S Ch.2

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Special Chapter

They continued to look through the photos, and couldn't find anything. Dahyun sighed "I think it's time to show these to her" Mina shook her head "If it's her, she might come up with some excuse or to prove it's not her.

Nayeon stood up "Its our only option, we can't spend another day on this" Then everyone stood up. Driving to the house, Jisoo opened the door "Lena is I think crying", with that they all ran upstairs to Lena's room.

Lena was asleep hugging the stuff animal, Jihyo smiled a little bit "She cried herself to sleep" Lena moved a bit and slowly woke up, before holding up seeing Twice there "Hi, I swear it wasn't me" She had moved back and fallen off her bed.

Chaeyoung and Tzuyu helped her up, and Jihyo put the photos on her bed. Jeongyeon and Momo sat down, Lena sitting in front of them holding the photos. Jeongyeon looked at Lena in the eyes "Be truthful, because if you're not...you know what will happen"

Lena nodded and looked at the photos "Do you have the drawings for comparison?" Momo held them up, Lena looked at both of them, then at the room. "Okay, so here's this"

"I used to use pen, pencil, marker, or anything really no specific. This person used a pencil, nothing unusual, right? But I would use theirs, whatever I could find in that house and leave it by them, on the paper. Or you will find it in the room somewhere. This person used their own pencil, and took it with them. That's not me"

Lena looked through all the photos "What gun did they use?"

"Simple pistol. Shots were heard"

"They used their gun, I have a silencer...used to own one...but I know, not all my kills were with my gun. Here's the thing, we didn't find a gun at the scene right?"

They all shook their heads, confused at where Lena is going. They let Lena continue

"It's like the drawing, I would use the person I am killing's gun, set it up in a trap, and leave. This looks like they set up a trap using their gun, watched from a distance, then grabbed their gun and left. Also I can tell a trap was set, my traps were never noticeable, you all didn't even know I did that until I told you"

They all nodded, Lena giving them their pictures back, and walking out the room to discuss. Mina sighed "Okay, I believe her. She didn't do this" Everyone looked at Mina, the one who doubted Lena the most.

Nayeon smiled "So now we can take her off house arrest and she can help us arrest this person?" It took a while, but everyone nodded. Nayeon walked back to the room, Lena backed up "Am I in trouble?"

Nayeon shook her head, and sat on the bed "Come on" Nayeon point a her ankle, and Lena understood, she relaxed and let Nayeon take off the monitor. "I'm leaving the sensors up, because in case we ever need to do this again...it's ready"

Lena smiled and looked at everyone else. Chaeyoung laughed a little "Okay come on genius, we need to catch your copycat" Lena hugged them all "Thank you" They all nodded and Lena sat next to Jisoo on the couch "Thanks for being here even though you were forced to"

"My pleasure kid, be good. I gotta go, get some food"

They all watched Jisoo leave, and Lena stood up "Yea, can we get food, I'm hungry. I was too sad to eat, now I'm hungry"

They all left, and headed to their favorite place to eat. Lena just ate quietly, the others watched Lena stay quiet, so Mina spoke up "Len what's wrong?"

"How could you guys do that?"

"What? Not believe you, or put you under house arrest because we don't trust you"

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