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"Holy shit. It's Robert DeNiro!" One of the gunmen pokes Robert with his gun. 

Robert stoically crosses his arms, almost annoyed. "Listen fellas, why don't you let us know what's going on instead of threatening everyones life. Better yet, let us go. And get that thing out of my face." 

The man points his gun at Roberts head who in turn puts his hands up. "I said no tough guys!" Gasps are heard and people start to stand up in discomfort considering running to the chained doors. Gaga slides her other hand over her and Bradley's interlocked hands. "You think we are fucking messing around? If we were messing around, don't you think we would just casually pick-pocket one of your wallets? Stella. purse or two? This is bigger than any of you can imagine. So sit down. Shut the fuck up and no one gets hurt." 

Another man slowly walks over to Nicole Kidman. "And you may be pretty, but you sure are stupid if you haven't realized by now that your phones don't work in here." He gently takes her phone from her hands. He tosses it on the floor and walks over it, cracking the screen. "Ok, listen up, enough with the formalities. Each of you will organize a money transfer from your accounts into, you guessed it, ours. It will be painless, easy, if you just cooperate. It will be quick, if you just cooperate. We'll be gone and out of your lives and you can get back to your little trophy show, only if you cooperate. Do you understand?"

Denzel Washington stands up, walking towards the man smiling. "Alright son, that's enough. We are innocent people. You don't want to-" The man hits him with he back of his gun. Denzel charges the man but is held back by his wife to avoid further harm. 

"Like I said. Let's make this quick and painless." Some men continue standing guard, while specific men with heavy duty laptops start with the bigger ticket millionaires and begin the transfer process.

Bradley rubs his thumb over Gaga's knuckles, seeing her praying with her eyes closed. A guard wanders over to their table coming to stand directly next to Gaga. He takes his gloved finger and tilts her face to look up at him. Bradley fumes at the small gesture. "You're Lady Gaga, right?" She timidly nods. "What are you even doing here?" He laughs. "Don't get me wrong. I'm glad you are." He bends down, his gun still very much on display. "You're fucking gorgeous. Look at you. But this dress doesn't suit you at all, pretty little thing. Stand up." She loves her dress. It took her a while to chose but as soon as she saw it, she fell in love and was excited to attend the show for her first time in something so beautiful. All eyes are on her as the man takes her hand to help her up. Gaga lets go of Bradley's hand. He looks around her and takes her chin roughly, bringing her face close to his disgusting, masked face. "Take it off." Gaga doesn't move and Bradley goes to stand but the man points his gun at him and Gaga shakes her head at Bradley. "Take it off, or I will." Gaga reached to unzip her side. She has probably suffered more trauma than anyone in this room but she is stronger for it, this will not break her. She lets the pink feathers fall to the floor, leaving her in a black lacy lingerie set and 6 inch platform heels. The man groans at the reveal using his gun to feel up her body, the cold metal sending shivers down her spine. Bradley is shaking in fury and stands up pushing her behind him. "I swear to God, Hangover, if you don't back off, I-"

"Ace!" The man is distracted and Bradley pushes Gaga further behind him while Ace looks over to his boss.

"You hang tight babygirl, I'll be right back and I'm going to warn you right now, you better back down before things get real messy." The man called Ace follows orders and meets with another man over a difficult account transaction.

"Are you ok?" Bradley sits them down, taking his jacket off for her to cover herself with.

"Are you crazy?!" Gaga quietly scolds, slipping into his jacket, hitting Bradley's chest and immediately folding back into his open arms. "Stop getting in front of that gun. You'll get yourself killed."

The two are shaking as adrenaline and nerves fill their bodies over what happened and what's yet to come. Bradley's mind if race. He starts to notice something from across the room. "Take your shoes off." Gaga frowns confused, clutching at Bradley's shirt. "Do you trust me?" She doesn't know why but she does and proceeds to quickly remove her shoes.  He finally looks down into her warm and fearful eyes. The secure nod she gives him fills him with everything he needs to know. Before Bradley could explain himself, a gunshot is heard and everyone screams and panics; chaos ensues. They see a guest rush the gun man and the gunman shot into the air during the struggle. People start to scramble and Bradley grabs Gaga's hand rushing her backstage. He saw this room during rehearsals and didn't second guess his instinct to hide there.

"Everyone hands up! Hands up and on your knees!" The gunman shoots into the air again to calm everyone down. 

Backstage Bradley quickly and quietly maneuvers them around as far into the back corner as humanly possible. The room is small and cluttered with prop items. Bradley sits and pulls her down into his lap and they remain quiet in the dark listening over their heartbeats.

Gaga relaxes as best as she can into his warm chest. "Bradley, what the hell is going on?"

"Shh. I don't know." Bradley honestly whispers. He looks down at her beautiful face. The world around them crumbling, yet there she was an angel in his arms. He loosened his hold on her and softly lifted her chin up. "We're going to stay in here, are you ok with that?" Gaga sadly agrees. She burrows into his neck nodding. He hesitated holding her tighter but when he heard her sniffle, he tighten his arms around her. "Are you ok?" She looked up meeting his eyes.

"I need to know my sister is ok. My God, what's going to happen? I'm just scared, Bradley. Aren't you?"

"Well, yes but..." Gaga searched his eyes, she needed to hear whatever it was he was going to say if only for a distraction. "...we have to stay positive. Everything will be ok. Your sister is going to be ok. We'll be ok and we'll get out of this." Gaga nodded and smiled. "What?"

"Nothing. You're sweet and handsome. It's just shocking that's all." Bradley blushed at her comment. They heard gun shots and flinched. Gaga almost sobbed at the sound but Bradley held her tight, whispering sweet things in her ear. He slide his hand under his jacket and rubbed the bare skin on her side. Gaga calmed to his touch and curled deeper into his embrace. 

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