Chapter 6

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The group was continuing,Xander stared at his map and hummed"how much was that?"Molly asked"well,the guy gave it to me."

Molly put her hands on hips"Xander,stealing is wrong."Xander shook his head"no I persuaded him,I've always been able to do it."Jewel chuckled"wouldn't it be cool if you guys had two powers?"

Molly hummed"that would be cool!maybe Xander can hypnotize people!"Xander stifled a laugh"real funny guys,I'm sure it's nothing."

Dillan bit into his Apple deep in thought they aren't going kill us,maybe we should turn ourselves in.

Molly walked up to Dillan"are you ok?you seem distracted."Dillan nodded"this is just overwhelming,I need some breathing room."Molly smiled"yeah,hiding from a king was the last thing I thought of when I worked at the circus."

Dillan smiled"hey,why don't we take a break?all of us!"the others looked back at Dillan"that sounds perfect!"Jewel sighed in agreement"well,we've been stuck in this woods clueless.we could make a plan."Chris decided.


Dillan was walking when Molly jumped out a tree making him yelp,Molly laughed"did I scare you?"Dillan chuckled"definitely."He then ruffles Molly's curly hair before continuing with Molly walking beside him.

Molly turned her head to the trees"Dillan."Dillan watched a fox walk out the forest,Molly awed"hi there!"the fox tilted it's head and walked up to Molly.

She sat down and petted the fox's coat,Dillan watched Molly with a small smile.

He took notice of the way she smiled with her eyes shining,Molly had that energy of someone who'd never met a stranger and could brighten everyone's day.

Molly looked up at Dillan and grinned,he was such a nice guy with a personality that always amused her.

They held eye contact for a moment before they looked in opposite directions,both of their faces a shade of pink.

The fox looked between them knowingly and pranced away,Molly sat up and sighed"he was such a nice fox."she mumbled"c'mon,let's keep going!"


Xander threw a rock in the air and caught it,bored out of his mind.

Jewel walked over"hey,twigs."she greeted,Xander groaned and took a twig out his hair"sorry but none of us have had a shower,Princess."

Jewel rolled her eyes"can you stop being a ass for one minute?"Xander smirked"fine,you first."Jewel scoffed and sat beside him,they exchanged some small talk  before Dillan and Molly came back.

Jewel smirked"hey love birds!"she greeted to get a glare from Dillan,Xander snickered"just wait till that's you,Jewel."Jewel chuckled"no thank you!what about you?you're charming enough."(our aromantic Queen!)

Xander shook his head"never going to find the one."Jewel stifled a laugh"oh my god,you believe in that'the one'shit!?"Xander blushed"it's real,and who knows?people get lucky!"

Jewel sighed"alright mister soulmates,if you say so."


Chris sighed as he looked to the clouds I need to figure out what to do,but what is that exactly?I'm only 16!and Jewel's no help either!

Chris groaned as he tried to change his thoughts,there's a king after him after all.

Molly walked over"you ok?"Chris nodded"this is all just strange."Molly smiled"true,but it falls on all of our shoulders."Chris looked to the others"I'm sure I'll figure something out."

Jewel yelled over her shoulder"you better!"the group then erupted in laughter.

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