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Lena woke up that morning to her doorbell going off, finally getting up to walk downstairs and open the door. "What?"

Jihyo smiled "Here is your house arrest officer"

Jisoo walked in and hugged Lena, "Hey Len"

Lena looked at Jihyo with puppy eyes, ""I won't be tired today. Please can I go back to work?"

Jihyo kissed Lena's forehead, "No, you need a break, so you have to stay here. Don't give Jisoo any problems, all you have to do is hang out and relax. I'll pick her up around 11 tonight, so that way I know you are here all day."

Lena couldn't believe what was happening, she looked at the two, "I can't believe you both. I guess, so have fun at work"

Jihyo left and Jisoo put her bag down by the door, "So why does Jihyo not want you at work?"

Lena laid down on the couch and sighed, "Because apparently I work too much. I'm constantly tired and Jihyo wants me to take a break."

Jisoo nodded before sitting down on the couch and moving Lena's feet to rest on her lap, "So do you want me to make you something, I'm sure you're hungry"

Lena nodded, "Sure, and while you do that, I'm gonna work in my room"

Jisoo stood up and blocked Lena before she could get up "Nope. No. Not today, work is off limits"

Lena groaned, "Okay okay. Just watch me sneak out to go to work when you aren't looking." Jisoo scoffed before walking into the kitchen, but Lena decided to play it safe and stayed in the living room watching TV.

Meanwhile at the office, all of them were working hard on the case. Jeongyeon was looking at the pictures before sighing and looking up. "So before we continue, all I have to say is that Mystery Knight needs a new name, we can't be letting the media name these things now"

Jihyo nodded, "So let's think of one. They draw a picture before killing, they can do multiple things...yeah this is hard."

Nayeon shot up, "The Picture Killer?"

Momo shook her head, "Nah, how about...Death Seeker?"

Dahyun sighed, "Sorry babe that's not good. How come they can't name themselves, or tell us their real name"

Mina looked up from her computer, "Well if they tell us their real name, they wouldn't be a criminal anymore, they'd be a prisoner. But as for naming themselves? Maybe we can leave them a message"

Tzuyu leaned back, "Mystery Knight...Why did they name them Mystery Knight?"

Chaeyoung laid her head down on her desk, "They are a mystery and they work at night? Maybe instead of using the night like nighttime, they used 'knight' like a knight in shining armor."

A call was heard for a shooting halfway across town, so they quickly grabbed their gear and left. When they finally arrived at the scene, they ran out, but stopped when the guy pointed his gun at Sana. "Stay Back!"

Sana started backing up a little, but not too much to show the guy that she is scared. Momo sent Dahyun and Chaeyoung to circle around him, while Mina and Jihyo were at his sides pointing their guns at the guy, Tzuyu and Jeongyeon were behind Jihyo and Mina to cover for them.

When the guy least expected it, Jeongyeon and Tzuyu ran towards him to tackle him. Tzuyu was able to get the tackle in, Sana took cover just in case, but Jeongyeon grabbed the gun the second Tzuyu tackled the guy.

Mina tossed her handcuffs to Jeongyeon so she could cuff the guy. Jihyo and Nayeon got in the car, "We'll take him to the station for interrogation." They drove off as the others examined the crime scene. Dahyun and Chaeyoung were looking for an ID so they could get his name, but nothing was found.

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