Little Tony

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"He's still sleeping." Gaga quietly moved around the kitchen, serving John and his partner coffee. "It was bad in there, John. I know it wasn't very long but for someone who had just come out of the hospital and in his condition and on top of all that; innocent..." Gaga just balled up her fists at the thought. 

"I know. I know. I hear you. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do..." John looked up to see Bradley enter, putting his shirt on and quickly giving Gaga a kiss on the lips before shaking John's hand. "Bradley, how are you doing?"

"I've been better."

"I need to tell your parole officer your location. This is strictly to prevent any implication of possibly fleeing before the hearing. I was going to give them your home address but..." 

Bradley rubbed his neck and looked up at Gaga. "He's going to stay here, with me... if you want to." Bradley smiled and brought her into his side, kissing the top of her head. 

"OK, then. Well, I'll get that set up and Bradley, believe me, we are doing our best." Bradley nodded  knowing there wasn't much they can do. "We'll be in touch." The lawyers handed their empty cups back and saw themselves out. 

"You sleep ok?" Gaga turned in his arms looking up at him, hoping by some miracle he felt better. 

"I slept more than I had in a long time. Thank you." 

Gaga pulled away to work on breakfast but to her surprise Bradley removed the pan from her hands and started to cook. She simply leaned back against the counter admiring her boyfriend in action. "My parents and a friend are coming over. I hope you don't mind but we've been doing our own investigating."

Bradley smiled to himself while he worked his way around the kitchen with her help. "My little detective back in action." His heart warmed over her determination but a darkness continued to shadow his spirit.

As he served their plates, Gaga pulled his large arm into her to look her in the eye. "Hey, I'm not giving up and neither should you." Before he could argue, "No, none of that. I can't lose you again. I won't." Her voice cracked threatening to reveal her emotions.

Bradley pulled her in, kissing her hard showing her he was there right there with her. "Ok." He simply said, knowing he couldn't win a fight with her. They ate and spoke of this and that. Their conversations always flowing with similar interests and morals. "I might have to head home to change-"

"Sure. Um, also...I did buy you some clothes and some other things...just in case you need anything...I hope that's ok." Gaga grabbed their plates avoiding eye contact, hoping she wasn't crossing any lines. Bradley bit his lip and slowly met her in the kitchen, pulling her back flush against his chest. 

"You did?" She nodded, avoiding the blush that creeped up her body. "For me?" She tried to brush it off like it was nothing. "My girl really is trying to keep me here, huh?" She turned in his arms embarrassed. "And I love it. Thank you. And for letting me stay." Gaga looked up, getting on her tippy toes to pepper his lips with tiny kisses. His hand wrapped around her waist, feeling the warmth of his skin. Before Bradley could explore too much the front door opened and Gaga sent Bradley away to change. By the time he came down he felt like he entered another world. 

"Bradley, glad to have you back." Joe shook Bradley's hand with a hug, leading him further into the living room. "Let me introduce you to Vin, Vinny, Goose, Pauly and this is Little Tony." Cynthia gave Bradley a hug and squeezed his arms, helping him relax seeing the group of intimidating Italian men. Natali greeted Bradley as she brought in a try of food. Gaga also came in with more food and drinks and gave him a reassuring smile. 

"Hi fellas." Bradley meekly said, watching the men nod and start to eat. Little Tony, who was far from being 'little' was first to fill his plate. Bradley took his seat close to Gaga and gave her a questioning look. 

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