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Another miserable day. After another boring physical therapy session, Gaga tried to catch up with some work but she was entirely too distracted. Her days solemnly passed by and her sleepless nights seemed to drag on for hours. She spent her time walking around her house. Tonight she found herself looking out at her pool simply listening to the deafening silence around her. She closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to have met Bradley under any other circumstance. She compared him to all the men she was with, she smiled over their late night conversations before she left the hospital. If she thought hard enough she could even hear his voice. "Stefani?" Gaga smiled at the vivid thought. Bradley smoothed his hands over his sweatpants and ran his hands through his hair as he walked towards her. "Um...Stef?"

Gaga opened her eyes and turned around. Her night terrors and insomnia had been reoccurring  and felt so real that she didn't even move when she saw Bradley standing behind her, nervous that this was an illusion. She spoke out into the night. "Bradley? How did you get in here?"

"Your dad let me in."

Hearing him answer back caused Gaga to suddenly stand and quickly wrap her arms around him. "B." Bradley knew in the moment that the risk of leaving the hospital was absolutely worth it, if only to have her in his arms once more. He held her close, breathing her in. "What are you doing here?"

Bradley let her go and stepped away. "They let me out. I started remembering things and everything was going so well, they-they just let me out and I thought I'd swing by...if that's ok."

"In the middle of the night?" Gaga was skeptical over how he even had her address.

"Funny thing, I was actually in Malibu..." He trailed off looking around her property, out into the darkness. 

Gaga looked curiously at him. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. "Come on." She led them inside. "Hungry?" Bradley nodded looking around her house while she heated up food. "So...what exactly did you remember?"

"I love your home." He dragged his hand across her white piano, avoiding her question. 

Gaga handed Bradley a plate of pasta and as he reached for it she noticed his medical tags. She knew that part of being discharged from the hospital was getting your tags cut off, Gaga immediately placed the plate down and grabbed his wrist. "What's this? They didn't actually release you, Bradley, what is going on?"

"Stefani, I can explain-"

"I'm taking you back-"

Before she was able to turn on her heel his hands found her hips and he connected their foreheads. He wasn't remembering anything but the feelings he had ran deep, deeper than he could explain. Why did this woman care so much about him and why did he care about her too? "Please..."


"Let me stay... just the night and then I'll go back....I promise." 

Gaga's hand slides up his neck, fighting her instinct to take him back to the hospital. She grips the hair at the nape of his neck letting out a deep sigh. "Tomorrow." 

Bradley sighs in relief. "Tomorrow." Gaga lets go of his hair, staying in his embrace a little longer. 

She pulls away, grabbing his plate and quietly leading them to the table. Bradley is cautious and tries not to regret coming to her house. Handing Bradley a fork, "What did your nurse used to say? You're a careless brut..."

"...but damn fine. Don't forget that part." Bradley took the fork and smiled while he started to eat. Gaga tousled his hair and joined him at the table. "So, this is Princess Stefani's castle. You don't look like you need saving." 

If only he knew. "It's more like my little sanctuary than a castle. I love this place. I usually feel like I can rest and relax here after weeks, months being on the road touring but..."

"Have you been sleeping?" Bradley pushed his plate away finished and fully focused on her. She shook her head no. "Me either." They stayed silent just staring at each other. 

Gaga stood up and grabbed his plate, placing it in the dishwasher and turning off the kitchen lights. "Well, come on then." Bradley quickly stood up, knowing he'd follow this woman anywhere. She quietly led him up the stairs. "My dad may have let you in but if you wake him up again, I promise you, he will throw you out." She whispered. 

Bradley tickled her sides while they walked. "Oh, you're not allowed to have boys over? I thought this was Lady Gaga's house." Gaga tried to get away to stop from laughing but Bradley insisted. "If you laugh, your dad will throw us both out, please be quiet Stefani, you're being immature." Gaga finally made it to her room with Bradley still tickling her. Once the door shut and their laughing lulled, the two immediately found themselves drawn to the other once again. Their lips softly connecting in a familiar embrace, their tongues remembering their favorite dance. The sounds of their languid kiss was the only sound that filled the room. 

Gaga placed her hands on his broad chest and pushed a few times to push herself away. "Ok, big guy. That's enough." She smiled wiping her mouth and walking towards her bed. "Are you ok to sleep in that?" Gaga pulled her decorative pillows off the bed, turning to see Bradley remove his sweatshirt and sweatpants, leaving him in his boxers and undershirt. She gulped at the sight and walked towards her side, softly removing her silk robe. Bradley nervously rubbed at his neck and followed her lead into the bed. 

"I'm sorry I keep doing that." He cleared his throat and fluffed his pillow. 

Gaga laid on her side looking at him. "What, kiss me? Why do you keep doing it then?" She wasn't complaining. She knew why she was drawn to him, but he didn't know her aside from their short time together in the hospital. 

Bradley finally looked at her a blush creeping over his cheeks. "I-I don't know. Feels familiar, I guess." He knew she knew more than he did and he didn't want to say the wrong thing. "I've been trying this thing; I've been following my gut, my instincts. I had my mom confirm a few things and I was right. I guessed that Irina and I weren't together anymore and I was right." Gaga tried to not look so shocked but that was news to her. Bradley lowered himself to lay on his side to face her. "It's like my memories aren't there but when I follow my instincts, they seem to be right."

"What are your instincts telling you now?" 

Bradley leans in and takes her mouth in his, this time with more urgency. Their kiss was escalating and Gaga let him explore, feeling him push her to lay back on the mattress and leaning over her to dive deeper in their kiss. Her sultry moans set Bradley on fire. Feeling her kiss back drove him crazy. Gaga could feel his arousal on her leg and his hands all over her body.

Gaga breaks away "B, I know you're following your gut and feeling your way..." She looks down and sees that his hand is still on her breast and she laughs, "I know you are still feeling your way around..." She removes his hand, "... but we've never... you and I have never..."

Bradley searched her eyes for what she was trying to say. "We never?...OH!" Embarrassed, he quickly moves off of her, lightly banging his head against the headboard punishing his mistake. Ok so she was right, they weren't together. "Damn I feel like I messed this up." 

"No, no you didn't!" She quickly props herself up and kisses him again to clear away his doubt. Gaga places his hands back on her body, back on her breast as she straddled one of his legs. "It's just you and I had something a little different and that's all I'll say, ok?" Gaga tenderly pecked his lips twice more. "You're going to have to trust me." Bradley nods and Gaga leans over him to turn off the light, tucking herself back into bed. She could feel he was a little reluctant so she pulled him back down in the darkness of the night, wrapping his arms around her and whispering into his ear. "But don't think I don't want to." Bradley was satisfied with that and tightens his hold on her, giving into his exhaustion. 

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