Chapter 5

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The group set off through the forest"you know,this would be a lot quicker if Xander turned into a bird and looked around."Jewel spoke up.

Xander looked away shyly"I-I can't."Jewel raised a eyebrow"why?"Xander sighed"I hate heights,ok?"Molly smiled"it's ok Xander,we all have fears!"

Xander smiled softly"thanks,Molly."Dillan smirked"twig boy can smile!"Xander shoved Dillan in a not so playful way"shut up."he muttered,Dillan mimicked him in a high pitched voice.

Chris smiled as they looked to the village down the hill"there it is!"Jewel hummed and took a poster off a tree"one problem,people are looking for Chris along with others like us."

Chris sighed"it's ok,I'll stay back."Jewel nodded"we'll buy supplies,I'll be sure to get you something fancy."she teased before leading the others to the village.


Jewel looked around"ok,Molly's in charge of food.ill get some new cloths.Xander can get a map and Dillan.."

she stared at him as the ginger smiled expectantly"sit there and look pretty."the group then splitted up.


Molly looked at the apples in the store and smiled.

They were easy to carry and were cheap enough for her.

"20 please!"she said holding out the money,the merchant lady smiled and gave her a basket of apples"thank you Ms!"she then skipped away.


Jewel carried a pile of clothing as she made her way through the market,Jewel sighed"I should've had Dillan help."she then saw a store,there was a brown leather bag with a gold button and smiled I should get Chris something.

"Can I have that please?5 gold pieces,but no higher."the merchant chuckled"of course,little lady."


Xander groaned"you'd think maps are easy to find."he continued looking.

After centuries he found a map store"6 in gold pieces,boy."the merchant said,Xander stared at him"come again?"the merchant repeated himself.

"So you're telling me that a map is worth 6 gold pieces?"Xander said,he voice disturbingly calm"yes it is,have a problem with that?"Xander shook his head and smiled"not at all!"the merchant got a tad bit uncomfortable.

"The only problem I do have is that a map should be worth a lot less in my opinion,don't you think?"Xander asked as he leaned against the counter infront of the merchant,the merchant smiled nervously"y-yes,that's my price."

Xander sighed"then can you bump it down?please and thank you."Xander gave him a glare that chilled the merchant"o-of course,you know what?just take it!"he snatched the map"thanks,you're so kind."he rolled his eyes as he walked away.


Dillan strolled through the village,trying to get out without being attacked by merchants and bumped into a crowd.

They were listening to a man with a paper"so I ask if you to turn in these gifted ones!"he boomed"his highness,king David,will find out their secret and give it to all.he says we deserve to be equal again!"

Dillan tilted his head they aren't going to kill us?is this guy actually bad then?Dillan then turned I have to tell Chris!he then walked away.


Chris saw the others and smiled"how was it?"

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