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Bradley held Gaga for some time while she calmed down. She wanted to be mad at him but she was so grateful he was alive that she couldn't channel her feelings so she settled for being as close as she could to him in whimpering silence. She played with his hands seeing his swollen knuckles. Gaga stood up and grabbed a bag of peas from the freezer and a towel, finding her way back onto his lap. "After Peter pulled me away what happened?" 

Bradley had taken this time to hold his love close, to let her cry, to let himself think. He was torn between telling her the truth or giving her vague details but when he walked into the home earlier he knew he could never see her face of disappointment again. He could never be the reason she felt betrayed, lied to. "I hit him. Then I hit him again and again and again until Tony pulled me off of that son of a bitch. I swear I could have killed him, Stef." Gaga shuddered over the idea. "I wasn't even thinking of them pinning it on me or him shooting me. He was aiming at you, he shot you. Then tonight, his hands on you..." Bradley trailed off and felt Gaga lift his chin up.

"Thank you. This is so fucked up but I'm so glad you did it. There are bad people in this world Bradley and I wish everyone had a chance to hit back. You did that for me, for us."

Bradley nodded into her palm. "We made him promise to leave us alone no matter what happens. He agreed that I wasn't there tonight. Tony and the guys were supposed to clean up and leave town immediately after I left. They tipped off the feds and looks like we saved another event from being taken over."

"What now?" 

"Tony said if that bastard keeps his mouth shut then we may just have to testify over your audio message but that in a sense it's all over now."

"And if he doesn't...keep his mouth shut?" 

Bradley kissed the side of her head. "Don't think about that, baby." Gaga pleaded with her eyes. "Then we'll take care of it." A fear and heat brush over her body at his words. Gaga looked at him sternly and kissed his jaw, then his lips. Together they cleaned up the kitchen, neither hungry, neither speaking a word.

They both lay wide awake in bed. Gaga turns in his arms. "Make love to me." The slight quiver in her voice did not go unnoticed by Bradley. He simply kissed her forehead and held her close. "Please..." Gaga begged. "...this day can't end like this. I'll remember it always and I want a good memory to go with it."

Bradley understood her reasoning as sad as she was when asking for it. Bradley dipped his head in and took her shaking lips in his, feeling her tears drip by. Bradley softly worked his way over her body and pulled her panties down her legs, never once breaking their kiss. His hands like a feather guided over her lower lips, causing her to jolt and look down, watching his calculated movements. She broke their kiss to remove his shirt. The silence filling their ears. Gaga slowly worked her hand into Bradley's pajamas nervous that he wouldn't be ready but was surprised to find him very much ready to his embarrassment. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I want this. I do." She worked him between her hands before pushing his bottoms down. 

Bradley kissed her once more before moving to her neck, guiding himself into her

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Bradley kissed her once more before moving to her neck, guiding himself into her. He almost felt bad doing this but reminded himself to give her a good memory. He looked her in the eyes as he let her adjust to his size. "I can't wait to put this all behind us and continue my life with you." The memory of the day fell from the front of her mind as she looked into his serious blue eyes. 

"Bradley..." She smiled at his sentiment. He started working himself faster and deeper into her wanting body. "Yes, yes!" Gaga moaned, unable to avoid the tears that filled her eyes. Bradley kissed her salty tears as they fell until she stopped and lightly sniffled into her moans. 

"I love you." Bradley whispered against her lips. He smiled in pleasure as he slowly rolled in and out of her. 

"I love you so much." Gaga moaned finally letting go and taking Bradley right along with her. 

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