S Ch.1

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Special Chapter

It was 3 in the morning, everyone was asleep in the 2Yeon household. Lena upstairs in her room, while 2Yeon in their bedroom with their dog.

Nayeon woke up to her phone ringing "Hello?"

"Nay? We have a case, I'll send you the address" Jihyo hung up the phone and Nayeon groaned. It's been a while since they had to wake up in the middle of the night.

Nayeon woke up Jeongyeon, then woke up Lena who actually didn't want to wake up "Lena get up we have a case"

"Nayeon, go without me"

"Get up" Lena sighed and slowly got out of bed and changed. Nayeon and Jeongyeon also changing.

Later at the house all of them walked inside. Lena yawning as she looked around "This was one hell of a fight" They all nodded. Chaeyoung pointed to the camera "Lena go see if you can see anything"

Lena got on it, and started checking the cameras. It was pretty odd "Hey uh it shows empty, cut, mess. There is nothing on here" They all nodded finding that a little suspicious.

Sana and Dahyun walked around, Sana going to the basement of the house "Uh you see this. They just left him here shot" Dahyun looked around "Sana, Death Seeker" There was a drawing, Rose with a skull and crossbones

Sana grabbed the paper and ran up the stairs showing everybody else who then all looked at Lena. Mina grabbed Lena's ear and pulled her off to the side "You really thought you were gonna get away with this?!"

Lena was trying to get Mina to let go of her eat "Away with what? I didn't do anything" Sana walked over and showed her the drawing. Lena looked at it "I didn't do this" Mina let her go "I'll believe it when we finally get proof but for now, you're going in"

Nayeon stopped Mina "No, that'll be suspicious. I have my dad's old ankle monitor. She'll be under house arrest. Jisoo can stay with her" Jihyo walked over "Yea, I'll get Jisoo. Lena you better be telling the truth."

Jeongyeon got her jacket and handcuffed Lena putting the jacket over it "So it won't be suspicious" Lena nodded "Can I look around, maybe try to find a way to clear my name."

Jihyo shook her head "Jeongyeon take her to your car leave her there. Chaeyoung, Tzuyu take pictures of everything, we can show Lena the pictures that way" Everyone got to it.

Later that morning, Nayeon was in Lena's room putting the ankle bracelet on her "So if you want to help us, you stay in this house. No sneaking out, no messing with the sensors, no taking this off. Jisoo is coming to watch you."

"Nayeon, you believe me, right"

"I want to, but you are known to mess with cameras, so even if I check these. I won't be able to tell, but I really want to clear your name if not. Mina is mad, me and Jeong are gonna be by your side, Momo, Dahyun, Sana, Chae, and Tzu are in the middle. Jihyo is trying to be calm about it"

"I promise you, it wasn't me"

The doorbell rang, and Nayeon got up and left. Jisoo walked in and sighed "In trouble?" Lena nodded "You know I gave up Death Seeker when Kim was caught"

"Yea, that's what I thought. I'll believe you kid, let's just hope they can clear your name"

Meanwhile at the office, Jihyo was looking through the pictures "Okay so we have DS's signature here, we need Lena to draw one. So whoever is going to pick up lunch drop by the house and pick up the drawing she will draw." Jihyo texted Jisoo to tell Lena to draw the signature.

Chaeyoung sat on her desk "Okay, let's wait to find out what gun killed him, if it's a silencer. It might be L, if not then it's not L"

Mina shook her head "L has used different guns to kill, so what would make this different"

"Oh sorry, never mind"

Tzuyu leaned against the wall "Well what else, besides comparing drawings. Everything is the same. We found bugs in the devices, the drawing, the kill, stuff was stolen, we need to know hand and shoe size."

Momo nodded "True, but they didn't leave any marks. We have two problems, finding out if it's L, and catching who this person is if not"

Jihyo groaned "This is not going well, Mina, you and Sana go back to the site. Check to see how they died. L used to set up traps, they might have done that"

Mina and Sana took off. When they arrived to the site, they pulled out the photos and looked at it "They set up a trap, we missed that" Mina nodded "This is getting harder to believe Len" Sana agreed.

Back at the house, Lena drew the picture and gave it to Jisoo "I need to look at the pictures, I can help them. They can't follow exactly everything that I did. They messed up somewhere"

"We have to wait for the others to give them, other than that. You stay here, and no sneaking out" Jisoo left. Lena just laid on her bed looking up, Nayeon had taken her phone with her, so they could check it. But wouldn't help. Lena always left her phone at the house to prevent getting caught.

At lunch, Nayeon and Dahyun went to the house to pick up the drawing. Nayeon sat down on the chair, Dahyun leaning against the wall, Lena sitting on the bed.

Nay: "You used to set up traps to set it up to show you have an alibi?"


Nay: "You've killed with a gun other than yours?"


Nay: "Where were you between 11-3"

"Here in my room, I went to bed at 1 and was woken up at 3"

Nay: "Why did you go to bed at 1?"

"I was on my phone and saw it was late"

Nay: "Why did you phone say you were at the address around 2 in the morning?"

"I-I don't know."

Nay: "So you were at the scene of the crime when it happened Lena?"

"No, look. When I was DS, I thought smart. I would always leave my phone at my house in my room to prevent getting caught with a GPS, whoever did this knows I was the original DS and is trying to frame me"

Nay: "That's it, I'll be home later" Nayeon got up and left, Dahyun following her. Lena laid back in bed and just cried.

Back at the station, Nayeon played the recording of them, and Jeongyeon looked up "Her phone wasn't at the address" Nayeon nodded "I know, I thought she would've confessed something. And she kinda did, but it's not enough to arrest her, she can still be set free"

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