Ch. 15

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Twice walked away from Lena as she sat on the floor cleaning off the blood on her head after shooting the cameras. Nayeon sighed "I don't really want her to leave, but she did betray our trust." Everyone agreed, and Jihyo spoke "Raise your hand if you want nothing to do with Lena" Dahyun and Tzuyu raised their hands, Dahyun took a quick glance and Lena, she was looking down at her hands like a little kid, if Dahyun were to guess Lena was about to cry. "Okay I guess maybe I still want her in my life, but like Nayeon said she betrayed our trust" Tzuyu was more forward "She lied and kills people, I don't care" Sana sighed "Babe she was kinda forced into this, yes she should've come to us, but yes coming to officers saying you're a killer isn't the best choice" Tzuyu sighed "I guess"

Lena sat down thinking how it's the end, how they all hate her, she put her head down and just started crying. She lost the only friendships she has, and it couldn't even last a year. Only to stop when of all people Tzuyu approached her "Why are you crying?", she sounded annoyed. Lena didn't look up, but looked at her feet "I didn't want this life, I know I lost all of your trust, I lost the only friendships I made, I wish I was myself again. I was ready to join the force, but Mr.Kim had other plans and made me this. As much as I wish I could tell you, I was scared. I tried giving as many hints as I could to have it point to him, but he found out I guess. I'm sorry" this caused Lena to cry more. Twice watched, feeling sorry for her, and once again going into a talk.

Jeongyeon spoke first "Let's not get rid of her, let her build her trust again, we need to keep an eye on her. A slip up we fix it, if she does something really bad we close up friendship." Nayeon and Jihyo agreed. Mina, Sana, and Momo nodded hoping they aren't making a big misake, Dahyun, Chaeyoung, and Tzuyu were more hesitant, but let alone agreed. Mina walked to Lena, Lena had finally calmed down a little "So we will not let you leave us, but you have to build our trust again, you fuck's over" Lena immediately took that opportunity "Yea totally okay, I will work hard. Can I ask about small mistakes?" Jeongyeon walked over "You'll see when it happens" Momo sat next to Lena "Now let's get out of here, and arrest DS upstairs." Lena nodded, got up and grabbed her bag. "I have a plan, but it does involve me shooting" They all agreed because they wanted out.

Lena walked out, and looked around being careful. They followed Lena upstairs, but didn't enter Mr.Kim's office "Okay, I'm gonna go to the security room and hack into the cameras" She didn't give the others a chance to say anything, and quietly walked over to a room finding it lock. She picked the lock and walked in, hacking into it, after about 10 minutes she had everything set up to set Kim up. Lena walked out and walked back to Twice "Here is Kim's office, we go in...let me talk" Lena pulled out the glove that Nayeon shot at, Nayeon looked at the glove "How did I not hit your hand?" Lena showed them the clay in the glove "I'm not gonna kill him, but I'm gonna shoot his hand...he will be DS" Dahyun grabbed the gloves "Go in, we'll get the clay out of these gloves...wait shoes" Lena pointed to a door "Go there and go to his closet, there will be a pair of black shoes, grab them. They are the only black shoes in there. He has a different closet for dress shoes, so I'll go in"

They separated, Lena barging into the office "OLD MAN" Mr.Kim spun around shocked to see Lena "Lena?" Lena nodded, Mina, Jeongyeon, and Jihyo standing behind her "Well who else would I be, your time is up" He smirked "You didn't have the guts to kill me last time, what makes you think it's over" Lena clenched her fists "You know that I didn't kill and I didn't do what I had to do now, but you and your fucking goon kept pestering me, I wasn't going to let your idiot come at me! Oh let me show you who's in charge shit, he died because he wanted to be a piece of shit and 'show' me. You threatened the only 2 people in my family just so I can do what you want. Talk about fucked up." Lena spilled all this, filling with anger, fixing her shirt showing her gun so it can be easier to grab.

Mr.Kim sat down when 6 other people walked in, and it got quiet. Lena stepped forward "Here's what's going to happen, you are going to leave this place in cuffs, you will take all the credit for DS because it's your idea and your whole plan" He laughed "Yea right" Lena shook her head "Do it the easy way or the hard way" He shook his head "There is no way little girl" Lena chuckled "You know DS is the most popular criminal, even more popular than the most famous mafias, you get taken in do you understand how much more famous you'll be...Kim whatever is the Death Seeker" he smirked "Sounds nice, but no" Lena shrugged and started to walk away "I guess we will have to do the hard way"

It didn't take long for Mr.Kim to take this advantage to quickly grab his gun and point it at Lena, the others didn't grab a gun, it was just Lena who had one. Lena heard the gun scrape his desk as he quickly grabbed it, so she quickly grabbed her gun and aimed it at him. It was at perfect speed, both of them had the gun pointed at each other, and didn't take long until it was heard.


Oof that cliffhanger tho...

Thanks for reading my story, I had a lot of fun writing it

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