Ch. 3

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Lena was sitting at her desk thinking, but was cut out of her thoughts when someone threw a piece of paper at her. She looked up but everyone was doing their own thing, so she uncrumpled it thinking it had writing on it, but it didn't. She came up with an idea, so she wrote "Keep throwing without getting caught. If caught, you lose"

She crumpled it back up and threw it at Jeongyeon, before leaning back against her chair like she didn't do anything. Jeongyeon looked around and didn't see anyone paying attention to her, so she looked at her paper, smirked, and threw the paper at Jihyo, then went back to Nayeon who she was talking to.

Jihyo looked at the paper, before throwing it at Mina, who then threw it at Chaeyoung, who threw it back to Lena. Unfortunately for her, was caught "Really Chae, you're gonna throw a paper?"

She opened the paper and laughed "Oh so that means you lost"

Chae pouted "That's not fair, how did you see me?"

Lena always had to be aware of her surroundings because of who might be around her, but now it was because she didn't want to lose the game, so might as well catch Chaeyoung "I was about to start working again, so I guess you just picked a bad time" They all laughed, and they had a good day after all.

On her way home that night, she turned down a street so she could look for a place to change into her clothes, but when she took the turn, she saw Nayeon and Jeongyeon heading down the same street, so she hid behind a bunch of crates and boxes.

She heard Jeongyeon talking as they slowly got closer. "Yeah, and it's weird because the guy said Lena was the Mystery Knight. Okay we need a name for them, but still no one knows the gender so how can he be so quick to point at Lena"

Nayeon stopped walking, so she can think for a little bit "Well he could've done anything to get attention, you know point out anyone and say it's them"

Jeongyeon sighed "Maybe...We should go to Lena's house, if she's not there we get suspicious, if she is we can let it go. Okay?"

Nayeon nodded, so they walked off. When Lena was in the clear, she took off to her house. Nayeon and Jeongyeon were walking slow so Lena had a tiny advantage since she was running.

2Yeon took the main route so that means Lena had to take the back route which was a little bit longer. Finally when she arrived at her house, she snuck in through the back window. She quickly hid her bag, changed into her comfy clothes, turned on the TV, and calmed her breathing down. The doorbell rang, Lena slowly walked to the door, when she finally controlled her breathing, she opened the door.

Lena: "Yes?"

Nayeon gave Jeongyeon an "I told you so" look, while Jeongyeon smiled "We just wanted to see how we're doing"

Lena nodded "Fine, thank you though"

Nayeon looked at Lena with a confused look, "Why are you sweating?"

Lena wiped her sweat. "Oh, I was just starting to get a heat flash, don't worry I turned down my A/C, so I feel a lot better now."

Nayeon nodded because she believed what Lena was saying because it happened at work a few times, so they understand that it could happen whenever, even at home. So now, to make things less suspicious, she offered to make dinner for the two.

When dinner was over, the couple walked home, which now gives Lena less time to do her job for the night, but it would be suspicious if she didn't do it because she has been doing something all week. Also not doing anything would lead to 2Yeon to be even more suspicious because the one night they saw Lena, would be the same night Mystery Knight didn't do anything.

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