just bug their own computer. She set off the alarms everywhere, she ran out the room. They saw her from the first floor and started shooting, she would switch between running and crawling to confuse them. Running wasn't her thing, but in this situation, she was going to make it seem like she was in the Olympics running for the gold medal. She found a room that had many different supplies, she grabbed wire, a rope, chain, and glue. She tied the wire on my different parts near the floor, causing them to trip, and on one random one, when they trip over the wire, they would fall into glue, they saw it, but wouldn't expect the wire before it. Another one was when they trip, the chain will fall on them causing them some type pain, since the chain was heavy.

She finally made it where she was safe, she opened the door again, hiding but this time the door was the office to the main guy. They stared at each other, he spoke up "How did you escape?" She smirked "You're idiots couldn't stop me" He stood up "I was about to train you, I guess you don't need it. But you need to show some respect" Lena shook her head "Nah, you are not getting anything out of me old man" He slammed his fist down, Lena flinched "MY name is Mr. Kim Jaehyun" Lena took a deep breath, gathering some random courage to take a step forward "I like the name Old Dude better, anyways I won't need to know your name soon" He reaches for his gun, but Lena was quicker, she used the rope and got his wrist and pulled him forward using that as a chance to get his other wrist. Once Mr.Kim was tied up, she took the knife she stole and put it up against his neck. "You should've thought about who you picked more carefully." But she didn't have the guts to do it, she just dropped the knife "Guess you made a right choice, I can't kill you" She grabbed his gun, and checked his pockets for her phone and necklace. "Where is it?" Mr.Kim laughed "My main 'idiot' has it" She waited against the wall, she knew they were going to come in at any second. Once he entered "Mr.Kim! We los-" Lena took this chance to sneak up behind him and take her phone and necklace, after that kicking him down. She grabbed his gun before he could, and locked the door. "What the hell is with you people!" She went to call the cops, but a knife was stabbed through it by Main Idiot 1 "Nah uh not happening sweetheart" She glared up at him "Call me sweetheart again, I won't have a sweet heart. So you're main idiot 1" He went to untie Mr.Kim "Names Hoon, and might want to be careful. I'm being nice" She scoffed "Idiot 1 sounds better" She scowled, and his voice deepened "You have no manners, how about I teach you them" he made his way to Lena. Lena no hesitation, with pinpoint aim shot him in the head. Mr.Kim looked on with anger "You killed my best man" Lena aimed the gun up "Why don't you join him in Hell" He raised his hand up "I just wanted to give you the best life, You can be living good" Lena scoffed "Best life, you're best life will be in jail" He shook his head "Call the cops, all this can be seen as you did it. You're the one with the gun, you're the one that shot with your fingerprints on the gun. Lena looked down at the Hoon, she looked back at him "What life we talking about" Mr.Kim smirked "The life of Crime, rob, kill, be the best there is. You have the talent, you just need to be more careful and not get caught." Lena shook her head "Yea you're joining that idiot" He moved and kept talking "Look, this stays between you and me. Trust me, you'll never be able to get out this life. If you try, then maybe I should visit your dad, see how your sister is doing. Funerals can be very expensive, especially all at once" Lena threw the gun down, she already knew that. He kidnapped her, she was under his trap.

He took Lena to the fighting area, and put the rest of his guys 10 vs Lena. Lena was a good fighter, she tackled, tripped, kicked, punched, knocked out 1 guy. They all were down and in pain, Lena just a few bruises, but nothing she can't walk off. Lena was no longer the happiest one, she wanted that life back. But with Mr.Kim here, she knew that she couldn't leave. That left her with her plan to get caught and have everything point to Mr.Kim. She got his shoe size, and measured out the size of his hand, when the 2nd best guy was walking with Lena, they made it upstairs to his office "You killed him" She nodded "He deserved it, you all do, but I'm sparing you" Mr.Kim walked in "You can't just kill, you need a signature" She rolled her eyes, grabbed a piece of paper and did her drawing...a flower and skull and crossbones, she placed it on the body "Here's a flower for your death, and it showing that death found you." She walked out, leaving the other 2 with a slight fear of Lena. She made her way to the shooting area of the house, they gave her every gun, and Lena shooting an exact hit with every gun. More fear racked up, Lena finished, she did her first job, and completing it with ease, there she a criminal, with her slightly enjoying the fear she gave the men and the rush it gives to not get caught. Mr.Kim gave her a brand new phone, that was now under her name, then money for a brand new place to stay. In reality she has no connection to Mr.Kim, but before she left she said "Just cause you say you're my boss, I will show you no respect. But thanks again for the phone and the money, Old Dude" He had a straight face "I'm in my 40's and my name is Mr.Kim" "Yea, I know Olddie" He gave her a bag, consisting of a weapon and clothes that she would use to wear in the act. But she only used the weapon out of that, letting her plan fall into place.

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