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"This kid is going to give me a run for my money." Joe laughed, roughly patting Bradley's back as the two continued to devour all the food on the table. 

"Dad stop encouraging him." Gaga rubbed her temples; her keys in hand and purse over her shoulder. "Bradley, we have to go."

"I can't help it if you guys know how to cook." Bradley smiled serving himself more eggs and pancakes, taking a bite of the bacon in his hand. "And at this rate, I'll be ready for a nap soon. What do you think, Joe?"

"You read my mind, buddy."

Gaga's eyes zeroed in on Bradley. "Huh that's funny because I thought you slept just fine last night." The guys both slowed their eating. "From what I felt, you didn't move at all." Joe dropped his fork, wiped his mouth while turning to look at Bradley. "In fact, you seemed very, very comfortable last night...in bed-"

"We actually should probably get going." Bradley cleaned his mouth and stood up before Joe could speak. Cynthia quickly told Joe to ignore their daughter and explained she was just trying to get Bradley out of the house.

Natali laughs and walks with Bradley and Gaga to the door. The younger sister nudges Bradley and winks, "Don't worry Bradley, my dad knows he raised my sister a good, catholic, Italian girl." Bradley freezes.

"From New York City, born and raised..." He looks at Gaga who also stops, seeing him start to remember again. "We had only just met, is that right? We were in a closet or something and we were so scared, we heard shots, it was cold, but I had you, we had each other." Natali was shocked hearing him remember things, while Gaga's eyes simply filled with tears again. "Why can't I remember what happened to us!" Bradley paced in frustration. "But oh wait, Kansas City won the Super Bowl, Ha! And-and I renovated my mom's kitchen a few months ago and I'll never do that again because it was hard as hell and-and I remember breaking up with Irina, holy shit, Stef!" He crashes into her once more, lifting her up and spinning around. Setting her down and looking into the eyes that are keeping him sane, he pleads once more. "Please..."

Gaga finally agrees seeing that this may be her only chance to get him back, she rubs his chest and nods. "Let's call the hospital, we'll arrange for you to recover here, ok?" Bradley connects their foreheads, thanking her.

After a few calls, Gaga enters the living room watching Bradley and her father having an animated conversation. "Great, thank you Bobby, you're a lifesaver...Yes, Gloria is going to sign and pack up his things... Truly, thank you...Ok, bye."

"...And then Moore had that interception-" Bradley dramatized.

"That's right..."Joe agreed. "But none of that mattered-"

"-Because it all went to shit in the fourth!" Bradley angrily but happily stated. "An absolute steal! I remember the entire game, babe-Stef, I remember the whole thing. ..."

"It was a steal, he's right." Joe confirmed while Natali laughed with her dad. They left Bradley and Gaga alone. 

"Bradley, Bobby was able to get you temporary leave from the hospital-" Bradley got up to argue but listened when she sat them down. "This might be better. That way the press won't know that you're out and much less know that you are here chumming it up with the Germanotta's talking football." 

"Ok, you have a point." 

"But also, you will have to do final examinations and CT scans so they can officially discharge you. So, your mother is signing off on that now and getting your things. I told her to come over for dinner, she's going home to rest now. Which is what you should be doing?"

"I can't I'm on a roll. It's still in pieces but I feel like it's all on the tip of my tongue." 

Gaga felt for him she really did but the moment they decided he would recuperate at the house, he became her responsibility. "Bed. Now." 

His hands found her hips. Bradley was grateful to her and needed to respect her decisions since all she wanted to do was help him get better. "Come upstairs with me." He whispered. 

Gaga looked around her home and noticed no one was around. She grabbed Bradleys hand and they walked to her room. Holding her hand felt right, a soft assurance that she was on his side. The two fell into bed, lazily kissing each other. She truly would never tire of his kisses. Bradley craved her kisses more than anything he's ever craved before. "Your mom is bringing you clothes and some things. She said she'll be here around six." Bradley mumbled an ok while pushing her up the bed with his body. "And your doctors are sending some of your exercises, Bobby will email them sometime today." Bradley nodded, kissing her neck and making his way to fit between her legs. 

"Are you sure we've never down this before?" He grinned.

Gaga felt him get a little too eager and turned them over, kissing him and grinding lightly into his bulge. "We have not and will not...just yet. Go to sleep." She fell next to him and pulled him in cradling his head and kissing his temple while he let out a defeated sigh. 

Bradley let him self go, feeling her massage his scalp, smelling her relaxing scent and smooth skin wrapped around his. His mind was a blur of colors and movement. He pictured Gaga dropping her pink feathery dress and his body radiated with heat seeing her perfect curves and tattoos on full display. Before he could turn the woman who enchanted his dreams around, a masked man stood before her and placed his hand on her face, causing Bradleys blood to boil for another reason. He looked into the man's eyes and the eyes shifted directly towards Bradley's. Where had he seen those eyes before? 

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