Chapter 16

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{Hana P.O.V}

We stopped outside of the watch tower that Konro was standing in.

"Konro!"(Benimaru). As he pulled himself and I into the watch tower.

"Been looking all over for you" (Konro).

"It's a mess, sorry, new infernals kept popping up, same with the street fights, everybody's arguing about everything, there's no way of finding out what's going on" (Benimaru).

"We think the enemy has been altering people's faces" (Konro).

"Yeah, we had a little problem with that earlier" (Hana).

"That's a start, but don't tell me, tell the people down there! They won't listen to each other, but they will listen to you! We can't let this get worse! You gotta give them a speech!" (Benimaru).

"Even if I could do that, I'm not the one their waiting for, they need someone with authority, they need a hotshot to grind this chaos under it's heel and take it's city back!" (Konro).

"I know, why do you think I came to you?! Your the one we need right now! You have a leveled head, if you tell people to calm down, they'll listen, what's the issue?!" (Benimaru).

Both Konro and I think that Beni is the person that is needed during this mess, but I also knew that he doesn't have any confidence in himself as a leader.

"Waka, I'm sick of hearing you talk like that" (Konro).

There was a long silence before Konro place a hand on Beni's shoulder as he spoke in a more cheerful voice. "You don't have to refer to me, you become a strong leader, show them some guts, I know you've got it in you. Remember, no matter what goea down here, Asakusa is your town. The people aren't waiting for me, it's Beni who's going to show everyone how this is done" (Konro).

Beni groaned in frustration before he spoke, "Hana, what do you think?".

I had been quiet for most of the conversation because I believed that it was an important one that shouldn't be interrupted between Konro and Beni.

"I'm going to have to agree with Konro. I know I said that I would agree with whatever choice you make, but ... you can do this. You are an amazing husband, father, and now you are a leader". I talked with a sweet smile on my face that showed my confidence in him.

"Alright Konro, get off the tower" (Benimaru).

"Yes sir" (Konro).

"But I'm warning you, a guy like me can't do anything, but tear things down. That's the best you can expect" said Beni as Konro climbed down the ladder. I stayed behind because I wanted to be by his side.

"That is why you are titled as Destroyer of Asakusa" (Hana)

"Time for me to bring the pain" (Benimaru).

"You should go down with Konro" (Benimaru).

I just shook my head and smiled as I spoke. "I can't do that. I already promised to follow you and be by your side as long as you'd have me... and I want to keep that promise" (Hana).

"You spoil me too much" he said in his normal empty voice.

I walked closer as I placed my hands on his cheeks. "I know" I giggled. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his wrapped around my waist and we kisses ever so passionately.

"I love you" I said as I had his face in my hands once more and his arms fell loosely around my waist.

"I know" he replied with his forehead making contact with mine with smiles on our faces.

"Now, give them a speech that they will never forget" (Hana)

"Anything for you" and he lept onto the roof as I stayed in the watch tower. When the top part of the tower took off, I held onto one of the pillars to keep my balance.

"DO YOU HEAR ME! ASAKUSA!" (Benimaru). The crowd below cheer and I smiled wide because I was so proud of him.

"Our town is under attack! This is the work of outside forces, not your neighbors! They stole our faces to turn us against each other! Asakusa is overrun with imposters! There's no way for us to tell who's the real deal and who's a fake! In other words, there's not a damn thing we can do! So what! Do you really think I'm going to let that stop me?!" (Benimaru).

"What are your orders sir, we stand ready!" announced Konro with his army of fire soldiers at the ready.

"All of you start beating the crap out of each other!" Beni smirked.

"I had a feeling he was going to say something similar to that" I whispered to myself as I laughed.

"Don't worry about who's fake and who's real! The people of Asakusa won't lose to a bunch of imposters! Don't worry about the fires and the infernals either! Company 7 will take care of that! Alright, now let's see those fists fly" (Benimaru).

Fireworks shot out and exploded in the sky in a spectacle of lights and the people below celebrated in one huge brawl. I notice one particular explosion of fire in the distance and by the look on Beni's face, it seems to have taken his notice as well. A demon flew out of the alley. My eyes widened and my mouth slightly open while Beni just smirked.

"One of them huh, it looks like I found my partner for the big festival" (Benimaru).

Before he took off, I grabbed him by the arm and didn't let go.

"Promise me that you will make it back safely" I demanded with a serious look on my face. I was still afraid after what had happened with Konro in the last fight with a demon.

"You look ugly with that kind of face on you" which shocked me since he had never called me that before.

"But if it will stop you from making that face, then I promise" as he pulled me into a shorter, but just as loving kiss. He took off towards the demon while I stood there and watched in his direction with a smile. I threw as many fox fires as I could to keep that demon at bay since it was a lot stronger than the ones that I was used to handling.

Konro climbed up the ladder halfway to direct the soldiers to different infernals and to get a better look at Beni while he was pushing the demon into the sky.

"The sky, hoping to end the festival with some fireworks, huh Beni?" (Konro).

It took a while before Konro and I noticed the Evangelist woman shooting an arrow toward Beni.

"They notice, not good" (Konro).

"I'm coming!" He yelled as he attempted to use his pyrokinesis, but ended up hurting himself and falling down the ladder.

"Konro!" I yelled with worry, but I didn't have time for that and I jumped out of the watch tower and landed on the same rooftop as the Evangelist woman. We both stared each other down as we waited to see who was going to make the first move.

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