Chapter 13

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{Hana P.O.V}

We were now in Konro's room, trying to figure out the situation with the mistake identity. The company 8 members were on one side of Konro's futon while Beni and I were on the other.

"Okay, when Waka thinks he saw you, where were you two actually?" (Konro).

"The captain and I were both at the store, stocking up on a few essential supplies that we ran short on. We informed fire soldier Maki before we left" (Hinawa).

"Yeah, they told me" (Maki).

"Wait, hold on, he didn't mention anything about the store to me. He told me to go and ask Captain Shinmon to meet him and the lieutenant in that alley" (Shinra).

"That's right you did. I agreed and headed Obi's way" (Benimaru).

"Though I don't remember ever saying that" (Obi).

"That's true, I passed them during my walk and they were just on their way to the store" (Hana).

"The hell is this, trying to fool them too?!" (Benimaru).

"Dear please calm down" as I held his sleeve when he stood up.

He sighed and continued "I'll go ask the store clerk to confirm this. For Konro and Hana's sake, I will delay your judgement. Try to leave while I say you can or there'll be violence" as he left the room in a huff.

"I apologize for my husband's behaviour" as I bowed my head to the floor.

"Oh you don't have to do that, no hard feelings" (Obi).

"Sorry about him, Waka's always been a stubborn one. That's just as true now as it ever been" (Konro) his statement about my husband made me to laugh a little.

"Lieutenant Konro, not to pry but, how did you end up like this?" Shinra's question caused me to tilt my head down sadly.

"Bottomline, I wasn't strong enough" (Konro).

"That's not true. You are still as strong now as you were then!" I said cutting him off.

"Thanks Hana, you are always so kind" (Konro) as he chuckled.

"Was Captain Shinmon with you? He seems to have regrets about it" (Shinra).

"None of this was his fault. Waka didn't do anything wrong and you didn't either Hana" (Konro).

He knew about my guilt from that day as well. I couldn't control my fire to help as much as I wanted to. If I did try to help, I would have only gotten in the way.

"I'll just tell you. This was a while back, before we were recognized as an official fire force company" (Konro).

Flashback (Solar Year 196)

I'm so scared. Someone anyone, please help me. I was surounded by my blue flames. I don't know what to do. I'm scared. Beni please help me. As I stood there silently. Tears were running down my face as everything around me burned and I was all alone. I couldn't hear or move anything as parts of my kimono and the ends of my hair burned. My eyes glowed a bright blue, but I had no control over my body. It was as if I was paralyzed. I'm so alone.

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