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Lena started to set up traps the next few nights, only to make it seem like The Flower Killer was striking during the day and not at night. Also at work, she started to pretend that she was getting sick. Jeongyeon finally had enough of Lena coughing, "Lena that's enough, go home. I don't want to see you at work for the rest of the day and tomorrow. You're sick and pushing yourself."

Lena was getting ready to protest, but everyone was agreeing, so she nodded and went home. She used that time to sleep, waking up the next morning. She woke up to the sound of the doorbell, opening it to see Sana and Tzuyu there.

Sana smiled, "Hey Lena, so me and Tzu just wanted to bring you this soup, and to tell you that we'll be stopping by after work to check on you."

Lena smiled, Thanks, so is anyone else checking up on me today?"

Tzuyu shook her head, "Nope, police work is busy, but after work we can try to get everyone to stop by with us." They waved and left, leaving alone alone, who quickly got dressed and went to go to her job for the day, which she would normally do at night, but might as well keep the flow going.

She left the house, heading to her next victim's house, same old thing really. She broke into the house, went upstairs, and met the man face to face. It actually got a lot harder when he shot at Lena, but missed his shots, so with shots being fired, the cops were of course going to be called.

Lena quickly killed the man, and tried her best to draw her signature as fast as she could, but right when she finished, she heard the sirens and tried to run to the bottom of the stairs. When she made it down, she saw her worst nightmare. Momo was making a plan and telling everyone, and it scared her because her plans always work.

She looked around, seeing the back door, so she made a run for it. A gun shot was heard, then a window was broken, luckily for her, Sana missed. If it was anyone else, Lena would've shot and killed them, but this is her friends and she doesn't want to hurt them.

She saw Dahyun running to the back and Chaeyoung doing the same thing but on the opposite side. She took a turn and went upstairs, but then heard all of them barge through the door, she was now freaking out. She didn't want to do anything to them, but she also didn't want to raise any alarms by not sticking with her killer reputation.

She grabbed her gun, shooting at the stairs to get their attention, and wrote "STAY BACK!" She slid the note down the stairs, but of course she is going against people that want to see The Flower Killer either in jail or just dead.

Jihyo aimed up at the stairs, "Come out with your hands up! You have nowhere to to!"

Lena quickly set off the bugs she planted in the devices, which caused them to start smoking. It was a quick distraction so Lena can pick the lock to a random room, hoping it would somehow help her escape.

It didn't help

Lena looked out the window, seeing a huge crowd surrounding the house. She had nowhere to go, but she could hear them slowly walk up the stairs, they were being extra careful just so they don't get shot. This was it, this is how she was going to be forced to reveal herself to them, well it's either reveal herself or kill her friends. Neither are a good option.

She hid and listened very carefully, hearing all 9 footsteps go down the hall, checking every single room. What they didn't know is that she was holding onto the walls above them, but she was losing her grip so she would be face planting soon. She was trying to be really careful, finally seeing they passed her, she dropped down and made a run for it.

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