A Ray of Light

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Bradley happily stretched his long body, squinting at the bright sun that flooded the room. Natural light, a real bed, a full nights sleep next to the most gorgeous woman he'd ever seen; how could he ask for more? He almost forgot that there was anything wrong before that moment. He reached for the empty space near him, he wondered where she was. Hearing the bathroom sink turn on, he calmed knowing she was still around. Bradley walked around the room stretching his legs and arms. The connecting balcony was a beautiful touch to the room. Bradley looked out and admired the vast home in the daylight. Bradley quickly moved away from the balcony seeing the Germanotta family walking to their car. Joe and Cynthia looked to be fighting over something and Natali seemed to be egging them both on until they entered the vehicle and drove away. The warmth of the sun felt amazing on his face, but he was quick to leave it behind once he heard the bathroom door open. 

Gaga had assumed Bradley was still asleep when she exited the bathroom with only her bra and panties but she froze seeing his large figure walk into the room followed by rays of light. His heart melted at her beauty. She was positively radiant; her slender yet curvy body, her smooth and flawless complexion, her...scar. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Bradley honed in on her scar and before he even realized what he was doing he was in front of her looking at it, his hand slowly coming to land on her healing wound. The memory of a bang filled his ears so loud that he flinched . "You were shot..." Just like his curious kisses, Gaga lets him explore and nods at his revelation. Her hand comes up to land on his waist, opposite hers, his bandage still around his waist over both his entrance and exit wounds. "We...we were shot..." Her eyes fill with tears as she nods again. Bradley tried to make sense of everything coming back to him but it came back in painful pieces. "We were inside somewhere, but we-we were hidden." Bradley pleaded for his brain to work. "Alone. No one could find us and-and we did something...fuck... we did something big and it worked, but we were shot..." 

Gaga pulled him close. "That's good, baby, that's good-" 

"Where were we? I-I held you close..." Bradley crashed into her body, holding her tight, shaking in pain. "Why can't I fucking remember?!" His heart was beating out of his chest. 

Gaga quietly let her tears continue to fall as she held it together for the both of them. "It's ok, that's good baby, that's enough." She soothed his aching mind, rubbing his back, hoping she could have enough strength for the both of them in that moment. 

"How do you feel?" Gaga handed Bradley a bottle of cold water and aspirin. After taking a shower and resting for twenty minutes, Bradley finally felt better. Sitting up and taking the medicine, he nodded. "B, we have to get you back to the hospital."

"Stefani, I can't. I'm sorry but I can't. I'm finally making a breakthrough and it's you. You're the key. I have to stick with you." 

"I'll visit. I'll work with you, we'll tell the doctors-"

Bradley begged her. "Baby, I'm telling you this is working better than anything they've done." Calling her baby made her heart skip a beat and Bradley noticed. He put his water down, grabbing her and pulling her into his lap. The feeling of having her in his arms, in that position, felt familiar and only solidified his choice to stay. "What?" He teased, kissing her neck.

Gaga couldn't help but smile, settling into his large body. "Nothing."

"Oh nothing?" Gaga gave him more access to her neck, relaxing to his touch as he sucked lightly and bit just under her ear. Bradley opened her robe and laid his hand flat against her stomach. "I need to know more about this." Bradley seriously stated touching her scar again. "And I need to know more about this." He said in reference to them. 

Gaga placed her hand over his that lay flat over her stomach. "You will but you have to be patient or you'll hurt yourself. It'll all come back to you."

"It is. I can feel it coming back, but only  when I'm with you." Bradley whined into her lips, hating that he had to plead his case. He gave her a firm kiss to drive home his point. 

Gaga knew she would continue to fight him on this but momentarily gave into his kiss opening her mouth to him just as Natali walked in. Natali immediately turned around. "I have got to stop walking in on you like this." The two barely broke apart. "Sorry but Bradley your mom called -"

"My mom?"

"Yea, she had my number from before and said you weren't at the hospital when she woke up this morning... Dad told us earlier he let you in last night. She's worried about you. Can I turn around now?"

Gaga closed her robe and hopped off of Bradley's lap much to his disappointment. "Natali, stop being dramatic. Phone, please."

Natali handed over her phone. "There's breakfast downstairs but mom said we really should get Bradley back." With that she left them alone.

Gaga pulled up Gloria's number and handed Bradley the phone, who refused to take it. Even acting like a child, made her fall even more. But like a child helpless and hurt, she had to do what was in his best interest. She pressed a kiss to the side of his head and pressed call. "Get dressed...." she whispered. "Hi, Gloria...yes, he's with me-with us....Yes, he's fine. No, don't worry...Yes, go on home and change...we are going to eat and bring him right back...I'm sorry for the scare... ok, take care, bye." Gaga knew Bradley was likely mad at her while he finished getting dressed but she knew she needed to do right by his health, even if it meant separating from him again. 

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