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Lena woke up with a headache, she thinks that the no sleep caused it, but who knows at this point. She got dressed and got ready for work, she planned to do her 'job' straight after work, and go home and get sleep. So she put her jacket with her clothes in her bag, and went to the car skipping breakfast. When she got in the car, she put her gloves and felt like for some reason she put her normal sized gloves inside that actually fit her. The only thing that will be left in the car is the shoes and the wig.

She went to work and couldn't focus on anything, Jihyo walked over and squatted next to her "Hey, you okay?" Lena shook her head "Headache" Jihyo nodded, and stood Lena up taking her seat and sitting Lena on her lap "Did you take medicine?" Lena shook her head, putting her head on Jihyo's shoulder "I was in a rush to get to work." Jihyo nods, and pulls out her phone "Hey Babe, can you come with some headache medicine. The baby has one" There was a laugh "Tell Lena I'll be there soon, make sure she is in good care." Lena scoffed "I'm not a baby, I am more than what you think" There was a laugh on the line, and a chuckle next to her "Sure baby" Jihyo hung up, and Lena didn't even notice she fell asleep until she was woken up again. Jisoo was standing in front of them, opening the bottle and pulling out a pill and a water "Here take one, it'll help you feel better" Lena had always hated taking medicine, so that's why she didn't take it this morning.

The two Jisoos watched her (Jihyo's real name is Jisoo, but she changed it to Jihyo) and she felt like she had no other choice, so she took the medicine and drank the water. Jihyo stood up, and Jisoo took her spot, and Lena sat back down leaning on Jisoo. Momo and Dahyun were talking about the DS case, Jeongyeon and Nayeon were talking about how much of a baby Lena actually is and that they want to protect her eve more, Mina and Chaeyoung were playing tic-tac-toe, Sana and Tzuyu were trying to narrow down males with the shoe size of the DS that live in their city. It was still a lot, but there was progress. Jihyo took pictures Jisoo and Lena, Lena fell asleep, and Jisoo just rubbed her back and hugged her.

Lunch came by, and the 10 went out, Jisoo ended up having to go back to work when Lena woke up, but luckily for Lena she was feeling better when she woke up. The 10 went out, and talked but they talked about the DS case, they were determined to find him. Lena sat back and drank her drink as everyone else talked, she was distracted and very tempted to tell them that she was the suspect. Jihyo suggested something "Let's all take a walk around the park, and see if we can find anything before heading home." Everyone nodded, except Lena who was too busy daydreaming. Jeongyeon lightly tapped Lena "Hey, you okay?" Lena came back to reality and nodded "Yea I'm fine, and yes let's walk the park"

After work, everyone grabbed their bags, and started walking when 10 men started walking to them, Lena knew it was the idiots "Oh no" They all looked at Lena as she looked forward, and the first thing one guy did as they walked to them was knock Lena out, she was the most dangerous one. Tzuyu screamed "Lena!" Jihyo was ready to fight, but the other idiots came behind them and grabbing them. They dragged everyone and blindfolding Twice, as they drove to a mysterious place in a big van.

It took a while, but Lena slowly started to wake up, and the first thing she saw was Jihyo looking at her worriedly "Lena are you okay?!" Lena nodded, she looked around, and knew immediately she was inside the mansion basement. As she continued to look around she saw all of Twice looking at her, and they were tied to different pillars with rope around their body and around their hands, but Lena was different she had a chain with rope around her body and rope around her hands. She was tied extra, as she was extra dangerous, and nobody was going to risk that.

Flashback a little

9 of the idiots tied each member of Twice to a pillar, all able to see each other, but Lena her body was dragged as they got a chain and tied it to the back, Jihyo tried to break free before yelling "Hey she's just a kid, don't treat her like an animal, no need for the extra!" The guys looked up, scoffed and tied the the rope around Lena as well. She looked dead, but they can see her moving a little still, her head bleeding a little as well. Jeongyeon spat "Leave her alone, she's tied, now leave." One guy looked through her bag, and pulled out clothes and work, then put everything back after seeing there is nothing there. They all left leaving 9 worried girls, and 1 knocked out one

Flashback ended

Lena pulled a little but saw it was no use, only to look at the floor. She felt around her back and tried to see what they used to tie her and how they did it before smirking a little. Everyone saw her, and wondered what was going on in her head. She looked up and looked at all of them smiling before relaxing "Give it a second". The door opened only for Mr.Kim to walk in "Well well well, look what we have here. Almost there, but I guess not so much" Lena scoffed "You'll see" They all looked at Lena like she was crazy, she was going against the guy that had them kidnapped, and they knew of Mr.Kim, he was not to be messed with.

Mr.Kim looked around "Well Lena what do you think is going to happen?" All of Twice shot their heads towards Lena, how does she know him? Well Lena looked up with a straight face, and her head still bleeding "It's not what you're thinking Old Man" He scowled "You WILL show me respect, Lena" Lena laughed "As if, now can you do me a favor and tell me which idiot hit me. I think it was idiot 4" He smirked "They have names, but to keep you on edge, it was 6" Lena laughed "Got it, well leave, you said what you said." Mr.Kim slapped Lena across the face, then left locking the door. Lena kept her head down, and started laughing "Oh My Gosh, I'm gonna fuck up his day" Sana sighed "Lena You know him?" Lena didn't respond to that

She looked at all of them "Okay, before we continue, I just want to say I'm so so so sorry. I understand that you will hate me now, and will have nothing to do with me. But just know that I had the best time with you guys, and I will never forget that. So I will leave if you want me to stay or you want nothing to do with me up to you guys. But until we get out of here, I will not leave your side and protect you no matter what. Nothing will happen to you guys, and that's a promise" Dahyun shook her head "What are you saying?" Lena ignored everything and started to work.

Wow what a twist

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