Chapter 15

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"Soren,could I see Dillan?"Xander asked,Soren raised a eyebrow Dillan?who's he to Xander!?"o-oh course,follow me!"


Soren sneaked through the castle,Xander behind him since he didn't want to get any closer is that a bad sign?does he really hate me?

Soren got to the door and knocked"Dillan,a friend's here."Xander walked up and entered the room,leaving Soren.

Dillan raised a eyebrow"I thought you were someone else."Xander crossed his arms"hey you wanted a car and you got a buggie."

"Why are you even here?"Dillan asked"you obliviously don't want to be in here with me."Xander walked up to him"I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"Oh really?i thought you hated me twig-"Dillan noticed Xander's new hair job"stop staring."Xander snapped his fingers in Dillan's face.

"And I don't hate you,I'm just bitchy to you and you're an asshole about it."Dillan chuckled"you came,you saw,are you leaving or am I stuck with you?"

Xander smiled"trust me,I don't want to be stuck here for eternity."Xander then turned and walked to the door"and Xander."Xander looked back at him"you're not all that bad either."

Xander smiled and left the room,Soren looked down at Xander"had a nice time?"Xander nodded"oh,I have to go.sorry!"Soren's smiled dropped slightly somehow you had time to visit this guy but not continue talking to me?

Soren then lead Xander outside"till next time,twigs."Xander smiled"till next time,Prince Charming."Xander then turned and walked away.

Soren sighed"why were you talking to him?"Soren yelped and turned to see Victoria"oh,um,Victoria!"Victoria waited"umm,isn't it obvious?at some point he'll spill some info!"

Victoria hummed skeptically"and you brought him in the castle,why?"Soren chuckled nervously"to gain trust,I promise you!"Victoria sighed"if you say so,I'd like you to report back when you can.agreed?"

Soren nodded"of course ma'am!"Victoria crossed her arms"and one more thing."Soren nodded"do you really think he gives a shit about you?"she asked silently before walking away.

Soren stared at the grass does he care?he might not even like me!he's probably dating Dillan or something,he probably doesn't like guys either!

Victoria smirked too easy to mess with young boys in love.

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