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Gaga traced the stubble around his jawline with her eyes. She watched the small movements of his eyelids that covered his perfectly blue eyes. Bradley was fast asleep but she could feel his grip tight around her waist, making sure she stayed put. Natali silently walks in. "Hey. I saw that you weren't in your room. I figured you'd be here." The younger sister smiled at this mystery of a relationship. "I cleared out your room and brought your things." Natali showed her and placed them on the chair.

Gaga nodded, "I want to be here when he wakes up so he isn't scared." 

Natali's heart swelled at the sentiment. She knew both were in a fragile state and was proud of her sister for wanting to take such good care of the man she has quickly come to know. "I'm going to wait out here. But we should really be going soon, Stef." Gaga nodded. 

When she felt Bradley shift, she took the opportunity to unwrap herself from his arms to clean up and get dressed. Gaga packed the last of her things and set them on the floor, laying back down over the top of the sheets. Gaga loved being in his arms. That is the only safety she's known since their traumatic event and nothing else felt more comforting. After only a few minutes she felt him start to stir awake. "Hey..." 

"Hey..."  She smiled at him and his sexy morning voice. Bradley looked at her dressed and looked around. "Shh, it's ok-"

"Where are you going?"

"I'm checking out today but-" Bradley sits up panicked. "Ssh, come here." She holds him and feels him hold tighter. He has such a strong connection to her and he's worried she's moving on. The more Bradley ventured into the unknown of his memory the more panicked he felt and Gaga was the only thing that felt constant. Gaga pulls his head from her neck. "You're going to be ok. I heard you actually might be leaving here in a few days too. Just do your work, rest up and take care of yourself, ok?" 

"Can I..." He didn't know how to say it. 

"You can come find me when you're ready. How does that sound?" She brushed his wild hair down with her soft hand. Bradley didn't want to let her go. He took her top lip between his lips and softly pleaded for her to stay. Gloria walked in and the two quickly separated. 

Gloria wasn't stupid. She knew there was something more between them but didn't want to interfere. She pretended she didn't see anything. "Hey sweetheart, Natali told me you're leaving today. I hope I get to see you two again. Your mother owes me a recipe." 

Gaga reluctantly pulled herself off the bed to hug Gloria. "You bet, Glo!" She turns towards Bradley holding her tears in. "Get better and I hope to see you both soon." She spoke to both the  Bradley who sadly looked back at her and the Bradley she knew was dying to come out. With that she turned and joined Natali arm in arm to finally leave the facility that both broke her heart and healed her body. 

"Stefi, just be prepared for the cameras."

"Oh, as If I could easily forget how crazy they can be?" Gaga placed her shades on and continued to walk out the door. Natali had reason. There were news reporters and journalists from every publication putting microphones and cameras in her face. Luckily Peter and another bodyguard safely ushered the women to their car. "What the hell was that?!"

"They are still trying to track this story. They have been here since the Attack at the Oscars, as they're calling it. Bradley is the last one in the hospital now and there are still no answers. Bobby heightened security around the home even though there really hasn't been any more attempts to attack anyone involved."

"Have they found any of those men or have any leads?" Gaga asked, her eyes getting accustomed to the natural lighting.

"They had the license plate number of their vehicle but they found the van abandoned with the celebrities held hostage. No evidence or prints. None of them were hurt, thank God." 

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