Chapter 12

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{3rd Person P.O.V}

"When you go after my soldiers, you answer to me" (Obi).

"He was just suiting up?" Shinra whispered as Maki helped him out of the river.

"Lets settle this, captain to captain" (Obi).

"Why the hell would you turn an innocent man into an infernal and try to go after my wife and kids" (Benimaru).

"You won't to a word I have to say, so you might as well shut up and bring it on!" (Obi).

"You ready to drop the act you scum?!" As he threw a firey balls at Captain Obi which were blocked by his shield.

"You're not putting out my flames?" (Benimaru).

"Put them out? I'd love to if that were possible, but I don't have any powers!" (Obi).

"You're kidding" said Benimaru in shock as they fought.

"Than shouldn't you be afraid of all this fire?" (Benimaru).

"Damn right I am! It burns!" as he ran straight into his opponent.

"If you know how terrifing flames can be, than how can you bring yourself to turn Kantaro infernal and plan to do the same to two innocent children?!" (Benimaru).

"I'm telling you, there's been some kind of mistake!" as Benimaru launched his matoi flags at Obi.

"There was no mistake, I know what I saw!" (Benimaru).

"Captain No!" (Shinra).

"I don't care if you're second gen, third gen, or both. I train every single day" as he threw a grenade at him.

"An extinguisher grenade?!" (Benimaru).

Obi used more extinguisher grenades to block his opponent's vision as he attacked, but Benimaru was able to avoid them. Obi then landed a hit on him by giving Benimaru a headbutt with his metal helmet which broke the sign off.

"And let that be a lesson to you" (Obi).

"It's almost as if you don't know how to flinch" said Benimaru as blood dripped down the front of his face.

"I can't afford to flinch right now. Not when I'm carrying the weight of company 8 on my shoulders!" as others looked at him in awe.

"What is with this muscle guy, he doesn't have any powers!" "And how did he land a hit on Waka?!" (Hinata and Hikage).

"How did he do that?! The captain's really that strong?" (Shinra).

"Did you think he was a push over? That said, strong or not, he shouldn't act so recklessly. Captain Obi and Shinmon are both carismatic figures. Whatever path they take, others will follow. We can't let this fight continue for much longer" (Hinawa).

"Is there a way we can get them to stop?" (Maki).

"It seems that beating him is the only way to get the rexord straight" (Tamaki).

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