The Plan pt. 2

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"Alright, Brad, that's enough." Bradley took another swing at Ace, breaking his cheek bone. "That's enough, son!" Tony and Vin quickly pulled Bradley off of the bleeding man. Bradley spit on him before backing off. "Are your gloves torn?" Bradley paced in a heated rage watching Ace struggling to move. He checked his black latex gloves and they were still in tact. "Good. The car is waiting. Go."

"I feel crazy, Tony. What do we have to do next?" There was disgust and distain dripping from Bradleys words. "This can't be it, this can't be." Tony felt for the man and knew the family he was protecting were phenomenal people. He knew his heart was in the right place, thought blinded by anger.

Tony let Ace drop to the floor, stepping on his neck to keep him still looking straight into the perpetrators eyes. "Whatever vendetta you think you have with these nice people, trust me it's nothing compared to what we have with you." Ace looked at Bradley and then at the large man. "You wear masks to torment people. I don't. You fucking look at my face and know who's threatening you." 

Bradley knelt down, no longer scared of the man.  His voice laced with disgust and hatred, "You don't touch them, you don't touch her, you don't look at her, you don't even think about her." 

Tony felt proud of Bradley adding, "Neither of them. You go to prison, you don't, who knows. I don't care. I have men everywhere. You fucked with the wrong Italians. You hurt her or him again? You better be prepared to pay with your families life and yours, capisci?" Ace nods. "You see, I don't think you do."

"I do!" He yells, the blood dripping from his teeth. 

"Did you see him here? Huh? You see him here tonight?"

"No." Ace fully understands. 

 "That's right, you didn't. Bradley, son you have to leave." Bradley takes one more look before Vinny grabs him and pushes him towards the door. Bradley runs upstairs unseen, Goose leads Bradley towards the door, covering the cameras once more. 

. . . . . . . . . . . 

Peter pulled a kicking and screaming Gaga from the car. Bobby rubbed his forehead in guilt as he followed quickly behind until they were in her home, safe and sound. "Peter get the fuck off of me! What is happening?!"

"Sweetie, calm down. I don't have time to explain!" Bobby held her shoulders once Peter put her down, but not before Peter received a slap across the face. Peter nodded accepting the slap, which helped Gaga calm down. "Bradley will be here shortly and you need to change, clean yourself up and start cooking or put on a movie or play monopoly whatever. You need to have clothes ready for Bradley and you need to help him clean up."

"What?! Why! Where are they..what-what if he doesn't-."

"Focus! Do you understand? I will be gone. Peter will be making his rounds around the estate and you need to be here." Bobby checked his watch. "I sent the voice memo to our lawyers from your phone, look read." Bobby showed her and read. "Hi team, I had a troubling incident happen after my set at Seans. Luckily Peter found me. I'm safe and just a little shaken up. I recorded this from the bastard from the Oscars." Bobby scrolled as Gaga hiccuped, wiping away at her eyes. "See he responded. That's simply awful, Stefani, please call us if you need anything and we will report immediately to the authorities. We'll reach out to Peter now and call you if we need anything but please stay safe. After you sent the text you called Bradley. Got it? It's all here. His tracks and yours. See, LG everything is happening right now, you understand? I have to leave with the driver. Nod if you understand." Gaga was furious and confused but nodded.

"But why... how come..." She started to cry again. 

"I have to go." Bobby kissed her cheek and left as promised with the waiting driver. 

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