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Their sleep was all consuming. Their anxious bodies craved calm but only their two restless souls together could grant them such peace. Bradley naturally opened his eyes feeling rejuvenated, not only by his slumber but by the grace and beauty that lay asleep in his arms. Why was he so drawn to her beauty? To her? Gaga's eyes floated open and smiled happy that she not only slept through the night without any terrors but also was able to wake up in the arms of the man she cared so much about. She laid her hand softly over his heart to feel the beat, I know you're in there, she thought to herself. "What happened to the princess?" She startled and pulled her hand away realizing Bradley was awake. Before she could pull away, Bradley secured her waist close to his. "My story. I fell asleep before you could finish. I'm not complaining because that was probably the best sleep I've had in a long time."

"Me too..." Gaga confessed, blushing at their close proximity. "um...the prince fought the guards, he fought so well, he was so brave..." she tried to shake the thoughts of Bradley fighting the man from her head. "...and he saved her." She finally met his eyes.

"And?" Gaga smiled at his child-like behavior and tried to think but Bradley helped her finish. "And they lived happily ever after. That's typically how those stories end." 

Gaga prayed that that was true. Finally giving into his embrace, she burrowed closer. "And they lived happily ever after and he became a famous wrestler who drove a big monster truck, the end." She mumbled into his neck. Bradley laughed at her ending and pulled her in closer, not ashamed in the slightest over his actions. It felt too comfortable to let her go. Too natural. Too honest. Perfect. When their laughing subsided, she pulled her head from his neck and they just looked at one another, slowly inching closer, a force beyond their control guiding their movement. 

Natali waved goodbye to the nurses after dropping off coffee and doughnuts, a habit her family started when Gaga was first admitted. She made her way quietly into the room, hoping not to wake her sister, knowing Gaga's sleep has been almost nonexistent. Natali would be shocked if she saw her sister still asleep but what she saw shocked her even more. The moment Natali appeared from behind the door and past the curtain, Bradley and Gaga's lips barely touched before the two broke apart. "Natali, hi." Gaga felt the chills creep up her spine feeling disconnected from Bradley.

"I'm sorry-I didn't- I can le-"

"No, that's alright, come in."

"Oh!" Natali exclaimed turning back around. "Did you get your memory back?" Gaga communicated with her eyes for Natali to shut up. "It's ok if you didn't, I was just wondering. I mean, it's cool. Actually, you know what? I have to use the bathroom, so yea..." Natali ran into the private bathroom and silently screamed with her back against the door.

Bradley shook his head at the young woman and smiled to himself. He unwrapped himself from the bed and stood up putting his slippers on.  "Well, Gaga, thank you for dinner and a show and..." he pointed at the bathroom "...whatever that was."

"Natali is young and weird...and it's name's Stefani if you wanted to call me that... or whatever you want..." 

"Stefani..." Bradley smiled, feeling a familiar word vibrate his mouth. "Princess Stefani, then." Bradley softly bows and leaves.

Gaga was enchanted once again. She throws herself back into the bed, letting her body fill with warmth, her mind reeling with the events from moments ago. Was he going to kiss her? Does he remember something? Does he feel the way she feels? "Natali! You can come on out!"

Natali slowly opens the door and peaks her head around. "Is he gone?" Gaga moves over to the spot on the bed that Bradley previously occupied and Natali skips over to hear all about their night.

Bradley can't shake the smile from his face. He waves to the nurses who quietly keep their secret, knowing only the smallest of the tragic details and are only happy that they both were finally able to sleep. Bradley looks forward to showering and physical therapy later that day, he feels himself almost missing her presence. "Bradley..." He turns before entering his bathroom and see's Irina waiting for him. 

"Irina...hi..." She stood and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It felt almost wrong but he turned and joined her to sit down. "I haven't heard from you in a couple days-"

"We need to talk." She said, nervous. His mind tried to recall anything from before he woke up from his accident. "I know we are supposed to be sensitive to your condition but I want to be honest with you." Bradley appreciated were she was coming from but he didn't want to go against doctors orders as much as he wanted to know more. "You and I were not in a good place before the accident. But when I found out you were hurt, I came here to tell you that I loved you and that I want to be with you."

"Be with me?" Bradley searched his brain. Weren't they still together? Did they fight?

"No, that's not what I mean..." Irina took his hand. "I mean I want us to forget the past and just move on."

"I'm sorry, Irina, I'm having trouble even remembering any of what you're talking about. I thought we were in a good place, were we not?"

"Slight hiccup, nothing more. Forget it. I just-I just want to say I'm happy you are better now and that we can be happy, that's all I want." 

"But I'm not better. A huge chunk of my life is gone." Bradley looked at their hands. His head hurt and the holes in his mind felt even more foggy.

"Then forget I said anything. Ok?" She sat closer and hugged him. Bradley felt cold, numb. He held her close feeling his mind race with empty thoughts. 

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