Chapter 4

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{3rd Person P.O.V}

It was a nice cool night as the whole town of Asakusa slept. Harue and Kaori were both sleeping with Hana and Benimaru since the children are still very young. They slept in order of Hana, Kaori, Harue, and Benimaru, who had his arm draped over his wife and children.

{Hana P.O.V}

It was quiet until I heard the wimpering of my youngest child. I looked over to see tears in the corner of his eyes and his lips quivering. I can assume that he might me hungry. I picked him up, shifted out from under Beni, and quietly left the room as to not wake up Harue and Beni. Since Beni already has work the next day, I didn't want him to be sleepy. I walked into the outside area and took a seat as I started to breast feed Kaori.

He has always had a tight grip on my kimono whenever I carried him as if I was going to leave

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He has always had a tight grip on my kimono whenever I carried him as if I was going to leave. I looked up at the stars as I felt the gentle breeze. I heard footsteps coming from behind me and I turn around instinctively.

{Benimaru P.O.V}

I noticed that one side of the bed was getting cold as I opened my eyes slightly. Harue had her head barried in my chest because of my naturally warm body heat. I looked over to see that my wife and son were gone. It startled me a little to the fact that something might have happened to them. I came to the idea that they might just be out to feed him since he was still only a few days old. He has a tendency to be hungry during the night even though he doesn't eat very much. I carefully got out of our shared futon as I gently put it back on my sleeping daughter. I opened and close the sliding door to see my wife sitting outside. When I started to walk my way over to her, she turned around and smiled at me as I returned it with my empty expression.

"What are you doing up and outside with Kaori?" I said as I sat down behind her.

"What are you doing up and outside with Kaori?" I said as I sat down behind her

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"He got hungry and I didn't want to wake you up. I thought that the night breeze would be nice" as she leaned her head onto my shoulder.

Kaori was still breastfeeding as he stared up me with his eyes wide.

"You shouldn't because you could end up getting a cold. You are also too caring" as I stared down at her as she was still smiling gently. I wrapped my arms around her body to keep her warm.

"I know that, but isn't that the reason that you married me in the first place" she replied with a giggle.

"Of course not, there are plenty of other things that I married you for as well, which makes you perfect" that reply made Hana blush as she snuggled into me more.

"That so sweet of you" as she gave me a short kiss on the lips.

"Mama, Papa" we both looked behind to see Harue rubbing her eye with her fist since she was still tired standing behind us. She must have notice that we were gone and walked around to find us.

"Come here sweet heart" Harue giggled as she ran over and laid down with her head on my lap as she stared over to her mother. I put my one hand on her back to keep her warm.

"What are you guys doing up so late" said Konro as he walked over with a chuckle and the twins in tow. The twins were obviously still tired. The three of them sat down.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that, Konro you need to get your rest" I told him.

"It's alright Waka, I'm not that weak, I can stand to stay awake for a few hours. That didn't make me any less concerned for Konro's health.

Kaori was done breastfeeding as he let go and Hana pulled back up her kimono before anyone saw. Kaori was a fragile baby and let out a small cough. Hana pulled him onto her shoulder as she patted and rubbed his back gently as he quietly fell back asleep. He snuggle back into her arms as I looked over to see that Harue had also fallen asleep including the twins.

"I'm sure that your children will end up doing great things when they're older" said Konro.

"I'm sure of that too, thank you Konro" Hana thanked. We sat there for another hour or two just enjoying the silence and the night breeze.

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