Chapter 3

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Chris tumbled down the side of the path,as he stopped he looked at his surroundings.

The others were starting to stand up"no one's hurt right?"he asked to a chorus of no's"well this evening has been eventful."Jewel muttered dusting her shirt.

"What should we do now?we're too far away from our homes."the girl said"and that guy's gotta come back at some point."the soot guy mumbled"well we should try to find the nearest Village."Chris suggested.

The girl smiled"that sounds good but which direction?"Chris looked around that guy was going north so.."west,let's try west."the others nodded and started walking.

"Oh,we never said our names did we?"the girl asked"well,I'm Chris and this is my sister Jewel."Jewel grunted out a hello"I'm Molly!"Molly greeted with a childish smile"my name's Dillan,nice to meet you."Dillan informed with a stifled laugh from twig boy.

"What?i bet your name's Bob!"he retorted"actually,my name is Xander,dill pickle."Dillan groaned"it's Dillan,twig hair."


After walking for what felt like forever Jewel spoke up"ok,let's stop here."she then began to sit on a boulder,Chris smiled and flipped his hand making the boulder contract to a pebble.

Jewel fell on her butt with a groaned as Chris laughed at her,Molly sighed as she sat down"we were walking for centuries."she whined"it wasn't that bad."Xander mumbled"yeah,because you turned into a wolf!"Dillan grumbled and Xander ignored him.

Molly looked up and yelled"hey can you get us some food!?"Jewel facepalmed"oh she's crazy,everything makes sense now!"Molly shook her head"I'm asking that falcon to get us food."

Xander looked to the sky"how do you know it'll listen to you?"Molly smiled"well I talk to animals,that's my power!"Chris tilted his head"do they talk back?"Molly looked down shyly"I only understand a few types of animals,I haven't had this power forever."

Chris nodded"I got mine's a month ago."Xander nodded"me too."Dillan waved his hand"same here."Molly hummed"it's strange how we all got our powers at the same time.."

"Yeah,maybe there's a reason."Xander said"like that prophecy?"Jewel groaned"exactly!a king has risen to find people like us!"Chris hid his eyes shyly"but they want the one with green and brown eyes,right?"Molly asked.

"Like Chris!"Jewel said"Jewel!"Chris grumbled"what?there's no way this is a coincidence!"Xander nodded"you must be're the one of the prophecy!"

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