Chapter 34

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{3rd Person P.O.V}

It was morning and both Harue and Kaori were playing with Hinata and Hikage. Hana and Benimaru sat infront of Konro in a different room as Hana explained what had happened during her visit to Company 4.

"So let me get this straight. When you were at company 4, there was an attack by the White Clad?" (Konro).

"That's right. They weren't present, but they controlled Shinra and some of the other soldiers. That was how I ended up getting hurt. I can usually handle my own against average fire soldiers, but... their possession seemed to make them stronger." (Hana).

"You also said that there was another person there that might be part of the White Clads" (Benimaru).

"Yeah, she was the one controlling Shinra. She was terrifying. I only saw her for a few seconds and she never spoke to me, but it was her presence and the feeling that she gave off". Hana said as her hands trembled while clenched against her kimono with her head down. Benimaru moved his hand over and held her tightly while giving her a comforting look. Hana took a deep breath before continuing.

"Even though she didn't talk to me, she did speak to Shinra. He said that when that happened, he said that it looked like he was in a different world with only that woman. He then said that when she left, he saw... me".

"Why would he see you, you're not an adola user?" Benimaru asked as Konro gave her a concerned look.

"It's true that I'm not an adola user. I also have no memory of being there. I only saw a flash of the woman and that was it. When I was unconscious, I didn't see anything".

"Then it makes no sense for Shinra to see you, but it might have been a vision or something" Konro suggested.

"Maybe. Shinra also told me that the woman said that my powers were getting stronger and that they might need me soon. I don't want anything to happen to anyone". She said as her lips quivered and tears ran down her cheeks at the thought of her loved ones getting hurt, because of her.

Benimaru pulled her down to his chest as Hana gripped tightly to his front and buried her head.

"Nothing is going to happen to you Hana. We won't allow it to happen" Konro said as he rubbed her back.

"I won't let them take you. Over they're dead body" Benimaru growled.

"Isn't the saying 'over my dead body'?" Konro asked with an empty expression.

"I know what I said," Benimaru said seriously.

Their little bickering caused Hana to stop crying and laugh a little. Seeing that they were able to make Hana feel better made both Konro and Benimaru smile.

"Alright, I think it's time for lunch, how about we go out for lunch this time so that you don't have to cook?" Konro suggested.

Hana lifted her head and smiled widely with small beads of tears in the corner of her eyes. "Haha, I would like that very much".

"You have to stop crying first. You're eyes are getting puffy and your nose is red" Benimaru explained while wiping her face with his sleeve.

"It is?" Hana exclaimed as her cheeks became flush which Benimaru liked a lot.

"I'll go get the kids. Beni, you might want to change before we leave" Konro then exited the room.

Hana looked down and noticed the wet spot where she had cried.

"Ah, I-I'm sorry" Hana apologized with her cheeks still flushed out of embarrassment.

"It's alright, it's just cloth" Benimaru stated as he pushed the back of her head closer and gave her a kiss to her temple.

"Come on, we have to be quick or else the Harue and Kaori start fussing".

Time skip

Hana is inside making a snack for Benimaru and the kids while Benimaru is sitting out on the step to watch the kids play outside. Kaori is using a small toy shovel to dig in the dirt while Harue walking around trying to look for anything that moves.

{Benimaru P.O.V}

Patrol starts later so I'm just watching Harue and Kaori. Today is pretty uneventful, but I'll probably have to break up fights or take out infernals later.

"Papa. Oha-ohagi" Kaori said from his crouching position as he held up a ball of dirt in his small hand.

"Yeah, you're right, it does look like an ohagi" I said slightly amused since Kaori is learning new words pretty quickly for his young age. What I didn't find amusing was when he started to try and put the ball of dirt into his mouth. I rushed to grab his arm which startled him.

"Don't eat that!" I said forcing the dirt out of his hand as I picked him up.

"You'll get sick if you eat that"

"and I'll get in trouble with your mother" I muttered under my breath. Kaori listened as he started sucking and chewing on my collar.

"Papa look what I found!" Harue yelled out as she came out of the bushes.

She had some dirt stains on her face and on her clothes, but when I looked at what she had, I noticed that she was proudly holding... a snake. I quickly placed Kaori gently on the ground I then rushed over to Harue. I grabbed the snake out of her hand and held it high over her head while panting.

"Hey! I found it first!"

"What are you thinking?! You can't just grab a random animal, it could have bitten you!" I scolded.

Harue just puffed her cheeks as they turned red. "I just wanted to show Kaori and Mama!".

I already know how that would have ended. Kaori would have cried and Hana would have screamed and one of them will end up setting something on fire.

"Dear, what do you have there?" Hana asked in her soft sweet voice. She had left the snack on the step as she walked over with Kaori on her hip. I turned around and both ended up seeing the snake in my hand that was still trying to wiggle free. Both Hana and Kaori froze as Kaori started sobbing and Hana screamed.

"Damn it" I thought with an emotionless face as the bush next to me bursted into blue flames.

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