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They were all rushing to the scene, and when they finally made it, they found the guy who had his man attack the guy they arrested. Mr.Park, now dead with a fired gun, but no sign of MK. Mina was looking around, "They could be near, there is no way they fired a gun and fled here quickly with how much was robbed. People have been surrounding the house this entire time, there has to be a witness"

They separated and started the people in the crowd if they saw MK. It's not like they know what they look like, but it would be suspicious seeing someone running out of the house or fleeing the scene. When they finally faced the fact they escaped, they started to look around in hope for clues.

Mina was looking around when she said her thoughts out loud, "That guy we arrested yesterday knowd MK as the Flower Killer"

Lena looked back at Mina, "Flower Killer?"

Jeongyeon thought about it, "Well, whenever something involves MK, a flower is drawn. So the Flower Killer fits, kinda."

They agreed that the Flower Killer is way better than the Mystery Knight, but now going back to the job. They checked all over for clues and cleaned up the scene a little bit after taking pictures though. It was nothing new, still no answer to who the Flower Killer was.

Back at the station, everyone was working on their paperwork, the usual. Typing things, doing things, acting like they're working, same old same old. Lena knew all the information, but it's starting to get really hard, pretending to not know anything...what if she tells one person?

Telling them would be okay, it might help them move on from the case. While she thought about it, she was doodling on her paper. Chaeyoung sat across from her, and saw her not actually working, "Lena, get to work"

Lena looked up and nodded, but it was obvious she still wasn't there. They were all looking at her at this point, and they could tell there was something off about her, but they couldn't figure it out.

Jihyo got up and walked over, "Lena? Are you okay?"

Lena looked around and saw Jihyo and nodded "Just tired"

Jihyo sighed "That's why I made you stay home yesterday, what did you do?"

Lena sighed and looked down knowing she is gonna be in trouble, "I snuck out to get food and do my work. Jisoo fell asleep on the couch and only let me slide because I bought her food."

Jihyo took a deep breath "Go to the conference room, I'll be there in a second"

Lena got up, accepting her fate, and went to go wait in the room. After a while, Jihyo walked in with Jisoo before taking another deep breath. They all sat down, it took a little bit but Jihyo finally said something.

Jihyo looked at Lena "Let me get this straight. I have you stay home to avoid work so you can get the rest you Need." Then she turned to Jisoo, "And I sent you over to watch her, because knowing how she is, she will work."

They then started talking to both of them "But...You let her slide because she bought you food, and you snuck out because you wanted to work?!"

They both nodded. Jihyo stood up and walked over to Lena before pulling her ear, "Okay, listen to me when I say this. When I tell you to do something, you Listen. Do I make myself clear?"

Lena nodded as she tried to get Jihyo's hand to let go of her ear, "Yes. Yes."

Jihyo let go of her ear before looking back at Jisoo, "Really babe? You let her slide?" Then slapped the back of her head before kissing it.

They left the conference room and Jisoo went back to her work area. Lena sat down at her desk rubbing her ear. But she wasn't there for long, Jihyo called her over "Lena, sit on the floor here. I'm not gonna send you home, but I won't let you work here. I can keep an eye on you if you're right here"

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