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(Italics flipping between the "moments following the incident" and "current time.")

As she sipped her warm tea and felt the light breeze wash over her body, Gaga closed her eyes in gratitude. The past year had been a series of headaches, one after another.

Gaga sat on the stand in her oversized suit, hair pulled back. "Ms. Germanotta, can you please remove your sunglasses?" 

She looked up at the judge and smiled. She made a point to look directly at Ace while she removed her shades, her eyes revealing her anger and disgust. Ace gulped and looked down at his handcuffed hands. "Thank you, Your Honor. Now Ms. Germanotta, how did you find yourself alone in a basement with the defendant?"

"After my performance at the charity event, he dragged me off stage and into the basement."

"And no one was around to see this? Your security guard? That doesn't seem normal for someone of your status."

"No, typically Peter, My security guard is immediately by my side-"

"And why wasn't he-"

"You'll have to ask him, now won't you?"

The defense lawyer smiled at her quick tongue. "Sounds like you might need to hire better security."

Gaga looked at Peter who was next to take the stand. "We booked the gig last minute to help out Sean. We didn't have a tight security plan and I exited off the wrong side of the stage, Peter was waiting for me on the other side. It has happened plenty of times before, just this time a psychopath was waiting for me. Does that better answer your question?" Before the lawyer could respond, "And why would I hire better security? Had Peter not been there to defend me, then I might not be here telling you all this right now. Peter is incredible and I owe him my life." 

The trial lasted a couple months and it wouldn't have been so grueling had Bradley and her been together. The were forced apart in order to repair his image and to let the court system play out. The flame of their love never once altered by the chaos around them. 

Gaga takes another sip of tea reflecting on the day they were finally able to put all this behind them.

Gaga runs into Bradleys arms. "Is it over? Is it true?" Bradley loosened his tie and accepted her as she crashed into his arms. He had finished his final court hearing. The news was filled with the incredible story all the while holding the culprits accountable and clearing Bradley's name, Hollywood officially accepting them both back into their good graces and more over appreciative of their risk in saving their lives. "B, Dave said that's it, it's done." She pulled away to look at him for confirmation.

Bradley held her face between his hands. "It's done. It's over." He kissed her forehead. "We're free." 

The months that followed were truly a test of their resilience and the strength of their relationship.They had gone through so much but who were they outside of this traumatic incident? Their love knew nothing different. But the months that followed showed a new side of their love. Their feelings soared much to their surprise. 

Bradley walked up behind her and smelled her beautiful light brunette hair, he loved all the forms she took but this look was one of his favorites. Gaga smiled feeling his familiar large hand touch her hip. His fingers played with the seam of her shirt, until he found his way underneath, touching her bare skin, grazing the scar to which he knew the exact placement by heart. He lingered a few moments then smoothed his way to land over her beautifully swollen, protruding belly. He felt the gentle kick of his unborn child and curled his head into her neck. "I love when she kicks." 

"Me too. She always, knows when you're near. Daddy's girl, for sure."

"Hey, you don't just stay out and not call me or tell me you're coming home late." Gaga reprimands Bradley as he tries to sneak into her apartment. "No, uhuh, no excuses. I know we said we'd date and try and act like a normal couple but we're not a normal couple. Ok? We've been through shit. When I tell you to check in, you call, you send a text, I need to know you're alright." Bradley knows he should've called, but he couldn't help smiling at how cute she was when she was angry. "And another thing, you can't just sneak in here without telling me. I know I gave you a key but I'd feel better if..." Gaga paused, seeing him with his tail between his legs. "...maybe you should just completely move in. I'd feel a lot better knowing you are coming home to me every night...every night that we can be together, at least." 

Bradley was nervous over what she was going to say and was relieved at her conclusion. "Ok... Then we're on the same page." Gaga looked at him confused as he walked towards her and grabbed her hands. She felt a small box between their hands. "Marry me." She looked down to see a tiny leather ring box. "Be with me always. I fell for you before I knew you. Our worlds fell apart and I needed you, figuratively and physically before I even knew it. I don't see a world without you in it, you are my life. And... I'll call next time, I promise." He smiled kissing her knuckles. "Please, marry me." 

"Are you nervous?" 

"No. I feel calm. Aside from the heightened security, I know that we've gone through a lot and nothing can change that." Gaga's hand landed over his on her pregnant belly. "Are you?"

"I wish we were staying home..." He smiled into her neck and then spun her around to face him. "...but I think it's good we're doing this. I do think it's weird to attend one of these and not be nominated-"

"Oh stop! Don't you think we had enough of an active summer then to be staring in movies. Don't you think we've had enough action, adventure and drama."

"I'm kidding!" Bradley kissed her lips to ease his joke. 

"Oh he's a clown now, we can add comedy to the list." She kissed back, turning in his arms. "Ready to go?"

"Yes, yes, I'll marry you! God, I love you so much." Bradley rushed to put her ring on, throwing the box behind him before twirling her around in his arms. "Bradley I don't see anyone, anything but you. You're a part of me, always." She gently touched his scar. "You are my world, you are my life." Bradley gently pushed her against the wall to take her lips in a passionate kiss, saying more than words ever could. He held her small body up, wrapping one leg around his hip, while their arms tangled around each other. Tangled they softly tore away at their clothes, falling into a pile of limbs, touching, scratching, squeezing. Their breath was one as he pushed into her, she inhaled him as she opened up for him. They interlaced their hands above her head letting their bodies talk, ready to continue their story for the rest of their lives. 

Their story as intertwined as their love, a serendipitous complexity that almost tore them apart with the slightest change. Had he not turned back around to ask her out, had she not trusted to follow him backstage, had they been taken to different hospitals, had he not followed the beat of his heart, had she not had the strength to hold on. 

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the 94th Academy Awards...


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