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It had come to the attention of the group that someone stole Mina's favorite penguin pen, she loved it. To her everyone became a suspect, even her girlfriend. Said quiet girl looked around the group "Today, after work. All of you are going to my house, I'm going to find out who stole it." They all agreed, because what else are they going to do, plus Mina was giving each and everyone one them a death glare.

At the house, they all sat on the couch and floor and Mina looked at them. Lena looked up "Mina it's just a pen" to which everyone agreed. Mina ready to throw someone out the window, took a deep breath "It was my favorite pen, and one of you stole it. Like I love you guys, but whoever stole it" Lena looked at the time "Can I go?" Chaeyoung put a hand on Lena's shoulder "I wouldn't, and what's your rush" Lena shook her head and whispered "I'm not, but I don't want to be here when she finds out who stole it" Chae nodded and went back to Mina.

Mina looked at all their bags "I'm gonna go through everyone's bag, and if I find it in there, you better run" Lena started to freak out, she has her clothes in there. She kept her DS stuff with her in her bag, her hoodie covers her pants and mask. She had a secret compartment in her bag that held the weapons, nobody not even Mr.Kim and his idiots know about it. It wasn't her brightest idea, but it was her idea to do that. The shoes, wig, and gloves are in her car in a hidden spot. Well if Mina finds her clothes they will arrest her, and she is not ready to go to jail.

Lena stood up "Mina let's make this easier for you, why don't we all just dump out our of stuff at the same time" Mina glared at the child "You have something to hide" Lena knew Tzuyu took it for a prank, so she needed to take the fall and not get caught. "No, I just want to go home...or eat" Momo looked up "Eat! Yea, let's go with what Lena said" Mina nodded, and everyone stood up. Lena picked it out of Tzuyu's jacket pocket, and threw it into her pocket, then walked over to everyone.

As everyone was emptying out her bag, Lena saw Tzuyu starting to freak out about her not having the pen, but before she could say something Lena stood up "Don't make them go through the trouble, here Mina. Don't kill me" she pulled out the pen from her jacket and handed it to Mina. Tzuyu shocked, staring at Lena, wondering how she got a hold of the pen. Mina took Lena's hand and walked her to the opposite side of the room "stand here" It was in front of the wall, Lena stood watching the others picking up their things. After a while everyone waited as Mina scolded Lena about stealing people's things, Lena talked back a little, then was shut down again by Mina.

When the scolding finally finished, Mina walked away leaving Lena to "think about what she did wrong". It wasn't until 10 minutes later, Lena was finally able to sit back down. Mina and Chaeyoung went to go make dinner for everyone, while the rest was sitting in the living room. Tzuyu looked at Lena "How did you end up with the pen?" Sana hugged Tzuyu "She's the one that stole it Honey" Tzuyu shook her head "I am, so how did you have it Lena?" Lena smiled "I stole it out of your pocket while you weren't looking. I knew a scolding was coming, I decided to take the blame" They nodded, she has been taking the blame for quite a few things in the past 7 months.

Jeongyeon and Nayeon hugged Lena, letting her lean back against them, Jeongyeon sighing "You child need to behave and stop letting people get away with things?" Nayeon smiled "You need to let loose, you grew up too fast, be the child you never were" Lena heard this, and that's all she wanted. She was going to have that, if her story never happened (If you missed her backstory, see Ch.7). Once that happened, she took another giant leap to maturity, and can't go back to her childlikeness.

Jihyo ruffled Lena's hair "So you are a pick pocketing hacker genius, what else can you do?" Lena shrugged "Magic" All their eyes lit up, Dahyun and Momo got ready "Show us" wonder they are soulmates, they even say the same thing. I went to my bag and pulled out a desk of cards "I'll show card magic." Lena showed about 6 different tricks, because the others wanted to see more, but dinner was ready.

While eating, Chaeyoung looked like she had a brilliant idea "Why don't you guys spend the night here tonight?" Lena looked up with her mouth full "What about our stuff" Jeongyeon scolded Lena "Finish your food before you talk" Lena smiled "Sorry." Chaeyoung laughed a little "Well you can go get them, then come back" Lena was in a bit of a situation, if she stayed the night, she wouldn't be able to sneak out. If she did, she'd have to be extra careful. Everyone else had agreed, Lena was the only one who hasn't, but to make it less suspicious she agreed. How was she gonna pull it off?

Everyone left the house to go get their things for the next day, while in the car, Lena quickly changed, she hacked into the house a streetlight away, for it to be ready when she got there. Only reason was because it was real close to the light, and she had a red light. She went to her house got her things she needed, and snuck out the window to the house. She did her job quickly, because nobody expected her, and she went home. Only problem was, while heading to the window, she saw Dahyun and Momo at her door knocking. She quickly went inside, and threw all her things into the closet, changing real quick. She opened the door "Yea?" Momo eyed Lena "What took you so long?" Lena calming her breath quietly, gave her a confused look "I didn't take long" Dahyun nodded "Yea you did, we were her for 5 minutes knocking. What were you doing?" Lena smiled "I was in the restroom, I took a shower because I felt like I needed one. That why I probably didn't hear you" Momo nodded "You don't look like you did though" Lena grabbed her things "I didn't wash my hair, so of course it doesn't."

Dahyun, Momo, and Lena all went to Michaeng's house together. It was a fun night for all of them, but it was cut short when they got a call saying DS hit again. Sana groaned "Why can't DS stop!" Jihyo laid down "We aren't going to find anything anyways" Lena forgot to put her clue, so of course they aren't going to find anything "How long ago did they hit?" Nayeon looked at the time "Around 30 minutes ago" Chaeyoung got up "Let's just go, get it over with and come back. It usually takes us 20 minutes anyways, because there is nothing there" Jeongyeon sighed "Whenever we find out who DS is, I'm gonna be tempted to kill them. If nobody is around, I will" Lena tensed a little, she still remembers the last time she went against them. Lena shook her head "Arresting is just fine, if they fire at you then okay. If not then arrest" Mina grabbed her jacket "Let's go, Chae. You, me, and 2 more can go in my car." Jihyo and Lena is went with Michaeng. 2Yeon and Dahmo in 1 car, and Satzu in their own.

At the scene it was pretty obvious, DS got the higher end of it. They checked around for clues, and found the cameras were still off. Lena forgot to turn them back on, she didn't plant bugs anywhere. Tzuyu looked at everything "DS is slipping, forgot to do many things" Lena sighed "Still no clues of who they are." Jihyo went downstairs "Hey guys!" Everyone went downstairs, Jihyo was holding a 2 pieces of hair  "Do you think this is actual hair, or a wig?"

Lena didn't notice the wig hair was slowly falling out,  she shrugged and started walking up the stairs "I'm gonna check upstairs, see if there is anything we missed" she left the others downstairs. They all looked at her confusingly, Jeongyeon sighed "Who would be surprised if she ended up being DS" Nobody raised their hands, Nayeon smiled "Well we would, but not too long" They all laughed.

They finished off at the house and went back to Michaeng's house. Lena instead of sleeping was on her phone, but not too long. Dahyun snatched the phone "You are the most tired out of all of us, go to sleep. I'll give you your phone in the morning, you are the one that actually needs rest" Dahyun went back to sleep, and Lena soon followed. It was a good rest of the night, they went to work energized and ready to catch some bad guys.

Meanwhile at Mr.Kim's mansion, one of his man was telling him of Lena's slips as DS/MK. He knew there has to be a reason behind them, and he was going to find out.

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