Chapter 2

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Hana: 22
Benimaru: 22
Harue: 2


I was sitting out on the steps that led to the open area in the back of the station with a shawl hanging from my shoulders and a hot cup of tea sitting by my side. I rest my hands against my large stomach that has been holding mine and Beni's unborn child. I'm now 7 months pregnant with our second child. We have decided to name them Kaori whether they are a boy or a girl. Beni is currently patrolling Asakusa with Konro and the twins were patrolling else where. It's just me and Harue as I watch her play in the open area with her temari ball that she had gotten as a birthday gift from Konro. It's now fall with the leaves turning brown and falling off the trees.


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Konro continued patrolling without me as I went back to the station a little early to be with Hana. In about 2 months now, Kaori will soon be born which is good because this pregnancy has been especially harder on Hana than the previous one.

"I'm back" I called out as I walked through the door, but was only greeted by silence. As I walked around the station, Hana and Harue weren't in our room like they were when I left. I looked out towards the back to see Hana sitting on the step while affectionately cresting her pregnant belly.

"Shouldn't you be inside? What if something happened while I was gone" (Benimaru).

"It's alright, I have a shawl with me and some tea. You shouldn't worry to much, it's not good for you" Hana joked.

"I'm the husband to a stubborn pregnant woman. It's my job to worry and the tea isn't even hot anymore" I told her as I picked up the forgotten tea cup. I sat down next Hana and pulled her in closer to make sure she's warm while my other hand is warming her tea back up. Hana just smiled warmly as she leaned into me with a hand keeping her shawl together. I rested my head above her and placed the tea cup back in her hands.

"Thank you Beni" (Hana).

I nodded and placed a hand onto her stomach and was greeted with a small kick which made me smile.

"Where's Konro? I thought you two were patrolling together?" (Hana).

"We were, but Konro's showing the new recruits the ropes so I decided to go back to the station early to be with you" (Benimaru). My small comment at the end had made Hana blush from the look of her soft red cheeks. But she wasn't embarrassed, only flattered as she was also smiling. I placed a kiss to the top of her head.

3rd Person POV

When Harue finally noticed that her father was back and was cuddling her mother, she dropped her ball and ran back over while pouting. She forced her hand to squeeze in between Benimaru and Hana as she felt they were too close together. She whined as she wrapped her other arm around as much of her mother's stomach.

"Baby, what are you doing?" (Hana).

Benimaru knew exactly what she was trying to do as he squeezed Hana closer to prevent his child's arm from pushing him away. Hana placed her tea back down to keep it from accidentally spilling on Harue.


"You brat" (Benimaru) he was very much annoyed. When she was finally able to make it between them, she places her head onto her mother's stomach while glaring at her father. He just glared right back. Hana ignored their childish antics and placed one hand on the back of Harue's head and the other was rubbing her back.

"Baby are you alright?" Hana ask slightly amused.

"Mommy, I'm cold. Can you keep hugging me please" she asked while giving her mother the puppy eyes. Hana was absolutely falling for it. She held her daughter tighter and continued rubbing her back.

"I told you to wear warmer clothes, it's only going to get colder when winter comes" (Hana).

"I'm sorry mommy" Harue apologized while talking back at her mother.

"That's alright" Hana replied with a smile.

'She really milking it, this kid. And Hana's completely falling for it' Benimaru thought to himself slightly pissed..

"You can always warm up with me" Beninaru smirked since he knew that Hana wouldn't object because she can't use her powers or else the baby could get hurt. Harue just kept glaring at him. She may be young, but she knew exactly what her father was trying to do.

"That's a good idea. You can get warmer with daddy" hoping that this will bring the two closer together. Harue just stared in disbelief, but not surprised that her mother was falling for her father's plan. Hana has always been the one to believe in her husband and that he had good intentions which usually he does, but this wasn't one of them and Harue knew it.

"That's okay mommy. Mommy is softer than daddy. Daddy's muscles hurt me" smirking right back at her father which only made him even more pissed off.

"I think it's time to go back in. It's getting colder" using the excuse to move his wife away from his daughter. Hana was just confused since the weather hadn't changed. He has one arm around Hana's back while the other was under her legs. Harue was too short and was forced to let go of Hana's kimono. Benimaru took long strides with Harue struggling to keep up.

"Beni, I can walk just fine. You don't have to carry me" (Hana).

"I'm not taking any complaints right now" his usual comment to anything he doesn't want to listen to. They were greeted in the front by Konro who noticed that the father and daughter duo were back at it again for Hana's affection.

"Konro, can you take Harue to get some daifuku from the old woman" (Benimaru). Konro took this as a sign to take Harue so that the couple could have some alone time. Konro sighed and grabbed Harue with one arm around her waist. Konro said bye as he walked back out the door with Harue struggling to escape his grip while kicking and screaming. Once they were gone, the couple walked back into the room that they shared with each other and Harue. Benimaru gently laid Hana onto the futon and he snuggled up to her.

"You shouldn't tease her too much. She's only two remember? And you're her father" (Hana).

"For two year old, she sure has a lot of attitude" (Benimaru).

"Hahaha you know that she gets that from you right" finding it amusing that her husband was acting like Harue for her attention. Benimaru just ignored the comment and wrapped his arm tighter around Hana.

"She really admires you. You know that right?" (Hana). Benimaru nodded as he drifted off to sleep.


He always likes to be close by in case something or anything happens and the same can be said when I was first pregnant with Harue.

'He's so sweet' I thought to myself as I stared at his sleeping face

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'He's so sweet' I thought to myself as I stared at his sleeping face. I could feel him unconsciously caressing my belly as I did the same on his face.

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