Chapter 13

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"Ok Molly,here's the plan."the caged girl listened to Dillan.

"I'll get the keys from the guard then sneak you out,foolproof!"Molly smiled"alright,I'll distract him!"


A guard was walking past Molly when she spoke up"um,wait!"the guard hummed and turned to her"h-how's your day been?"the guard smiled"normal."he informed.

Dillan creeped up and stole the keys"well,I better get going."the guard then left,Molly giggled"you're brilliant,Dillan!"Dillan blushed and unlocked the door.

Molly walked out and hugged Dillan"thanks!"Dillan smiled and hugged back"no problem..I'll do anything for you wildflower."Molly blushed.

Dillan then grabbed Molly's hand and lead her through the halls,as they passed a balcony Dillan slipped slightly as he hid.

Soren turned around"twigs?"he whispered hopefully,after some waiting he sighed of course,get your head in the game Soren!Soren then walked away.

Dillan raised a eyebrow how does that guy know Xander's nickname?he shook his head and continued walking.

They got out to the garden and stopped"this is as far as I can go."Molly looked up at Dillan"you promise to write back,right?"Dillan nodded"of course,Molly."

Dillan looked to a rose in a bush and smiled,he picked the flower and handed it to her"a little gift from me,wildflower."he said red faced.

Molly blushed as she looked at the flower in her hands"thank you Dillan,for being by my side."Molly looked looked up at Dillan and hesitated,she then went on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek before walking off.

Dillan could've stayed there frozen in time forever before shaking himself out of it,he smiled as small bolts appeared on his body.


Molly smiled at the flower and put it on her ear,it was a nice touch as she skipped through the forest.

Molly caught up with the others at the camp"Molly there you are!"Xander ran over and examined her,before clearing his throat"um,are you ok?"

"I'm completely fine Xander,Dillan helped me!"Jewel walked over"where is he?"Molly glanced away"well,he had to stay back."Chris stood up"so all of that was worthless in the long run?"

Molly shrugged"maybe there was a reason."Xander nodded"who knows."Jewel sighed"not again with that"destiny"ordeal."

Xander rolled his eyes"it's at least plausible."maybe Soren way.we hate each other,right?right!?while Xander was having a gay panic Jewel noticed the flower.

"Was that from Dillan?"she asked smugly,Molly blushed"yes."Jewel stifled a laugh"oh honey you're hopeless."

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