Chapter 16

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Molly and Jewel looked at the different stores for a couple more items before leaving,Jewel continued to get distracted.

"Jewel,stay focused.we need to find some food for you and Chris."Jewel sighed"I can't treat myself while at the market?"Molly nodded as she bought some bread.

Jewel followed Molly through the town reluctantly,she then looked to the flower tucked behind her ear"you still have that thing?"

Molly blushed"yeah,and?"Jewel chuckled"it's just adorable how you guys immediately liked eachother."Molly crossed her arms"we just click,ok?"

"Or this takes a dark turn and Dillan runs off with Xander bridal style into the sunset."Jewel joked making Molly laugh"you're so mean!"Jewel giggled"duh."

They stayed quiet for a while"no joke,I'd pay money to see Dillan flirt with Xander."Molly shoved Jewel playfully.


Xander pushed throw the bushes"I'm back!no berries though."Chris stood up and stared at Xander"what?"

"When did you braid your hair?"shit. Xander undid the braid and ruffled his already leaf filled hair"I was bored,ok?"Chris chuckled"it doesn't matter, can look however you want around us."

Xander resisted the urge to shove Chris off a cliff"you realize I hate flattery right?"Chris smirked"you don't know the difference between flattery and a compliment?"Xander groaned"shut up."

Chris sat back down with Xander on a log"I'm serious though,you don't have to be different around us."Xander glared at him"I'm not acting Chris,this is just me.a sassy bitch."Chris chuckled"but you don't realize how much more you are?"

"Well I'm not much more,I'm a shapeshifter and that's it.not even a good one,some creatures are too hard and I get tired after too many shifts."Chris smiled softly"we haven't had these powers since we were born,it's going to be hard to use them."

"You all seem to have it figured out."Xander mumbled,Chris sighed and looked to the floor"Molly doesn't understand all animals,Dillan's power can have a mind of its own,and I can barely lift a rock.we aren't perfect Xander,not one no one should aim for it."

Xander looked to Chris"I guess your right."Chris smiled"that's the nicest thing you've ever said!"Xander chuckled"I can still beat you up Chris."

(Hey guys I kinda have these two ideas I want you to vote on.would you like a TPOW Q&A or and TPOW truth or dare?leave a dare and a truth for characters and questions for characters depending on which!)

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