Chapter 19

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{Hana P.O.V}

The company 8 members are supposed to be leaving today, so I woke up early since I also needed to talk to Beni and Konro without the kids. Ever since I got hurt, Kaori and Harue never wanted to leave my side, so I'm taking the opportunity to talk with Beni and Konro.

I got out carefully from our futon and laid back the blanket gently on Kaori and Harue. I quietly got dressed and walked out of the room, softly sliding the door close. I turned around and was startled by Beni who was standing right behind me.

"Are you sure you should be out of bed?" (Benimaru).

"Yes, my back is a little sore, but other than that, I'm fine" (Hana).

"Alright" (Benimaru).

"I need to talk to you and Konro about the night the white clads invaded Asakusa" I stated with a serious expression.

"Alright, let's go get Konro" (Benimaru).

While we were walking, I told Beni, "remember to thank company 8 for their help before they leave" (Hana).

"Yeah yeah, I got it" (Benimaru).

I spotted Konro and called out to him.

"Hey there Hana, how are you feeling" (Konro).

"I'm feeling better, there's nothing to worry about, but I do need to talk to you and Beni" (Hana). We walked into Konro's room and kneeled down on the floor.

"When I was fighting with the white clad woman with the arrows, she said that I didn't know what kind of power I possess and that I could be useful to them and that makes me really worried" I said as my fists clenched around the bottom half of my kimono with a frown.

Both Benimaru and Konro looked shocked since this was news to them. "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" Beni asked, trying to stay calm. "I had only just woken up at the time. My memory was fuzzy and the other time, the children were around and I didn't want to worry them more than I already had" I stared down looking guilty.

"It's alright since you at least told us now" Beni sighed.

"I'm scared that they might come back because of me and Kaori has the same powers as so what if they try to take him too" I clenched my hands and Beni place his hand on top of my fist.

"I had always sensed a lot of power from you, but I always thought that your fire was relatively normal except blue" (Konro).

"Me too, I don't know what to do" (Beni).

"Obi said that he is planning to have a meeting with fire soldiers from different companies to talk about the Evangelist and White Clad issues and I will remember to bring this up as well. Thank you for telling us" Konro said with a comforting smile as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you" as I bowed. We all got up and started to walk towards the entrance where we were suppose to meet up with company 8. When we were in the hall, Beni told Konro to walk ahead since we still needed to walk up Kaori and Harue. When Konro was out of sight, Beni wrapped his arms around my neck with one hand on the back of my head. I put my arms around his chest as I leaned against it. I still had a worried look on my face.

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