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France looked out into her flower garden that she kept herself, despite her mother's wishes. That was what she did best. Defy people's wishes. 

She let out a small sigh as she saw her mother start traipsing over her flower garden.
"France! Get over here!" Her mother yelled. While she was contemplating not going down, a voice spoke behind her. 

"Maybe you should go down, it could be important," Her dead sister called behind France. 

France took a few steps forward before saying; "Monarchy, we all know it's not going to be." She turned around and looked at her ghost sister. Monarchy just shrugged and looked back at France. 

"Who's we all? And besides, I'm just saying that it could be important!" Monarchy bugged her.

Oh yeah, Monarchy. Died in 1789 by the hands of France, who was then Revolution. Ever since then she haunted France and was a major pain in the ass.

"Alright, alright, fine, I'll go down. Happy?" France begrudgingly muttered.

"Yes, very." Her sister nodded.

"Good, that makes one of us." France grumbled as she climbed down the stairs to the sitting room where her mother sat, waiting for her.

"France, why does it take you more than five seconds to come down when I call you?" Her mother complained directly at her.

Monarchy took advantage of the fact no one could see her and yelled; "Yeah France, why do you?"

France jabbed her thumb towards the stairs as her mother took a sip of the tea a servant had just brought her.

"Sit, daughter. I wonder why you are not wearing the dress your father brought for you." Her mother looked at her in disgust. True, the dress France was wearing looked more of a work dress than ever, but it still fitted the proper equity her mother always told her. It was a very simple purple dress that reached almost floor length, with a plunging v-neck and a green fitted shirt under it with gold strings crisscrossing over it, keeping the shirt in place. The dress was tied back with a tendril of gold silk, and she wore it everywhere.

France ignored her mother's comment and definitely did not sit. "Why do you want me here?"

"I told you to get dressed. Your father is coming home today, and we are going to the kingdom of England to work out peace negotiations. They have a son that is your age, and I expect you to make friends with him. If not, then you will be the hole in our plans."

"What do you mean hole in our plans?"

"Well, if you befriend him, it'll be even worse for them when we betray them." 

Ah, the English kingdom. The one with the most rivalries in the whole European block. Any country you could name, there was an eighty percent chance that they were rivals with.

So naturally, England had to make diplomatic ties with any country he could.

And what better than an arranged marriage?

"For the last time, I don't want to marry her! I mean, Spain, really?" The young boy sighed in exasperation, while his father rubbed his temples. Life was not great in the English kingdom.

England leaned back on his desk and faced his son, looking him straight into the eye.

"Listen, this could be a good alliance, so please go with it. You're only getting married for Heaven's sake!" He turned around and started looking for a book while his son still complained.

"You don't know Spain as well as I do. She's a whore, a-"

"Jack, we don't use those words in our house." England was about to walk out the door when The UK suddenly grabbed his arm.

"If she says no, you will not force her."

The phone rang. England picked it up.



"But of course!"


"How about tomorrow evening? My son has a perviously scheduled appointment,"


"Yes, Monday,"


England looked back at his son, who he was previously arguing with, who was now bouncing around excitedly. "Who was it? What did they want? What's on Monday?" 

"Well, it's Normandy. And she wants to sort out a peace."

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