Chapter 30

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{Slight spoiler warning from manga}

{Benimaru P.O.V}

Hana is currently at the 4th right now and... I hate it. But there's no use sulking now. I am sitting at the front entrance of the house when I hear footsteps coming behind me. I turned around and saw that it was Harue holding Kaori's hand.

"Papa, where's Mama?" (Harue).

"She had to go talk to the Captain of Company 4 with Shinra".

"Mama~" Kaori starts to tear up and hiccup.

Hana had to leave early and left when the kids were still asleep so she didn't have time to say goodbye to them like she usually does. I got up and picked up Kaori. He clutched my clothes in his tiny hands and hid his face in my shoulder while I rubbed his back. He can be clingy when it comes to Hana. Harue clutched my pants looking up at me.

"It's alright, she'll be back before dinner, so there's nothing to worry about".

"Hey Waka, it's time- what happened?" Konro asked as he saw Kaori crying and Harue basically hugging my leg.

"They're just upset that Hana left"

"That makes sense, but I was just going to tell you that it's time to go patrolling".

"Okay, but I probably have to bring Harue and Kaori with me"

Time skip

We were walking down the street with Kaori in my arms and Harue holding my hand especially what happened last time when we had to get the entire town searched twice.

"Hey Beni" (Shopkeeper)

I looked over to see the fruit stand woman that Hana usually gets fruit from calling out to me. I walked over to the stand.

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to ask how Hana is since I see that you're here with both children because I usually see her with them instead".

Kaori was leaning over my arm as a sign that he wanted to get down. He doesn't really like people so I just placed him on the ground.

What I didn't see was him walking away.

"She's fine. Just out on an errand for the company".

"Oh, that's good. Always so helpful. We just got a shipment of peaches today and I know that Hana really likes them. Do you want any?"

"I'll take 4".

After I took the bag from her hands, she walked away to tend to another customer. I turned around to walk away, but when I looked down I noticed that Kaori was gone. I started to slightly panic and looked around. When my eyes landed on Harue who was still next to me. She just looked at me with a confused look on her face.

"What are you looking for Papa?"

I crouched down and held firmly onto her shoulders. "Your brother. Where is Kaori" I said trying to stay calm.

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