Change of Plan

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"Type in the numbers, old man!" Martin Scorsese adjusts his glasses and mutters to himself trying to recall his account configuration and ignoring the masked man pressuring him. 

"Leave him alone! He's trying to give you-" 

One of the gunmen grab Laura Dern by the hair and drag her over to Marty. "Ok big mouth, you're going to sit here until he figures it out, or else one of you is not going to walk out of here alive. Got it!" 

Bradley kissed the side of Gaga's head as they listen to the altercation. They each had gone back and forth on what to do. Gaga felt helpless. Part of her wants to say fuck them and find a way out, call the cops and then fall into bed with Bradley. Of course she was exaggerating, she barely knew him but she desperately wanted this nightmare to be over and wanted to get to know the man who was protecting her. The majority of Hollywood hadn't even welcomed her so kindly and the only person who had, was already tightly wrapped around her. If it wasn't for Natali, Gaga would have immediately pulled Bradley to try and leave. However, the morals her mother instilled in her were very high and she knew she had to do the right thing. 

Bradley felt Gaga kiss his hand and he quickly looked around for an exit. He wanted to get her out of this situation as soon as possible. He didn't know much about her but what he gathered from public knowledge was she's had a hard life. He was proud that she was holding it together as well as she was. His mother taught him better and his catholic guilt was eating him alive. 

The two looked at each other knowing they needed to do something. "There has to be something we can do, B." 

Bradley smiled and touched her face, loving her little nickname for him. He kissed her head once more time. "Get up. I'm going to see if there is something in here we can use." Bradley grabbed a broom stick. "Maybe I can knock one of them out-"

Gaga stood up, his jacket revealing parts of her perfect body. "You're crazy. You're not going anywhere near them."

Bradley gripped the broom, trying out a swing for size. "You worried about me, beautiful?" He smiled checking the grip on the broom.

Gaga felt silly for showing her interest in him so quickly. She blushed and looked down. "No-I just-" She felt his hands slid under the jacket and wrap around her small waist, gliding over her lacy, cheeky bottoms. 

"I'm worried about you, too." Bradley seriously says, his piercing blue eyes communicating more.

"How about a distraction?"

"Ok..." Bradley places the broom down and presses her against the wall with his body, kissing her passionately. 

Gaga quietly laughs and pulls away. "I mean what if we cause a distraction."  

"Oh!" Embarrassed Bradley lets her go and backs away. What felt like ages was really only 5 minute of them thinking. "I got it; sprinklers. If we can set them off, then the fire department will have to come, right?"

"We can't start a fire, we're locked in here." Bradley nodded at her reasoning. "But maybe smoke will do the trick?" Gaga continued. Together they tied stringy rags to their broom sticks. "Where are we going to find matches?" 

"There has to be something around here. Half the people here smoke." Bradley removes his shirt, leaving him in his undershirt. 

Gaga quickly picks up his shirt and replaces his jacket and buttoning a few buttons, now feeling more mobile. "There that's better." She rolls up her sleeves. 

Bradley looks at her in his shirt and internally groans at how sexy she looks. "You ready?" He slips his hand into hers and guides them quietly out of the closet. The coast is clear. Their hearts are beating out of their chests. Bradley slips them into an empty dressing room. Bradley watches the door as Gaga searched the room quietly. No luck. They quickly slip into another dressing room. Gaga happily jumps showing Bradley that she found matches and a lighter. Bradley kisses the side of her head and whispers. "Ok, I just thought of something." Gaga looks up at him, nervous over a change in plan. "You see that?" She nods seeing a small door on the floor backstage. "I'm pretty sure that leads to the back of the theater." Gaga shakes her head no before he finishes. "Shh, listen to me. Hey, listen, I'm going to run through and trigger a sprinkler on that side and you can do the one out here." Gaga continued to shake her head no. "Hey, all you have to do is trust me. It'll be ok." Gaga started to tremble knowing he was going to leave her but even more so knowing he was going to run directly into the group of men. "Look over there. That exit isn't chained. When it goes off, those doors will open. I want you to run-"


"Baby, you have to run and get help."

"I don't want to leave you." She quietly cried. 

"I'll be right behind you. I'll look for your sister, too. Ok?" Bradley rubs her arms. He grabs her face for a tender kiss. "Remember, I owe you more of those when we're out of this ok?" The pit in her stomach didn't feel any better but she nodded grabbing his head for one more kiss showing him exactly what he needed to come back for. Bradley's heart pumped faster feeling her silky tongue and her soft lipped promise. Bradley connected their foreheads. "1...2..."

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