Lady F*cking Gaga

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A few things to remember; I don't typically write action or drama or suspense. Also, the extent of my knowledge of the legal system is based solely on way too much television consumption. I hope you enjoy...again!

"The mystery lies within his inability to provide adequate evidence as to how the funds ended up in his personal checking account." The lawyer continued in his monotone drawl. "The case remains that they place Bradley at the scene of the crime, in a very compromising position as he was not in direct danger and only claimed to be without fault due to his injury."

"What the fuck does all that mean?!" Gaga paced in front of Bradleys legal team, her family and Gloria. 

"Stefi, calm down."

"No, I will not calm down. I want to know why my boyfriend was taken away in handcuffs when he had nothing to do with this ambush. We were the ones that were targeted and hurt. No one else!" The word boyfriend vibrated her mouth, but she held her head up confident in their unusual relationship. 

"We agree. The circumstances surrounding this are messy, no real concrete evidence places Bradley directly involved with the group who conducted the heist, however, the money is hard to ignore. You have all these celebrities who had X amount of money withdrawn from their account and the X amount shows up in his account? It's baffling." 

"How much?" The lawyers look at Gaga questioning. "How much to get him out? I want him home. He is still healing. I want him home, here, with me, now." Her demands and use of the word home were even foreign to her. She was scaring herself but was confident in her feelings for him now more than ever.

"I'm afraid he will have a hearing to see if he even qualifies for bail, but the earliest they can see him is tomorrow-"

"Not good enough. I want to speak with the detectives. Can we go? Can we go see him?" Her voice started to crack. Joe stood up and pulled Gaga into his arms.

"It's ok loop. He's a strong man. He'll be ok." Joe looks at the lawyers, daring them to say no to him. "She can see him tomorrow, right?" The lawyers nod. 

In the hospital, whenever she cried, it felt calming to be in an awfully lit, sterile, small room. Her misery over Bradley's failure to recognize her, all the trauma and pain she was in was comforted by the esthetic of the dreary room. As she cried now, the memories of her short time with Bradley danced around her room and it felt even more damaging. The sunset after a long and confusing day teased her and she was angry she couldn't share this beautiful view with the man that made her the happiest she's been in years. Gaga slowly paced the room, feeling hopeless. She walked into the bathroom and ran her hand over his travel case that he only just received that morning. She opened it and saw his toothbrush, razor and a various other items and she let her tears fall again. He didn't have the things he needed. He must be so scared. He's gone through so much. Ring. Ring. Gaga was pulled from her thoughts, turning the bathroom lights off and getting her phone. "Hello?'

"Hey." His voice was a spark to her nervous system. Gaga felt awake and alert hearing his voice. 

"Bradley, hi. Are you ok? What is happening?"

"I'm ok. This is... definitely not ideal." He joked. "How are you?"

"Me? That's not..." She grew silent. Of course Bradley was asking about her. He was so kind and selfless. Gaga sunk to the floor and pulled her knees into her chest. Bradley could hear her crying and it broke his heart. 

"I know. Me too." He agreed with her silent feelings. What he felt for this woman was unreal and it scared him. He replayed the look in her eyes the moment the detectives started their accusations. He took a breath and had to ask. "You believe me, don't you? I didn't have anything to do with this."

"I do. I know you didn't. I believe you."

Bradley let out a sigh of relief. "I have a hearing about possibly getting bail tomorrow. John told me you were asking. I don't want you do come. I don't want you to see me like this." 

"What? No. B, I have to. I need to know what's happening and how I can help and-"

"I know, baby, but-" Bradley gets told to wrap up his call. "I have to go..." He hears her start to cry again. "Hey, I love you." 

Gaga wipes her tears and nods, needing to hear that. "I love you so much. I hope you sleep tonight and tomorrow is a new day. Everything will be ok. Ok?"

Bradley nods, holding onto her words and hoping she was right. "Yea, ok. Bye, Stef."

"Bye." The call ended, taking her heart with it. She cried herself to sleep that night but woke up with a new confidence and strength. Natali and Gaga made their way into the court house determined to ruffle up some feathers and get shit done. By the time she got through security, she was met with John, Bradley's lawyer walking towards her. "Morning, John. Is it this way?"

"Stefani, sweetheart...he didn't get it."

"Get what? Where's the room?" A door across the hall opened and two security guards led Bradley in handcuffs into the the halls if the court house. His vibrant orange jumpsuit caught her eye and she pushed past John. "Bradley! Bradley-" Bradley could hear her heels before he heard his name. He turned just as she ran into his body. Her arms felt like home. His hands were behind his back, but he buried his head in his favorite spot on her neck, wishing he could hold her. The security guard pulled her away. "Get the fuck off! Don't touch me!" She freed herself and pulled his face in for a kiss to stay with him. Security tore them apart and continued pulling Bradley away. "I'll fight for you! It'll be ok. Stay strong, Bradley!" Bradley only mouthed I love you, before he stopped fighting and let the guards take him away. The moment Bradley was behind the doors, Gaga turned and hit John's chest. "What the hell happened?!"

"They moved his hearing up. Without any new evidence to contradict the prosecuting case, there was nothing we could do."

Gaga buried her head in her hands. "Now what? Where are they taking him? What next?"

"He is going to be processed and held at a federal correctional facility to await trial. We'll gather what we need to defend him and we wait." 

Gaga nodded and looked John in the eye. "Like hell I'm going to wait around. He's gone through too much to be wrongfully accused and held against his will."

"There's nothing we can-"

"We? Sweetheart, I'm Lady fucking Gaga. I've had a hard life and crawled out of it. Recently, I've been shot, the love of my life didn't recognize me and just when things seem to be ok, he is taken from me again and now? Now, I'm pissed. Now, I'm not playing fair." She put her shades on. Natali following her lead. Gaga turned on her heels and confidently walked out of the court house, avoiding all the onlookers and walked directly past the cameras that awaited her. 

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