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After Lena almost getting killed by Twice, she had to be more careful. She went to work, and listened to Twice talk about their experience trying to catch DS, while Lena wished how she can talk about how scary it is to be chased by them. Dahyun still smiling "But how were they still there, they always leave the scene before we get there." Lena has to shoot an excuse "Did someone die?" They nodded, so Lena pretended to think "Well maybe this person was expecting DS, and they were shooting at each other, so by the time DS actually killed the person, you guys were on their way. Since it was a fight, they had to be quick about drawing the picture causing them to still be there...boom genius" They laughed, Sana leaned back on her chair "Yea, that sounds like it could've actually been the reason. And yea they almost left, why didn't they shoot us?" Jihyo threw a paper at Sana "Just be lucky they didn't, they could be slipping. Actually have a heart for once." That deep down, hurt Lena. She has a heart, not a totally good one, but has one.

Jeongyeon went off with Dahyun to go buy lunch for everyone, Chae and Tzuyu took their chance to mess with Jeongyeon. Tzuyu hid all her pencils, and Chae scattered all her papers around. Tzu also dumped all the pens on the desk, Chae got one pencil from the desk and glued it to Jeongyeon's desk. Everyone just watched, not knowing to either stop it and prevent a freak out or enjoy the freak out when Jeongyeon comes back. They all chose to watch it, Nayeon felt bad for her girlfriend, but at the same time she wanted to see what would happen. When they both arrived, Momo rushed to them and grabbed the food "Food! Let's eat!" Everyone chuckling or laughing at Momo's love for food, Dahyun quickly joining her. When Jeongyeon finally entered the area, she freaked "Who messed up my desk?!" Everyone tried to hide their smiles, Jeongyeon grabbed the food before anyone can take it "Who messed up my desk?" Momo and Dahyun has already grabbed their food, so they enjoyed the show. The others just looked at Jeongyeon while she eyed everyone "Mina you can get your food, I know you didn't do it." A small little "yay" escaped her mouth and she got her food and sat at her desk. Nayeon got up "Babe you know it wasn't me, can I get my food?" Jeongyeon nodded, which left the two pranksters, Lena, Jihyo, and Sana. Jeongyeon looked at Lena "You can't lie for anything, so Lena who messed up my desk?" Lena slightly looked at the two pranksters, and they were a little scared.

Serious Jeongyeon is a scary Jeongyeon

So she did one thing, she covered for them "Me...sorry Jeongyeon" They all looked at her like she was crazy, they knew when it comes to a mess, you're in for a scolding of a lifetime. Nobody would ever want that, so nobody ever sacrifices themselves, so Lena was one brave person. Jeongyeon looking at her, she knew that she would cover for someone, but at the same time do it "Okay, Ji take the food. I'm gonna go have a talk with Lena" Jihyo slowly took the food, giving a slight smile to Lena. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung stood still watching Jeongyeon take a hold of Lena's wrist and walk her to the conference room. They all ate, Mina and Sana talked before letting Tzuyu and Chaeyoung grab their food. Sana pointed at the desk "Lena took your scolding, the best you both can do is clean Jeongyeon's desk." They nodded, and cleaned Jeongyeon's desk.

After what felt about a lifetime for Lena, even though it was more like 10 minutes. Jeongyeon walks back to the work space, followed by a nervous Lena. Jeongyeon looked at her desk "Who cleaned it?" Tzuyu and Chaeyoung raised their hands while they ate "You guys are so nice, you always do the best" Lena scoffed, grabbed her food and sat at her desk away from everyone. Mina glared at her girlfriend, and Sana smacked Tzuyu's head signaling both of them to do something. First they let Lena take the blame, then take the good credit for the mess they started. Lena leaned against her chair as she ate, wishing she told the truth and didn't go through that whole scolding. She swear Jeongyeon could've gone on if she wasn't as hungry.

Chaeyoung and Tzuyu looked at Jeongyeon, Chae sighed "Jeong, it was me and Tzuyu that messed up your desk, we even glued a pencil to it, but we cleaned everything up while you scolded Lena. Jeongyeon groaned, then spanked both girls once "You both let me scold Lena, I swear. Why didn't you come forward?" Tzuyu scratched the back of her neck "You're pretty scary when it comes to scolding" Jeongyeon got up and walked to Lena "Hey bud, I'm sorry. Why didn't you tell me the truth about the desk?" Lena looked at Tzuyu and Chae getting scolded by their own girlfriends "Because I felt bad that they would have to go through your scolding. I knew taking the blame would be literally sacrificing myself, but they were really nervous. But then it pissed me off when you thanked and praised them for cleaning your desk. Bet that Mina and Sana made them do it" Jeongyeon went and hugged Lena "I'm sorry baby" Lena rolled her eyes and smiled "Here's the reason you're kinda like my mom" Jeongyeon looked at them "Mina Sana...did you make them clean my desk?" They both nodded, Jeongyeon face palmed "I'm so sorry Lena, I should've known."

Momo and Dahyun were enjoying the entire show. Nayeon and Jihyo were talking about who knows what. Mina and Chaeyoung were now eating in peace. Sana still had a few words to say to Tzuyu, Tzuyu was feeling guilty while being scolded. Jeongyeon was trying to baby Lena, and Lena is now letting Jeongyeon hug and baby her, because she felt really bad. When it comes to messes, Jeongyeon does not take that lightheartedly and will scold anyone who makes one.

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