The Plan pt. 1

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"Trouble in paradise?" Sarah finishes the final touches on Gaga's make up, feeling the tension in the home from the quiet superstar. 

"If you want to call getting held at gun point, going through absolute hell only to then get shot with the love of your life-" Gaga stopped surprised over hearing her own confession. Love of her life. She looked down at her trembling hands.

"That's quite the declaration. I think you guys have had it far from easy but that kind of love... if that's how you truly feel then, seems pretty darn close to paradise to me. Seriously, you ok?" 

"I'm just nervous is all." Gaga watches as Bradley walks back through the room to collect his phone. 

"You ok?" She quietly asks. Bradley's been in his head all day. He catches her eyes. "I said, you ok?"

Bradley nods. "Why wouldn't I be? My girlfriend is about to be center stage to the men who gunned us down. No big deal." 

Gaga pulled away from Sarah to stand in front of Bradley before he could exit the room. She grabbed his face."I can't go up there with you mad at me. You need to focus today. We need to do this right. Hey, look at me." She kissed his lips, urging him to look at her. "I'll be ok. We have tons of undercover security. We went through this a million times with Tony so just stop with the attitude." Bradley kissed her cheek and walked around her. 

Sarah played with her brush. "For what it's worth, his heart is in the right place. He's terrified of losing you or worse." Gaga nodded, understanding. 

Bradley kept Gaga away from most of the preparations for tonight —speaking with Little Tony and his team in private. Her private car arrived and she never felt more alone. Peter exited the secret room after being briefed on the nights activities and immediately guided Gaga out the door. Bradley ran out of the room and caught her elbow. "Come here. Give me a kiss." He pulled her in for a small embrace. The two stood before each other, both hearts still beating as one. Bradley pulled her back softly. "I'm right behind you. Please, be careful. Stick to the plan." He whispered into her ear. "I love you so much." 

Gaga finally released the breath she had been holding and let her arms squeeze him tighter. "I love you so much. Please, take care of yourself." Bradley nodded into her palm. They separated after one more kiss and Peter quickly guided her into the first black car. 

Bobby was waiting for her inside the vehicle. "Not going to lie, LG. I'm nervous." She slid her hand into Bobby's easing both of their nerves. As her limo approached the location she mentally prepared for her performance. She smiled for the lingering cameras, the event having already started. Bobby and Peter guided her in as she waved a goodbye for the paparazzi. Once inside things started to slow down. 

"Ladies and gentleman, I appreciate your continued support on my cause and I'd like to derail from our current agenda with a surprise visit from a dear friend." The crowd listened closer as Sean Parker spoke, intrigued over the surprise. The strategically placed men around the room stole glances at each other over a surprise to the evening. The Good Guys paused their current plan to allow for this small change before following through. "Without further ado, here to grace us with her talented voice and heart, Lady Gaga!" Sean clapped and smiled as Gaga held her head up walking out onto the stage. The Good Guys were unsettled to say the least, one man in particular. Ace quickly moved from his stationed area to get a better look, The Guys shooting each other quick glances from across the room. 

"Good evening everyone!" The cheers and whistles helped Gaga regain her energy and confidence. She mentally placed herself in a secure mind space, happy to be apart of a beautiful charity despite their ulterior motives. "I called Sean up the other day, I said Sean, how are you darling?" The crowd laughed. "I said you know I've been having quite a difficult couple of months. In case you guys weren't reading the news, or haven't been online or passed a newsstand or turned on the television..." She joked and the crowd continued to laugh. "But in all seriousness, it has been a hard couple of months and one thing I have learned is to never take for granted my health. I was involved in something that was out of my control and by the grace of God and incredible doctors I am able to stand here and continue to do what I love." The crowd cheered. "So I thank you, Sean and all the benefactors here to support these causes and medical professionals and take my donation as a sign of my gratitude." Sean stood up and waves a check in the air that Bobby handed him and the crown applauded. "Hit it fellas!" The band began to play and Gaga began to do what she was meant to do, sing. Her black dress, like a second skin, moved around the stage in a sultry hypnotizing dance. Her velvet voice bellowed around the room captivating the room.

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