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Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 93rd Academy Awards in sunny Los Angeles, California! Please, turn off all your mobile devices. We encourage you to take your seats. We will go live in t-minus 10 minutes. Camera 1, Camera 2, roll back... The announcer echoed through the beautiful Dolby Theater as Hollywood stars of the highest esteem conversed under the majestic lights. Glasses clinked, laughter and greetings  filled the air. Ball gowns glided around to take their seats and ties were straightened as the high profile, glamorous community moved to find their tables. 

"I have to peeeee!" 

"Natalie, you're going to have to hold it." Gaga took her sisters hand and led them to their table, occasionally waving at her peers. "Once it starts, you can go during the first break." Gaga sets her small purse at her table and smooths her hands over her soft pink, feathery gown. Everyone looks absolutely beautiful. Her nerves were only tickling the surface, knowing that she earned her spot at the table, even if it was her first time at the Oscars she knew she belonged. Natali handed Gaga a glass of champagne, one of many treats that decorated the table. They cheers and giggled like two children. She truly felt blessed to be in such a magical event, having accomplished so much. Gaga softly sipped her bubbles, turned slightly feeling a set of eyes on her. It was him. His piercing blue eyes were unavoidable to look at, but she didn't realize they also had the ability to physically move her. She shyly waved and his smile grew from across the room as took a hand out of his pocket to waved back. Unlike the look Leonardo DiCaprio gave her or the numerous stares she has been receiving from others since sh arrived, no Bradley had been kind to her the moment they met at rehearsals the day before. Bradley made sure to take the seat at his table that directly faced her from across the room. There was something so alluring about her; beautiful, yes, but there was more, an instant soul-binding connection. 

"Is that Bradley Cooper? He's even hotter in person." Natali looked from Gaga to him, noticing how the two failed at trying to take their eyes from each other. "Did you two know each other before this?"

Gaga finally broke their contact, taking another sip of her glass. "No, we actually met yesterday at rehearsals." She laughed thinking back at how nervous she was. "He was helping me a lot yesterday. He's really kind and charming. And funny. He kept joking that-" 

"Oh look! Timothy Chalamet! 

The lights dimmed and they could only hear the director over the speaker, Cue graphics in 3, 2...

The show opening was wonderful; vibrant colors filled the room with dancing and music. And will all the beautiful choreographed distraction, Bradley couldn't keep from looking at Gaga. The lights danced across her face as she smiled and danced during the performance with her sister. The show went on beautifully; comical at times, informative and thought provoking at others. 

A couple categories later, Gaga made her way backstage and waited patiently for her cue. "So, you come here often?" Bradley bumped her shoulder. He looked so handsome in his perfectly fitted tux.

"I hear they have good pasta." Gaga shrugs, flirting back. The two laugh as they went to stand on their mark, listening to the current acceptance speech. Gaga couldn't stop inhaling his amazing scent, sampling feeling his warmth beside her. She turned casually yet boldly.  "No date?"

"No, no. I usually bring my mom to these things but she said no this year."

"Your mom stood you up?" Bradley nods in embarrassment and they laugh huddled together so to not annoy the producer next to them. 

Bradley can't take his eyes off of her. "You look beautiful." He blurts, not able to help himself.

A blush creeps over her cheeks. "Thank you...so do you." Their eyes linger before they are prompted to take the stage. The whole thing was a blur. The only thing Gaga remembers, was his hand slipping into hers as the lights dimmed while they were ushered off the stage. 

Gaga feels his hand slip out of hers at the same time as she notices that Natali left her table to head to the restroom. Bradley was walking towards his seat but figured he might have enough time to double back and ask her what she is doing after the show. Before he can tap her shoulder the lights suddenly go out. Black. The crowd sighs with confused laughter at the assumed technical glitch.

A deep, sickening voice can be heard breathing through the speakers. Good evening, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. I'm here to inform you that the 93rd Academy Awards has now been compromised. Rumblings of confusion begin, as everyone turns to ask each other what was going on. Ah, but not to worry, we'll take very, very good care of you while we collect just a small exit fee. Hold tight. Oh and just a teeny warning, please don't try to be a superhero. Some of you may play one on the big screen... I assure you this is not a stunt and won't end well if someone tries to be stupid. The doors open at each corner of the theater, letting in a blinding light in the darkness as the crowd of millionaires stand to rush the door. The doors slam shut and chains can be heard securely locking all the exits. The lights turn back on and masked men with guns now occupy the isles. Everyone starts to panic and stand up, reaching for their phones. "Sit the fuck down!" The men start poking at the room with their guns requesting everyone hand over their phones.  Bradley quickly makes his way to Gaga to sit in the empty seat beside her. Their eyes connect in fear and confusion as he reached under the table to take hold of her hand, feeling her hold his just as tightly.

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