Chapter 18

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(There's a thing in italics this is a bit suggestive so you've been warned!)

Molly and Jewel came to Chris and Xander"we're finally done!sorry it took so long!"Molly glanced at Jewel.

"It's fine you guys,ready to go Jewel?"Chris asked as he put supplies in his bag"ready as I'll ever be!"Molly gave Jewel a hug"stay a sassy bitch,ok?"Molly whispered.

"You can swear!?"Jewel whispered back,Molly rolled her eyes.

Chris held out his arms,Xander raised a eyebrow"you expect me to hug you?"Chris nodded,Xander sighed and embraced Chris"hey,get a backbone while you're out there."Xander advised.

And then they were gone,Xander sighed"you ready to relay those messages?"he asked"yeah,I'll get to"

"I'll go for a walk,ok?"Molly nodded and Xander turned and made his way to the castle,he groaned as he pushed a branch away from his face.

Xander then walked up to the castle"hey Soren?"Soren peeked his head out from the balcony"hey twigs!I'll be right down!"Soren seemed to talk to someone for a moment"can Dillan come?"

"Sure thing,Prince Charming!"Xander answered,Dillan and Soren walked up to Xander.

"How's life,dill pickle?"Dillan chuckled"not much,twig boy."Soren then walked towards the castle"stay there ok?"Dillan and Xander nodded.

Xander propped against the wall"how's it going with you and Molly?"Dillan shrugged"to be honest my feelings are a bit mixed at the moment,ever since last night actually."Dillan glanced at Xander,the dream felt so real!

Xander nodded"feelings are complicated in general,you try to avoid them but then they become you life."Dillan chuckled"I hear that."

Soren can't back with some horses"let's go for a ride!"


Soren ride his white horse Lydia as he lead the other two,them lagging behind as they tried to figure out how to turn properly.

Dillan groaned as he accidentally tied his hands together"you're so ridiculous,dill pickle."Xander untied his hands,Dillan blushed and rubbed the back of his neck"t-thanks."

They continued riding and Xander smiled"I think I got it!"the horse then shot forward to Soren,Dillan catching up.

Infront of them was a large log,Dillan and Soren hanged back but Xander continued.

Xander jumped over the log to the other sides and stopped,he pushed his bangs out of his face and looked at Dillan and Soren"what are you looking at?"

Dillan and Soren blushed and looked at sticks,Xander chuckled"c'mon let's keep going!"


The horses were tied to a tree as the three sat in the grass,looking at the sky.

"A duck!"Soren gasped pointing at a cloud making the two others laugh"I see a dragon."Xander said"really?i think it's a tiger."

Xander sat up and sighed"it's always nice to run away from this prophecy,to ignore our powers."Dillan nodded and looked at his hands"what was that battle to shake the sky?"Soren asked

"It couldn't have been the one i met you in,the war would be over then."Xander said"and what about black and white making grey?"Dillan asked,Soren shrugged"I'll go get us a snack."he decided before standing up and walking away

Dillan looked up at Xander,the wing blew in his black hair as he brought his knees to his chest and sighed.

"You seem a bit moody,you can beat me up if you want!"Dillan decided,Xander chuckled"alright pickle,square up."

The two stood up and Dillan went for a punch,Xander grabbed his wrist and swung him into a tree.

Xander then pinned his hands against the tree,Dillan went bright red dontmovedontmove.

Xander froze as he stared into Dillan's eyes,he didn't know why exactly.

Dillan glanced at Xander's lips then looked up into his aqua eyes,suddenly Xander snapped out of it and kicked him in the gut.


Dillan sighed as he sat in bed,what were his feelings right now?

He liked Molly but he liked Xander,was it just because she wasn't around or something?!

Dillan groaned and closed his eyes"I just need some sleep.."

Dillan yawned as he woke up,he knew sleeping made the night go by but that was quick.

Dillan sighed as he heard a knock on his door,he opened it and saw Xander"Xander what the hell are you doing here!?"Xander smiled"just wanted to see you,dill pickle."

Dillan sighed"come in here so no one sees you."he lead Xander into his room,Xander sat with him on his bed.

"You realize you can come back whenever you want,right?"Xander asked quietly"yes,but I need time."Xander sighed and held Dillan's hand.

Dillan went bright red as Xander rested his head on his shoulder,Dillan decided to play along.

Xander then looked up at Dillan"what?"Dillan asked"I'm debating wether to kiss you or stay like this."Dillan blushed"o-oh,well you can kiss me if you want!"

Xander smiled"good."suddenly Xander was kissing him,Dillan froze then slowly closed his eyes before kissing back.

Xander parted for air,just a millimeter away from Dillan's lips"you're so hot Dillan."Dillan went a new color of red then kissed Xander again.

Xander put his hands on Dillan's shoulders as Dillan put his hands on his waist and tried to bring Xander closer.

Xander then slowly moved to Dillan's neck,biting at it and making a small moan come out of him.

Xander smirked and bit harder,as he pulled away he looked back up into Dillan's eyes before biting his lip and pushing Dillan against the bed.

Xander kissed him again,long and hard"you're such a bottom,Dillan."Xander chuckled"shut up and keep kissing me."Dillan said.

Xander pulled away slightly"Dillan~I'm the one that makes the orders here."Xander then kissed him again.

Chris woke up redfaced"dear god I'm bi!"
(Sorry that's as far as I could go Sarah)

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