Chapter 14

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{Hana P.O.V}

Current day

"It's my own fault I ended up like this. Waka and Hana had no say. He's got no reason to feel guilty" (Konro).

"You put yourself through all that to protect Hana and Captain Shinmon?" (Shinra).

Konro tried to sit up, but I helped him the rest of the way.

"Thank you Hana" I just nodded and smiled before he continued.

"Waka doesn't realize it, but he's a natural leader and Hana is someone that Waka loves very dearly. I don't regret taking the fall for them then or breaking up your fight today. I just wished Hana hadn't gotten hurt in the process" (Konro).

"It's alright Konro. There wasn't a lot of blood and it didn't leave a scar" I tried to reassure him as he just smiled at me.

"As soldiers, you should understand. This life of mine isn't worth much. So if I could help Waka, I'll put it on the line" (Konro).

I couldn't say anything to him about that even though I really wanted to since I felt the same way about myself.

There was a long pause before Shinra spoke up. "You shouldn't say that. My family. The people I love most are gone. At this point, I can barely remember them. Life is precious. There's no such thing as a worthless one. At least, not to me. Your life is worth as much as anyone else's. Please believe that and before you decide to throw yours away. Ask me to help you and I will come running. You too Hana" (Shinra).

I was shock because it was as if he knew what I was thinking. Konro then tapped Shinra's chest as he spoke.

"Thanks Shinra. I appreciate your perspective. Until you figure out what means the world to you, I'll take your help" said Konro as he stood up to exit as I followed behind. Shinra is an amazing and special child, I'm sure of that.

"What means the world to me?" (Shinra).

"Glad I got the chance to talk to you. Feeling a lot better now. I can't lay around all day. So I'll go ask around too" (Konro).

"I don't suppose we'd be allowed to help out with that?" (Obi).

"That's fine by me. As long as I or Hana is there to watch you, it isn't a problem" (Konro).

Time skip

{Benimaru P.O.V}
People all around me were fighting and arguing with one another and it was starting to give me a headache. A soldier was punched my way as I dodged.

"I'm telling you man. I'm innocent I swear!" (Soldier).

"Stop lying. Come on, I saw you stealing with my own freaking eyes!" (Other Soldier).

It got annoyed and confused, so I grabbed one of the soldiers by the neck and asked, "Are you completely sure it was him?".

"Yeah, no doubt about it" (Other Soldier).

"I'm sensing a theme. All these arguments are about cases of mistaken identity" as I listened to the other arguments happening around me.

"Benimaru! I saw your wife flirting with another man!" (Random Woman).

My eyes widened. That can't be true. She would never do that to me. She was with Konro. That also includes the fact that she can't flirt. She tried to once when we were dating, but she got too red and embarrassed that she covered her face and ran away. What's going on here?


{3rd Person P.O.V}
Company 8, Konro, and Hana watched in an alley in shock as Hinata and Hikage fought which rarely ever happens.

"What are you doing with that face!" "What are you doing with that face!" "Diiiiiie!" (Hikage and Hinata).

"Why don't you calm it down" (Obi).

"I hate you!" (Hikage and Hinata).

"What are they so mad about?" (Shinra).

"Die in a ditch!" (Hikage and Hinata).

Hana had enough of it and pushed herself between the two and held their shoulders to keep them apart as they tried to hit each other. "Both of you! Stop fighting!" (Hana).

"It's pretty unusual for Hika and Hina to fight" (Konro).

Both children then stopped their struggling, but Hana kept a hand on their shoulders just in case.

"Wait what?!" "You don't think that's Hika do you?!" "You don't actually think that's Hina do you?!" (Hikage and Hinata).

"This is really weird" (Shinra).

"This twarp doesn't look anything like Hina! How how dense can you guys be?!" (Hinata).

"I was just about to say the same thing about you!" (Hikage).

They tried once again to get a hit on each other as Hana struggled to keep them apart. She wasn't really use to this since her children rarely ever fought and both are still really small and young.

"What did you do with Hika! Give her back or I'll tear you a new one!" "Where did You put Hina! Give her back or else!" (Hikage and Hinata).

"Why don't we all play a nice game, like tag" (Shinra).

"They kind of starting to scare me" (Obi).

Arther then got mad and rammed his knee into Hikage's face as she crashed into a wall and Hinata cheered.

"You nasty little freak" said Arther in disgust.

Tamaki ran to the fallen Hikage while Hana kneeled down and held Hinata close to keep her from getting hit by Arther next.

"What did you do that for you stupid onion head!" said Tamaki as the other members of company 8 shook Arther.

"Take a good look, that's just a tiny old man dressed up like a girl" said Arther which caused everyone to look over only to see the still unconscious Hikage.

"Are your eyes stupid too Arther!" (Tamaki).

"How could you do that to a little girl!" (Hana).

Arther was being held down by his team as some of them struck him.

"Let's kill her dead" (Hinata).

Hana let go of Hinata before standing up and walking over to Konro.

"Maybe you should hold off a little bit" (Konro).

Hikage's face then started to bubble as it changed into an old man's.

"Eww gross! Get it away!" as she scrambled to get away and hang onto Shinra while Konro held Hana behind with his arm stretched out infront of her, ready to attack.

"Huh! A tiny old man?!" (Shinra).

"That is so damn creepy!" (Hinata).

"Totally called it" (Arther).

"How is this possible?" asked Konro as he stood back up.

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