Go to Sleep

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Gaga brushed through her wet hair, meeting Bradleys eyes in the bathroom mirror, a soft smiled playing at her lips. Bradley ran his hand through his hair just before slipping a fresh shirt on. He caught her eye again as he placed his towel in the hamper. Bradley looked through his travel case that his mother just dropped off and made sure everything was there before he zipped it back up, quickly looking into the mirror to meet Gaga's eyes once more just as she finished putting moisturizer on her face. They smiled content in their little quiet bubble after their remarkable shower. Bradley snaked his arms around her petite figure, kissing her temple. She leaned back into his chest, enjoying the safety of his embrace. "You ready to talk yet?" 

"In a minute." Bradley just breathed her in and enjoyed how perfectly they fit together. "I definitely said I loved you." He hung his head in her neck.

"You did." She responded matter of factly. "And so did I...Want to take it back, big guy?" She gives him a quick nudge so he could meet her eyes. 

"Absolutely not." Bradley kisses her cheek, turning her around. "I love you. I just wanted to make sure you heard it."

"I love you, too." She whispered into his ear. "I can't believe you're back."

"It actually is much more miserable knowing everything in my head right now. It's not pretty. I thought I would be relieved when in fact it actually feels worse but you..." Bradley wrapped held her hands. "...but you make it so much better."

"We're in this together. Ready?" Bradley nodded and the two made their way downstairs. Joe waited for them at the bottom of the stairs. "Hi, daddy." Gaga kissed her fathers cheek and walked towards the kitchen. Joe stood staring at Bradley as he reached the last step. 

"Your hair's wet too." Bradley shoved his hands into his pockets, nervous about his insinuation. Joe pulled him into a hug. "It's nice to meet you, all of you, officially." Bradley hugged back. "Thanks for protecting my little girls." Bradley nodded feeling proud and comfortable in the mans strong hold. "Also, Cynthia has a dinner spread with our name on it, buddy." He punched Bradley's shoulder and walked him into the dining room. 

"Bradley!" Gloria stood from the table to finally hug her son. "You had me worried sick when you left the hospital. Is it true? Stefani came down to grab your things and mentioned you remembered...but is it true?"

"Yea, ma. I honestly remember everything. I even remember the shit job I did on your kitchen." Gloria laughed and guided him to sit. The group sat to eat and discuss small talk before the lingering cloud over them settled in. 

"Bradley..." Gaga started. "...tomorrow you have an appointment with at the doctors to finish up your scans so they can clear you for discharge." Before he could interject, "...I'll go with you and once they clear you. We have to go speak with the detective on the case. Give your final statement and be done with it." Before he could argue, she grabbed his hand, the family baring witness to this new relationship, "We have to be done with this. We have to move on. I want to move on...with you." Bradley looked around the table, finally feeling whole. He nodded and kissed her knuckles. Though he still refused to speak about the shooting, he promised he'd open up soon

"Your dad is awesome." Bradley stated exiting the bathroom, turning off the light. They spent the rest of the day getting to know each others families, pretending everything was ok for the sake of all their mental health. "I honestly think I'll be like him when I'm older. Eat, sleep, pull my finger jokes, tease my kids." Bradley laughed staring at Gaga from across the room sitting in the middle of her bed. She threw her head back laughing at his description of her dad. "God, you're beautiful." Bradley declared making his way over to her. She smiled accepting him into her arms. 

"Fart jokes huh?" Bradley laughs and nods, burying his head into her lap. "And kids?" She casually asks. 

He looks up meeting her eyes. He's actually never thought about them before but the idea just happened to shoot out of his mouth after acknowledging and respecting the man that Joe was. "Yea. I think so. You?" Gaga simply nodded, knowing it's something she's always wanted. 

"You had a long day and you have an even longer one tomorrow. You ready?" Bradley shook his head no and began kissing her as a distraction. "Mmm, oh really?" Bradley nodded and pulled her shirt up to leave open mouthed kisses on her stomach, taking his time to leave an extra tender kiss on her scar. "Well, sorry to break it to you but you don't have a choice. You need rest." He lifts her shirt higher to suck on one of her  nipples. "Mmm, is this what you want?" She felt him nod and she quickly turned them over, straddling him in one motion. Gaga could see and feel he was ready to do more than just sleep. "You know we have all the time in the world for this, right?"

Bradley bowed his head, saddened by his thoughts. "You don't know that." Gaga could see the hurt in his eyes. "I don't want to miss one more second of being with you." He turned them back over, pinning her hands above her head. "I just want to show you how happy you make me. I want to show you that love all night long." She could see in his eyes that he was still scared he was going to lose her again, or similarly lose himself. Gaga felt him use his knees to separate her legs. "And baby, I need to see you cum again and again and again...." 

While she let Bradley start to remove her clothes, his statement crawled around her skin. She didn't want to wake up and lose him either. "Well then, I don't want to keep you waiting any longer." She said in a sultry voice. The new couple christened every inch of her bed and floor, Bradley never growing tired.

"Baby, I can't!..." Gaga came again and again, fulfilling Bradley's needs over and over again. His body was made for hers and hers was made for his, both shocked at their perfect fit. Their souls must have been acquainted in another lifetime —it was a mystery how they knew every spot that set the other on fire. Their hearts slowed and Bradley continued to kiss her neck. The beast that ravaged her multiple times before, now a soft and gentle man, familiarizing himself with her body once again. "Baby, look at me." She could feel his smile as he tickled her sides. "Bradley, no." She felt his thumb circle her sensitive clit, causing her to shutter. "Bradley, we can't stay up having sex all night. You have a long day tomorrow."

Bradley grows serious and buries his head in her neck in love with their mixed smells. "I can't imagine waking up and not remembering you again. You already helped get me here once."

Gaga pulls his face to meet hers, saddened by his words. "Oh baby, that won't happen. I won't let you forget. You need to sleep to heal. If you go on like this then your body won't get better." He nodded. He didn't like it, but knew she was right. Bradley slid off of her. "Don't you get mad at me. I should be mad at you." She turned the lights off, seeing Bradley smile at his bad behavior. They cuddled close to each other. She grabbed his hand and placed it in between her legs, hissing at her sore center, showing him exactly what he's done. "You've had your fun, get some rest."

"What, no story?" 

"Once upon a time, the prince fucked the princess into a coma. The End." She turned in his arms to go to sleep.

Bradley laughed gently into her ear. "Once upon a time, a lost man found the most beautiful flower in all the kingdom and he promised he'd move heaven and earth to protect the prefect miracle, no matter what dangers lie ahead or remain to be unseen. Goodnight, beautiful." 


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