Ch. 14

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This was it, the fight of the mansion basement...Lena vs. 9 idiots. No weapons, just the body. As Twice watched worriedly, Lena has a slight smirk on her face, as she eyes one of the man..number 6. He gulps, but can't give up now, he has to try to win or else he will be killed. He lost the rock paper scissors game to see who has to knock Lena out. Well now back, Lena is surrounded, and has no chance against these tall men, but she makes it work. With number 10 on already dead, that leaves idiots 1-9 to fight her.

#5 went to her, to throw a punch, but she dodged tripping him and having him crash into #9. "This is why I call you idiots" #3 came up behind Lena kicking her to the floor, they all started to kick her, but Lena grabbed #2's foot and pulled it causing him to crash hard on the floor, and used his foot as a block so she can get up. Lena was already coughing up a little blood, but is now ignoring that.

Lena is now more into the side that she will not go down, taking this she runs and drop kicks #1, and has his head hit the pillar that Jihyo is tied to, knocking him out. Lena chuckles "I should've named him #9, oh well." Lena got up quickly, running to other end. #7 punched her, which she didn't expect, but Lena was on the floor next to Tzuyu,cut and coughing up blood. Tzuyu now had a worried face, which gave Lena some strength to show that she protect Twice, and she needs to be strong enough to win to do that.

She got up, ran around the pillar, to come back and jump on his back to put him into a headlock, she grabbed a nearby rope, and quickly hog tied him. "Don't fuck with me dude, there is a reason you're idiots." #6 was hiding, because Lena wasn't going to just knock him out, and he didn't want to deal with her. Lena grabbed a chain and started swinging it "I have an old man to make pay, so let's finish this." #1 and #7 were dealt with, #6 was hiding, so 6 more to go.

Lena ran and slid, swinging the chain, then having it fly wrapping around #3, and causing him to fall, Lena then took the chain to swing it over #9's head, pulling him down. Lena punched them both hard, knocking them out. #4 and #8 both kicked Lena in the back at the same time knocking her down. She dropped the chain, so she had nothing, so she did what she could do, she tackled #2 and had him hit his head on the floor knocking him out. #4 wasn't going to lose, so he went for his gun, but Lena kicked the gun out his hand emptying it out.

#4, #5, #8 were the last of the group, Lena was already getting weaker, but is not going to lose. The all faced each other, Lena ran to them, having #4 run to her, but Lena being small and quick, she slid kicking her feet tripping him, she then kicked #8's head, finally knocking him. #5 stood there, Lena made her way back to #4 on the floor, picking up a gun but using the back of it to knock him out. #5 knew he had no where to go, and the look Lena had on her face, he knew it. He got on his knees "Please, don't I'm sorry." Lena got a piece of rope, and hog tied him as well "You are officially idiot #1, cause you were the smartest here giving up." Lena grabbed her gun, and blade putting it back in her pocket and back, then picking up the chain "Hey! #6, I won't kill you, so come out, and if you don't and I find you I will." A trembling guy came out from behind a bunch of crates, slowly walking to Lena. Lena tied him with the chain, and had him it against the wall "But I'll knock you out instead" She got her gun and used it to knock him out.

In the end Lena won, she was injured but won. She stood in front of the others "None of them hurt you, right?" They shook their heads, and Lena nodded "Okay, I'm gonna untie you now, and we can talk after I tie all of them up." They slowly nodded, and one by one they were untied, Lena then dragged each man to sit against the pillars, and tied them up, knocking out the ones she hogtied, and untying them to tie them against the pillar. "Okay let's talk, now you know who I am" Nayeon started "Let us talk by ourselves, then we'll come to you." Lena nodded, and went to her bag, and pulled out a pen and paper and started to draw on it, this time taking her time to draw her signature drawing, then looking at the cameras pulling out her gun. Dahyun saw it "I thought you said we aren't going to be harmed!" They all looked at Lena, who has a drawing and a gun, and she looked up "You aren't, the drawing is for idiot 10, and the gun is to shoot the cameras, so they can't see what we're doing. But I understand that you don't trust me." Lena stood up and started shooting, hitting all 7 cameras, then sitting down waiting for Twice be done talking.

When they finished, they walked over, and Nayeon sighed "We want to know the whole story before we come to our final decision." Lena nodded "Sure, sit because it will take a while." Twice sat around her, and Lena said her backstory of how Mr.Kim kidnapped her, and how he ended up getting her to do what she does. Then she said her plan "Well I decided to come up with a plan, you see the reason the shoe and hand sizes were big is because they are Mr.Kim's sizes. I wanted everything to point to him, and get him arrested, and when that happens I am free and would be able to work as an officer, get sleep at night, not have to worry about dying. All without you knowing because you guys kept saying you wanted to kill DS, and also you'd arrest me, and I couldn't let that happen, so I'd have to flee. So that was everything, I guess I can't stick with it anymore. Showing my side of DS was the only option because even when we broke free and made it to his office, it's suspicious that he knew my name, that I talked back, that I know the way around here, the way all those idiots knew me. It was going to come out eventually. I'm sorry" Jihyo grabbed a cloth and wiped off the blood on Lena's head "Let us talk again, but for right now clean off that blood." Lena nodded "Yes ma'am"

Lena always had this different side when she was with Twice, she always felt like a kid when she was with them. She felt like she needed their protection, like she wanted to let go of this entire side of evil. She felt vulnerable when around them, like Jisoo and Jihyo's daughter, Jeongyeon and Nayeon's child. Sana and Tzuyu's baby, Mina and Chaeyoung's little sister, Dahyun and Momo's little buddy. Now she's afraid it's all over.

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