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Hana: 19
Benimaru: 19

3rd Person POV

It is currently an early morning in spring with the wind blowing cool air with a slightly drizzle outside. Both the bride and the groom are in different buildings as they readied themselves for the upcoming ceremony. The ceremony is going to be taken place at a shrine in Asakusa. Konro was helping Benimaru put on his montsuki haori hakama while the twins, Hina and Hika, were helping Hana with her shiromuku and make-up.


I kept shifting around uncomfortably as it was starting to feel hot under all these layers. "This is such a pain in the ass" I said in an annoyed tone.

"Stop moving around or you might end up loosening it" as Konro finished the last knot.

"I am trying to loosen it. It's too tight. I can barely breath" (Benimaru).

"Don't be like that, you're probably just nervous" (Konro)

"I'm not nervous" I said unconvincingly even to myself.

"I love her and I know that she loves me too" (Benimaru). Konro just smiles as he reminisces about the couple that he has known since they were young.


"Hina Hika! What should I do, I can't stop thinking about everything that could go wrong today!" I said while pacing

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"Hina Hika! What should I do, I can't stop thinking about everything that could go wrong today!" I said while pacing.

Hina and Hika just looked at each other, then back at me in confusion.

"What if it starts raining harder or I end up tripping on the way there or there's an infernal or someone steps on my shiromuku or or" I said as my mind was go 100 miles per hour.

"Don't worry, if that ever happens," (Hina)

"Waka will just sock them in the face" Hika finished with a swinging fist motion.

"Yeah BAM!" (Hina).

I giggled at their antics. "Now stop moving or you might smug the make-up we worked so hard on" (Hika). Hina nodded in agreement. They were frustrated because they already had to redo it once.

"I'm sorry I caused you guys so much trouble. I'm very thankful that you're here to help me" (Hana).

"Of course" (Hika).

"Just give us some sweets later" (Hina)

I knew there was going to be a price. "Do you think we should head out soon? All of Asakusa should be there about now". Especially since the famous Destroyer of Asakusa is the one getting married.


I was walking towards the tree that stood near the shrine with Hina and Hike walking by my side. I could see Beni standing in the distance with Konro who was holding the red sun umbrella. As I got closer, I could see all of Beni's handsome features which gave me a happy feeling whenever I'm with him.

'I stared without shame as my beautiful bride came closer and closer. I almost forgot about the uncomfortable clothes that Konro forced me in. When she got close enough, she smelled lightly of the early morning dew, soft and natural. It was intoxicating while her lips were a vibrant red like the red chrysanthemums that grew near the station' (Benimaru)

3rd Person POV

"You look beautiful" Benimaru said affectionately. They both smiled at each other softly as Hana commented about the heavy layers of her outfit.

"It would be better without all these layer haha... you look handsome as well" Hana replied with a soft blush.

Benimaru raised his hand to crest her blushing cheek... until both Hina and Hika slapped his hand away. He stared at them in annoyance while they gave a similar look back.

"Be careful!" (Hina).

"We worked really hard on her make-up!" (Hika).

"Yeah, don't mess it up!" (Hina).

The three of them glared at each other as Hana giggled at the situation while Konro sighed in exhaustion.

"Sorry about them" Konro apologized while rubbing his forehead.

"Don't worry about it. It's a joyous day that we should be celebrating" Hana said waving off his apology.

"You look beautiful by the way" (Konro).

"Thank you Konro" (Hana).

"We should start heading towards the shrine. Can't keep them waiting for too long or a fight might just break out" (Benimaru).

"I think that might just be you" (Konro).

"Huh?" (Benimaru).

Hina and Hika stood to the side of the couple while Konro stood slightly behind to hold the umbrella. The couple walked hand in hand towards the shrine that was surrounded by the citizens of Asakusa to witness this historical moment. The feeling of nervousness died away as they only focused on each other. It was silent as everyone was showing their respect towards the bride and groom.


We kneeled down infront of the priest as he started speaking. When it was over, we were handed the cup of sake. We both took a sip, but I can tell from Beni's expression that he was already slightly drunk. A small laugh escaped my lips, but I was able to keep my composer before anyone could notice. When we were finishes, we walked back towards the fire force company station in a similar manner as everyone else followed suit. When we got back, everyone started celebrating with food and fireworks. We were handed gifts, congratulations, and blessings from others. People were told in advance by Konro to avoid giving Benimaru alcohol which made him annoyed saying that he felt like he was being treated like a child even though he is an adult and now married. As it got later into the night, Beni took my small hand in his large ones and led me to the open area in the station where it was quiet, but we could still see the fireworks.

"Don't think I didn't catch you sneaking a laugh back at the shrine" Beni exclaimed in his usual monotone.

"I don't know what you mean, I don't recall" as I looked the other way to avoid his gaze. I knew that had found me out, always the observant one.

"Don't act koi, you know what I mean" said Beni as he used his hand to make me look back at him.

"Haha I couldn't help it. You looked so adora-" I was cut off as Beni pressed his lips against mine. My hand slipped out of his and my eyes slowly closed as I pressed them against his chest. He moved his hands around my waist to pull me in closer. It was quiet and serine with the exception of the fireworks and cheers in the distance, but to the point where it was as if I could only hear our heart beats.

"I love you" Beni said softly into my ear as he pulled away.

"I love you too. With all my heart" I said back as we pulled in closer for another kiss with the sounds of fireworks and cheers in the distance.

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