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Lena helped search the property for any evidence, but the only thing they found there was something that was stolen, but it wasn't major. They finally made it back to the station and sat down at their desks.

Lena was doodling on her notepad, just whatever comes to mind. When she is at the station, her drawings are not so good, but when she is not at the station, her drawings look like they are drawn by an expert.

Everyone surrounded her desk and just looked at her, but Lena was too bored to notice, even yawning. When Jihyo cleared her throat, it caught her attention. Jeongyeon looked at her "Why did that guy say you were the Mystery Knight?"

Lena shrugged "Maybe he was drunk or high. He told me he was a big fan of MK, so he was probably doing anything just to 'meet' them" She yawned again.

Jihyo squatted to be the same height as the desk "What did you do last night?"

Lena looked around before looking down "Cry..." They hugged her because they felt really bad. They actually believed that Lena was heart broken. Finally they sat down at their desks and got back to working on the Mystery Knight case again. So far they couldn't tell if they were a male or female.

~The night before~

Lena was gonna go to the richest mafia boss in her city to rob him. Her 'boss' wants his riches and possessions gone or destroyed. Although she listened to what she had to do, she has always hated her 'boss' and this life, but now it's just her boss.

Her 'boss' is some bossy old dude that is using her for her skills. It sucked because she wanted to become a cop. But now that is just one of things she has to balance in her life, and when they got the case, it just got a lot harder.

She has gloves from the men's section, and since her hands are too small, she put clay attached to sticks that filled up the empty space. It has enough pressure just in case she ever leaves a hand size, it wouldn't be hers, and looks like an actual hand. The same with the shoes, they were also from the men's. Weight can be told by how the foot print looks. To balance it out, she also used clay to get a distributed weight.

When she goes out to commit whichever crime for the night, she'll wear the shoes, gloves, loose black jeans, an oversized black hoodie, just so no one can tell her body shape, she also wears a different color wig, so if they ever find a piece of hair they will think it's a different color, and it's natural hair, not fake. She also has sunglasses that she adjusted herself in the back, and last is her mask so they can't see her face.

It took a long time to adjust to everything, but eventually she got the hang of it. She hid everything all over her house, and when she has guests over to her house, they never know because of how hidden everything is. All of the skills she has right now, she learned on her own. She picked up pickpocketing because it was a fun trick she used to do on her friend to give them a slight scare.

Back to the night of robbing a house, she got dressed and headed off to the house. She wanted to sleep though, but she will get a chance to do that after she gets her job done. She stood in front of it, scanning the structure of it before finally making a move.

She disabled the cameras before she went inside, then disabled the alarm before it went off. She picked the lock before slowly making her way inside, she looked around to see if he was around, but it turns out he wasn't, so that made her job a lot easier.

She stole a majority of his money, and even a few of his prized possessions. Normally she would be a little bit excited, but she wanted to meet this mafia boss and is mad he's not at his house. He insulted the Mystery Knight, she hopes to change the name soon, and called them stupid, and that he's the best and that she is nothing...she did not take that well.

Lena is considered competitive and wanted to show him what she can do, but sadly he was not at his house. She placed her hacking bugs on his devices, which smoke and burn everything on the inside, but when they try to find the source, it's not noticeable.

While she was walking down the stairs, she met up with a guard, and seemed to be the only one in the house. He smirked thinking that this was gonna be fun, but seeing that Lena is already pissed, she had other plans.

She placed the bag down and lunged towards him, now grabbing a nearby rope and choking him before using that same rope to tie him to a chair. She found a pen and paper and drew a flower laying in front of a skull, before placing it behind the guy. That was her signature, and everyone knew what it meant now.

The guy started to beg, but Lena continued to take his picture before walking up the steps to get far enough. She shot him with her silencer, killing him. She got the picture, wrote on it with calligraphy, also something Detective Lena was not good at, saying "You're Next" circling her drawing to indicate what was gonna happen to him. She set the alarm, went out of view, turned the cameras on again, and went home

How did she get noticed?

~Back to today~

Back at the office, she looked around to see Nayeon and Jeongyeon flirting, Momo and Dahyun snacking, Sana working...surprisingly, Tzuyu and Chaeyoung working on a prank, and Mina on her computer...working? Jihyo was nowhere to be found...wait no she's with Jisoo, now walking back to her desk.

Lena debated with herself about whether she should tell the team about who she was, but that would be a huge deal because MK is a wanted criminal even though no one knows who they are.

She came up with a plan so she doesn't get caught and give up being a detective. When she met this man who calls himself her 'boss', she went to his mansion, looked around, and started her plan.

She found the gloves he wears and found out the size of them, then took a quick look at his shoe size. Everything she has fits his profile, except the height because she is small and he is taller than her. Anyways, why go through a plan to get someone else caught?

Well it's because Lena was having fun, she wanted to go through the whole experience, she wanted to see how long it would take for her to get caught. How good of a criminal is she?

She just sat back against her chair, now trying to come up with a good name for herself. She'll do it, or maybe there is a better name going around, something better than Mystery Knight. She would have to think about it.

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