A Flash

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Gaga smoothed out the sides of her hair and looked down at the perfectly matching loungewear outfit that she picked out today. Her head sprang up the moment the door opened. "Hi, Gaga, I apologize for being late. I wanted to do some extra stretches for your last day of physical therapy and needed to find these resistance bands." 

"Oh, that's ok. I didn't mind waiting." She looks back at the door hoping Bradley was soon to follow. As her session continued on and her stretches and workout became more extensive all the way until her cool down, she continued to wait and wait. "Thank you for all of your help. I'm sorry if I was ...difficult at first."

"Oh please, the pleasure was all mine and it's completely understandable. You and so many others from that horrid attack have gone through so much. It was just so nice to meet you!" The therapist and Gaga hugged as they said their final goodbyes. She felt her inner light start to fade again. Gaga now stronger in her walk and posture, walked passed Bradley's closed door and toward her room. She paused to knock until a nurse mentioned he was in with his girlfriend. Gaga painfully smiled and walked to her room.

"Hey Nat, Hey Dr. S." Gaga shook the doctor's hand and sat to join the two in her room.

"Hey LG, I was just telling Natali how you and your family have been the kindest people especially considering the circumstances of you being here. You look like your core is stronger now, any pain?"

"Thank you Dr. S. No, just a little pain in my abs, that I think are just sore more than anything. The stitches are itchy but I feel ok." Gaga stretched and touched her side checking to make sure everything was in working order. 

"Great. You're healing nicely. Your physical therapist said you did great yesterday. I'm going to check in with her again but on my end I have no problem with discharging you as early as tomorrow morning. How does that sound?" How does that sound? It sounds like she will be further from Bradley than she has been in days. 

"That's great. Thank you for everything. Your work is truly remarkable and I am forever grateful." Gaga hugged her doctor. She and Natali waved as he left the room. 

"That's great news, Stefi! I'm going to text mom and then want to grab a bite downstairs? Bobby said that he would set up some PT sessions for when you are back at the house...." Gaga nodded while Natali carried on talking. She unconsciously touched her small bandage thinking of Bradley. "Did you hear me?"

"Sorry what did you say?" 

"I said I'm ready to go eat." 

Natali and Gaga walked past the nurses. Gaga was tempted to knock to see if he wanted her to bring him back anything. Before she could step towards his door. "Hey hon! We heard the good news. We're going to miss you around here." Gaga smiled at the nurses, who have been so great to her the entire time. "Sorry, Hon. He still hasn't left that room." The nurse shot her an apologetic look. 

"Oh, that's ok. And thank you for everything. Though I'm sad to say goodbye...I'm excited to go home. I'll be sure to stop and say goodbye." 

"Brad, do you want me to go get help?" 

Bradley held his head, molding his palms into his eye sockets. "No, I just wish I could fucking remember one thing. I've asked the doctors for anything, a slight clue, even the fucking date for God's sake!" Irina backed away not sure how to help Bradley.  Bradley had already missed PT and was exhausted and in pain. The date, he thought. "I need fresh air." Irina nodded and watched Bradley exit the room. Bradley strained his blood shot eyes and nodded at the nurses who smiled back. He made his way casually over to the waiting room and looked around making sure no one noticed. He picked up a magazine and looked at the the year. "2019. Fuck. An entire year." Bradley whispered under his breath trying to remember anything but the more he tried the more his head hurt. He felt a small victory in knowing the year. He flipped through the magazine and nothing caught his eye, all the ads seemed the same until he turned and saw her. His eyes marveled at the full page spread of Gaga, her pink feathery gown flowing behind her radiant face. 

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