Chapter 4

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Chris ate the cooked rabbit the falcon gave him as he thought of the prophecy and how he got involved in this mess with three kids in the woods eating rabbit.

"What does that king even want?"Jewel shrugged"he probably wants to dissect us like frogs!"Dillan suggested"or make us weapons of war."Xander said,Dillan's shoulder brushed Xander's shocking him"hey watch dill pickle!"he hissed.

"Sorry,stormy weather."Dillan mumbled"oh you're affected by it?"Molly asked,Dillan nodded"it gives me a boost."a water droplet fell on Chris's nose"alright,I'll go make a shelter."he got up and walked away.

Xander groaned and pulled up his hood"stupid wet rain."he muttered,Molly hummed and walked to a tree before taking off a leaf filled branch.

She then handed it to him"try this."she said as she sat down again,Xander put the bush over his head"I feel stupid."Dillan stifled a laugh"you look stupid too."


The others huddled under a shelter of rocks Chris made,lightning lit the sky making Jewel yelp.

Molly looked around"where's Dillan?"Chris cursed"I'll go look for him."Molly walked out"no I will."Jewel shook her head"there's bears!"Molly didn't even turn around"I'll talk to them!"


Molly walked through a bush to a clearing,Dillan was in the middle.

He seemed focused on the sky,he was soaked and probably cold.

Dillan inhales the rainy air and held out his arm,lightning cane down and made contact with him.

Molly gasped as Dillan then turned a redirected the lightning to a tree,she then ran over"that was amazing Dillan!"

Dillan jumped and turned to her,Molly saw how his hair was sticking up from static and giggled.

Dillan blushed and patted down his hair"t-thanks Molly,shouldn't you be at the shelter?you're soaked!"Molly smiled"I was gonna say the same about you!i came to find you,now c'mon!"

She grabbed his hand and Dragged Dillan through the forest"geez you sure your power isn't super strength?"Molly chuckled"I'm sure."Dillan smiled softly,Molly's laugh was purely contagious.


Chris stretched as he exited the shelter,he picked up two rocks and turned to the group"wake up everyone!"he banged the rocks together making Jewel groan"why do you have to do that every morning?"she grumbled.

"Hey,it works."Chris said as the others got up"alright,let's get some breakfast!"Molly stated"me and Dillan can get berries!"Dillan nodded and followed her through the forest


"You and Xander should stop bickering."Molly spoke up"you could work better together."Dillan shrugged"Xander's a pain in the ass though."Molly put a hand on her hip"so can you my good sir!"

Dillan chuckled"easy there,wildflower."Molly raised a eyebrow"is that a insult?"Dillan shook his head"just a fitting nickname."Molly smiled,a bit of blush on her face"oh,ok!"she pushed away a branch and saw many berry bushes.

"Berries!"Dillan walked over and started picking,Molly knocked them out his hand"careful,just one of those berries could've killed you!"Dillan chuckled nervously"oh.."

"Try these."Molly pointed to a different bush and started picking,Dillan not far behind"thanks."Molly continued picking"no problem!"Dillan smiled at her maybe this adventure has some perks.

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