Chapter 9

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{3rd Person P.O.V}

"Please don't fight here" Hana begged as she stepped up still holding on to Kaori and Harue holding onto her.

Shinra blush and smiled nervously at the pretty woman while Arther stepped up and grabbed one of her hands. He then got down on one knee and his other hand over his chest as he spoke. "I promise not to display dispicable acts of violance in your presence like this devil here my princess" said Arther as he smiled.

Hana was very confused as Shinra got angry at Arther for flirting and calling him a devil. Benimaru grabbed Hana's wrist and pulled it from Arther's grasp.

"You dare to speak that crap to my wife in front of me?" Benimaru asked darkly as his eyes started to glow red again. Konro put a hand on his shoulder incase Benimaru tries to lash out at Arther.

Benimaru can get very jealous and angry at other men especially if they try to flirt or take his wife away from him though he knows that Hana wouldn't leave him.

Harue finally spoke up and walked out from behind her mother. She put out her arms as she yelled "You can't have Mama! She's our Mama!". Kaori wasn't saying anything, but he tightened his grip around his mother's neck.

"What?! Wife?! Mama?!" shouted company eight in shock and confusion except for Hinawa.

"That would explain the children" said Hinawa who noticed the children's unique eye colors.

There was a silent pause before a bell rang out. "Fire! Fire!" came from the distance.

"Why did you have to go and jinx us like that Waka?" (Konro).

"Damn it. I better not see company 8 here when I get back. Come on Hana" as Benimaru walked out.

"Oh right" Hana set Kaori on the ground who held onto his sister's hand before bowing to company 8 and scrambling outside to catch up with her husband. The rest of the people followed out behind.

"Must be that way" (Benimaru).

{Hana P.O.V}

When I got outside, I spotted Beni talking with another fire soldier.

"Who was it?" (Benimaru)

"The boisterous old guy Kantaro" (fire soldier)

"He was nagging me about drinking with him just a minute ago" (Benimaru)

Beni the took his right arm out of his sleeve and held his matoi flag over his shoulder.

"Our friend Kantaro from block three has turned infernal!" (Benimaru).

"Hana, your fox fire" (Benimaru)

"Right" I shot out three blue fox fires from my hands that flew towards Kantaro and created a barrier to keep him in place.

Beni did his normal routine of destroying houses while everyone cheered as he grabbed me by the waist and flew us over to Kantaro with his match stick.

"There you are you old fart!" He shouted as he threw his and other matoi flags towards Kantaro.

We landed as he set me down gently. "Look at this Kantaro! The whole town is in shambles! You're too old to be raising this kind of hell and you know it! That being said you always did like making a scene right?" Beni walked over and extinguished his flames. "Way to hang in there friend".

"You can rest now" I said while giving a gentle smile.

{3rd Person P.O.V}

Shinra had taken the old lady up to one of the roofs to see Benimaru.

"Thanks young man. You helped me see him through, all the way to the end. So what do you think of what you just saw? Did Beni's way of putting someone to rest seem a bit rough to you? Your sister's prayers are a gift to your dead and we destroy our town as a gift to ours. Everybody in our wold lives in continuous fear of the flames of infernalization. We're all looking towards our deaths as for the people here, if we have to die, there's no way we perfer to go out than at his hands. The hands of Shinmon Benimaru. The Destoyer of Asakusa"

Time skip

{Hana P.O.V}

Harue went off to play with the twins as I followed Beni to the enterance of the house and sat down with him with Kaori on my lap.

I grabbed one of the daifuku that Beni brought home. "Here, dear" he grabbed the sweet from my hand and took a bite "It's too sweet".

I laughed at his response as he tore off a piece and fed it to Kaori. Before I knew it, he tore off another piece and put it in my mouth which surprised me and caused me to blush. He notice and gave a low laugh as I gave him a short, but loving kiss on the lips. Kaori held one of his hands on Beni's sleeves as Beni rested his forehead against mine and gave a small smile.

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