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Even being in a large group, and having a girlfriend, Momo still wanted Lena to go with her and get lunch. Apparently she was the only one that wasn't busy, but she was busy...busy daydreaming. Well as Momo drove down and pulled up to the restaruant, Lena put the chair back "I don't see why I had to come with you, or why you don't bring your own lunch." Momo scoffed "Well you weren't busy, and I don't want to make food at home to warm up later the next day." They laughed, and Momo paid for the food and drove off, Lena got a notification on her phone "Momo did you use my card to pay for the food?!" Momo smiled "No, it must've been a glitch or something." Lena looked at her "You're lucky I love you guys, so I'm okay. But how did you even get my card." Momo chuckled "I made a plan to take it when you didn't know, not all of us can pickpocket." Lena nervously chuckles, fixes her seat, and looks out the window. Momo pulled off to the side and into a parking lot, parking the car and looking at Lena "Okay, this has been going on long enough Lena." Lena looked at her "What has?" Momo glared at Lena "All the nervousness, answering your door late, so many excuses, always being tired. It all started when we all got assigned the MK/DS case." Lena shook her head, it's time to go into her expert mode "I don't know what you are talking about" Momo sighed "What is going on, are you hiding something?" Lena shook her head "No, just because something happens like that, doesn't mean anything." Momo nodded "Okay I trust you" Lena nodded, and Momo drove them off to work.

While Lena worked on one of her cases, Jeongyeon and Mina walked over "You never seem to work on the DS case" Mina nodded "Yea, why? We need you genius" Lena chuckled "What's the point, there really isn't anything there, the DS has big hands and feet, but isn't Nayeon. They have a wig, because the hair sample came back and it didn't have anything on it, and they are slipping. What else we got? We have no gender or any actual useful information." They both nodded, and Lena went back to work. She has to stay on the downlow now, she was already suspicious, and needs that to go away. Twice is good, and will actually flip when they find out who the real DS is, but if Lena's plan goes well, then nobody will ever find out and Mr.Kim can take all the credit, all criminals want to know who DS is to praise them.

Her deadline was coming soon, but not here yet. What if she told someone the truth, could she get help? Maybe she should tell Jihyo, and get her help, it would make things easier. She sighed as she fully gave up on trying to do this on her own, it's going well but her guilt is building up. She stood up and went to the stairs going 1 floor down and sitting on the steps, Mina and Jeongyeon watched her leave, and had to follow her, so they stayed silent and listened to her call. Lena has to call Mr.Kim, and she had his number so she gave him a call. "Hey"
Mr.Kim: "What do you want?"
Lena: "How much longer?"
Mr.Kim: "Well you don't have a deadline, you are stuck sweetie"
Lena: "Don't call me sweetie, old man"
Mr.Kim: "You better show respect"
Lena: "You better watch the fuck out" she hung up the phone and punched the wall, and started heading up the steps, leaving Mina and Jeongyeon rushing to leave. By the time Lena walked back to her desk, Mina and Jeongyeon were pretending to work after running, tripping over each other.

Jihyo walked over "Hey are you okay?" Lena looked up at Jihyo and nodded "Just I wanted to do a special gift for my family, but it has to be custom made, and this guy is such a pervert calling me sweetie and stuff, ugh I can't stand him." Jeongyeon and Mina let out a sigh of relief, Lena knew they were listening to her conversation, so she had to make up a really good lie. Jeongyeon looked at her "It's cause you didn't seem in a good mood" Lena nodded "Yea, my mom's anniversary is coming up, and I've been feeling a bit down, so I was hoping this gift could cheer us all up. Around this time always gets me angry because of that stupid drunk driver" The only lie Lena told this whole time, is the guy she called was the pervert guy making the gift, but other than that she is telling the truth. Her mom died by a drunk driver, around this time always gets her angry, and she did get a gift for her sister and dad, and it's custom made, the only thing is...the guy making the gift is actually really sweet and not a pervert.

That night, Lena wasn't as quick as usual, she took her time. She gave them a clue that it's a male, for she spoke in a deep voice and let the man get away, but poisoning him to make sure not everything is said at once, he called her out "Kim!" thinking it was Mr.Kim. Lena has always been good at imitating people's signatures, voices, and stances. After she killed the man she needed to, she left, and went home to sleep. At her house she finally got dressed and ready for bed, but her work has other plans. She picked up the phone "Mmm?" Sana on the other line "Hey DS hit again, and we have a's a male." Lena tried to speak "Can you come pick-" she fell asleep. Sana didn't know what to do until she heard soft snores "I'll come pick you up" Sana got to the front door, and knocked non stop. After a while, she looked around, and found a spare key under her flower pot, and went in. She made her way upstairs to Lena's room, and found her bag and Lena sleep with her phone next to her. Sana had Tzuyu wait in the car, but she debated if she should wake Lena up. "Lena sweetie wake up, we have work" Lena slowly got up, and saw someone standing above her, and went for a punch, but stopped as she saw it was Sana "Omg Sana, I'm sorry. I didn't know it was you" Sana had fallen back when Lena threw the punch, but she got up laughing "It's fine, but change your pants at least, I'll get you a jacket from your closet, we need to go Tzu is the car." Lena nodded, changed real quick, put on the jacket and put on her bag as she went downstairs to the front door following Sana.

At the crime scene, there was everybody else. Jihyo walked over to the three "Took you long enough" Lena looked away "I was really knocked out" Jihyo ruffled Lena's hair, and looked at her notes "We had a guy come to the station, saying 'He got us' when asked who he was, the guy died due to to poisoning. Lena sighed "Finally we have a lead" They all went inside the house, while looking around, Lena realized she forgot the most important thing. The cameras, she never turned them off. Dahyun and Chaeyoung were finally figuring it out, but couldn't do it, so Lena was called up "So what am I doing?" Chaeyoung looked up "Check the cameras, we need to know if there is a bug, and what the video shows. It should show nothing, than the crime scene without a fight. Lena connected the cameras, and saw her fight. She deleted the part of him yelling 'Kim', but kept the rest "Hey, so he forgot to turn off the cameras, we have the whole fight is here." Lena got down and everyone surrounded her, and they all watched the video. Chaeyoung noticed something "Hey it looks cut go back" Lena rewinds, and they watch it again. Nobody else notices anything, Chae really saw it. Once they took it for evidence. Lena went outside, and sat down, she didn't even know she fell asleep, until she was woken up by Jihyo "Hey girlie wake up, you're home" Lena woke up, and she was outside her house "Oh what? How did I get here?" Jihyo laughed "You fell asleep on the steps, we left you alone, so when we finished, I carried you to my car, and drove you home." Lena nodded "Thanks Ji" she grabbed her bag and went inside. She must've been really tired to not disable the alarm, turn off the cameras, and not do a proper cut in video. She has fully given up on this life, she thinks it's time to move the plan more forward. Lena was finally able to go to sleep, it's all she wanted.

I posted a new story if you want to check that out

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